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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Once I read it again I put that together lol
  2. I had a 2 week quarantine or it would have taken me months to get this far lol. I’m glad you are inspired. This project is based around a limited space, limited electrical capacity and time. It might not be how other people would do it but I’ve put a TON of forethought into it. I’ve said many times but this is a dream for me. I didn’t think I’d get to do this for years.
  3. I thought originally you were commenting on how I’m not painting my aquariums but maybe I misread lol. The gray wall is enough for me. I don’t mind seeing a airline tubing or two. Gonna jam them with guppy grass and water sprite anyways lol
  4. Lol i would normal agree but it’s for breeding purposes only. Aesthetics wasn’t a consideration.
  5. Nothing huge to report. Started to run my air lines. I like the coop tubing. It’s a lot more workable than any other tubing I’ve used before. If you like perfectly spaced air valves then keep scrolling lol. I don’t want to focus on angels in the room but I will certainly grab eggs from my 40b from my platinum pearlscale and hatch some out. Additionally grab my best male albino BN and a female and get them going in their own tank for a little fun got a few things going. Need to run the rest of the lines. Finish cleaning up my wires for lights. Also I’m going to shim my racks a bit better so they are the closest to being level. stay tuned!
  6. You are right I should probably see someone for that lol
  7. Always a possibility. 27 tanks is enough to play with for awhile. Definitely on the radar
  8. That’s a great idea but I have a 100 watt service for my home, it’s old so I’m trying to limit it to 15 amp breaker. I doubt it will be a problem heat wise with exhaust and dehumidifier. It’s pretty mild here. Absolute worst case scenario is I keep only fish that can tolerate it for those 2~ months. Again, I think I will be able to manage regardless. We will see
  9. Appreciate that. Not as thorough as I intended but it might help or inspire someone. So small that photos don’t give a great perspective. I’m nearing the end of the build so not sure if I will continue this thread or what the progression will be
  10. Ya plus glass isn’t as accessible, dangerous and harder to work with. Since they are breeding tanks I don’t care if it’s not super clean. Now my display in the house is pristine
  11. Plans as far as live stock? originally corys, psuedomugils and killifish. But since I won’t be able to have an ac I’m afraid the water temp for July august could potentially go to 80 or above briefly on the worst days. So I want to do tetras as a replacement. We will see
  12. Template that’s what it’s called. Brain fart lol. Still haven’t decided on if I’m going to drill feeding holes. I plan on doing pothos in every aquarium so I will eventually drill for them. I have tons of starts as of right now. I’m not certain how well they consume nitrates but I love the look and the root growth will be great for fish and fry
  13. Exhaust lol. But thank you for looking out
  14. Update. Not a terribly exciting one. Started cutting twin wall polycarbonate for lids. 8 foot sheets that are 24” wide running about 44 bucks a piece. It’s not cheap but they are the best diy lids. Easy to work with, super sturdy and light weight. I got 9 done. It will take several hours to do all 27. here’s me using foam board as a stencil. You could just as easily measure but once I cut the foam board i just ripped the polycarbonate length wise so I had the correct width then used the foam board for a perfect fit painters tape is the best for a clean cut Jigsaw super easy but a table saw or making a jig for the straightest cut would be advised. I was able to make TIGHT fit by hand, it’s good enough for me. cheap knobs and cheap hinges with a bit of super glue. I’d advise anyone doing this to get the best hinges they can find that are plastic or acrylic. These ones I got don’t move too well. Also, I used regular super glue. The gel works way better which is what I typically use. Dollar tree only had the more liquidy variety. have I mentioned I love my wife? Lol
  15. Sounds like a fun project but probably not necessary. It’s my understanding that we don’t always need such high bio capacity. Probably an appropriate size sponge filter would have all the porosity you would ever need
  16. Hey you and me both lol. Started working on lids. I will post an update later
  17. Update. We got pressure! With 35 taps open full blast it was just by passing my line that i dropped. I gave it a minute to build and restricted them all slightly. May take a little tuning. Thanks for the help!
  18. I will give that a shot. It’s probably something stupid but obviously I have yet to figure it out lol
  19. I think it’s worth noting that none of the valves are hissing, it I put my finger under them it’s a faint amount of air. When I start to close up valves I can hear the pump get louder but none of the valves seem to put out any more pressure. does it take several minutes for the system to pressurize or should it be rather immediate?
  20. I gave the t and one joint that I thought might be the culprit. Nothing. It’s got to be something simple
  21. The system is glued minus the t where the pvc goes from pump to the loop. All 35 drops are wide open and I feel barely any air coming out. I grabbed a little line and a bucket of water. There’s not enough pressure to cause bubbles unless I pull the line to the very top of the water line. what valve would say might be plugged?
  22. Installed my closed loop system last night. I dropped 35 lines. It wasn’t really difficult, some steps took a adjustment or two. I was part inspired by dean to get my valves straight and perfect but quickly decided it wasn’t a deal breaker. I currently don’t have the actual pump hooked up to the system I just had it dry fitted to test. That’s when I found out it’s not pressurizing the way it should do to the fact that the first line I dropped doesn’t produce any bubbles. I’m a little perplexed. i reached out to the coop. Candi suggested that putting the pump low wasn’t a concern. Cory of course puts his down low. I haven’t decided yet on a home. haven’t taken many photos yet
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