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Everything posted by Guppysnail

  1. One of my little girls had eggs today. She carries them outside the body behind her anal fin. They are TINY but if you blow the photo up REALLY big you can see them. I pulled her to s specimen cup with some moss for her to lay her eggs on. Weird angle on photo. Looking up from underneath the spec cup. This is from the web. Jen said at 74-75 it takes hers about 10 days to hatch. 🤞🏻
  2. I’m so sorry your fish is not well. This is not epistylis. This looks to be lumphocystis. @Colu may be able to guide you on appropriate steps.
  3. I looked up the Brightwell substrate to be sure of how it affects water chemistry. Based on this statement livebearers may not be a good choice for you. Livebearers need calcium in their water and most prefer higher ph and harder water. What are your water parameters? Ph and gh specifically. Maybe caridina shrimp would be a good option to breed for profit in that setup
  4. I mix it up with live, frozen and commercial. No food has everything but a bunch of different foods usually cover all the bases.
  5. For the duration of the illness just using those foods is fine. Limiting their long term diet to that could cause nutritional deficiencies due to lack of variety to obtain all they need.
  6. I agree with @Tony s. It looks more like rubs than illness. If he has a cave feel the inside. My dad had that happen. The insides of the caves are often unusually rough textured. Jungle tabs and kanaplax heal him right up. I always add 1/8 TEAspoon salt per 10 gallons for dad as well and turn bubbles to max by adding extra airstones.
  7. I have had my two Sewellia lineolata for about a year. I raise Aspidora spilotus babies and Corydora melini babies with them. They pair well as long as I use very small grain or powdered food that spreads throughout the tank so the hillstreams are able to get some before the corys gobble it all up. @TeeJay also keeps his with Aspidora.
  8. Love the updates. 20 longs are my favorite. The only tank I like less than a 20 high is a 29. Just too tall for to little surface area. 🤷‍♀️ So excited about all your new critters. I found my first set of Filopaludina martensi did not really seem to thrive or give me babies. Once I bought a set from my lfs I realized how old the ones I got online initially were. Hopefully you get some babies so you can get that line thriving. I already chatted with SJ about buying some of his Micropoecilla picta babies. They are very cool.
  9. It looks like a prolapse. Can you get clearer photos like the second one? I don’t have great eyes but it looks like a potential for camallanus worms. @Colu has treatments for the prolapse and possibly can see better than I can.
  10. I agree with @AllFishNoBrakes on the tetra 150. I switched to using these from the already pretty quiet battery backup ones just because I had to many running. I run 5 of them and they are even quieter than those. I run 8 lines powering 4 tanks each very easily.
  11. As for the microfauna as your tank matures the microfauna appear. The my come in on plants, eggs come on food. I always start with adding ostracods seed shrimp. Then along come copepods and daphnia. The detritus worms will find their way in after that. I am the oddball I enjoy several types of hydra. They are fascinating predators that hunt the microfauna. It is an entire micro universe in our tanks. If you have access to a microscope it does not need to be high powered, scoop up a drop of the debris in the substrate. It a soap opera going on down there.
  12. Snails are so awesome. I would get Leroy a friend or two. They lay eggs on the glass above the water so population is easily controlled. As far as Nerite type. Choose the ones you like the color of. Some very fun snails that you can see have babies without getting overrun with babies are livebearing snails. There are rabbit snails @Lennie . Japanese trap door snails. You can click on the links in my signature to see more on Taia naticoides Piano snails Filopaludina martensi White Wizard snails My recommendation if you are stocking the tank with other snails avoid the ones that are labeled “pest” bladder, pond, ramshorn or Malaysian trumpet. Snails need to be offered their own food not just algae and whatever the fish miss. Blanched vegetables, algae wafers, calcium foods to keep the shell healthy. When you are Feeding Leroy and whatever others you decide on that food will get gobbled faster by the “pests” than your pet and the “pest” will over populate. I love all snails including “pest” snails. I’ve run enough snail tanks to know the outcome though.
  13. I have 1m-3 f. I originally got 14 very young. All were girls so I swapped 5 f for 3 m with a friend. My gertrudae do good 2f-1 m
  14. I forgot how young danios start going at it. Added a bunch of pogo to the tank to fill it in yesterday. Today I saw the boys sparring. I put in a collection cup and they were checking it out the minute my hand left the tank.
  15. there are many types of pond snails all look a bit different but the point goes down or to the right. Bladder snails are one of the few snails whose whorl-point goes left.
  16. They spawn all day long. Only a few eggs at a time and are egg eaters along with the Aspidora spilotus in the tank eating eats from the mop. To collect enough I would have to use 2 mops a day each day for a week. It’s just not practical for me. If I were doing large outdoor tubs though that’s exactly how I would do it.
  17. @jwcarlson this helps. It’s my old folks egg collecting gear 🤣
  18. Breeder box. I drain the mop and collect the eggs. I can’t see the eggs at all unless I drain the mop they are invisible. Once the mop drains I can see them. I’ll take collection pics today on the mop if I remember
  19. They seem robust. However when they arrived to my friend who held them for a week or so, 1-DOA, 1-lasted a day only a day, 1- fell a few days later. Im taking no chances with these because I’m not certain how hardy they are. I’ll be swapping collection cups as soon as I see them spawn each time to try to maximize the yield. The hardiness may be getting reported as less because these are still being mostly wild collected is my understanding vs tank raised like Beckford ms. 🤷‍♀️
  20. These guys settled in very quickly. They inspected inside the moss collection cup. One boy claimed it and would not allow the other in. I may need to put 2 separate cups in. They have started sparring for dominance and mating rights. These guys are so fun to watch.
  21. I was keeping these in my main journal. I started collecting eggs last week for the breeder program at the club. I’ve found it much easier to keep each critter in a separated journal to track the hatch and growth times on fry for writing my spawning reports. These are a CARES species. Ive had these since last summer. I did try floating spawning mops but they avoided them or so I thought. They hunt the substrate all the time until I walk in the room then they are upper mid level swimming immediately. I started checking the mops anyway but saw nothing. I was frustrated and pulled the mop laying it over the edge of the trash can deciding to give up. Roughly 20 minutes later I grabbed the mop to rinse it out. What did I see but eggs 😳 These are tiny and crystal clear. Impossible for me to see against a wet mop but show up easily once the mop drains a bit. I also find running my fingers gently down each strand many eggs I miss seeing just stick to my fingers. I think these are even stickier than corydora eggs. These take 10 days to hatch so wish me luck.
  22. @Rube_Goldfish at the beginning of this video behind the two new hatch melini Cory fry to the right are some of my seed shrimp. You can’t see them up close but you can see their movements. If you blow the video up full screen you can see the fairly well
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