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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Welcome to the school @Dave Gillette! I'm sure there are some keepers than can help you with tankmates on those!
  2. @Beardedbillygoat1975 is correct about plants (as he has a Flex as well)- in my 9 I have Bacopa Caroliniana- this stem plant is great because all you need is a few stems to start, then when they get tall enough you can trim to whatever size you'd like and replant the trimmings for more plants. I also have Java fern, both Narrow Leaf and Windelov- these are rhizone plants that you just glue to wood, rocks, decor or other substrate and they will also propogate new plantlets you can use- then my favorites in this tank are 2 Anubias Nana also rhizone plants to attach to something (Nana is a smaller species because some get rather large). Nana- which is attached to a twig and bits of the Java show in this pic.: They all grow very well in this tank with limited light options- I put my lights on white/orange combo brings out the green in the plants and isn't obnoxious like blue. Purple/White not too bad either. These plants are great for the newbies to start with- and frankly the best kinds for this model of tank.
  3. It might have to be a significant sum- here's why I think so. I use 2 Catappa leaves to make a "tea" in a stock pot and then use that to help fill 1 gallon jugs (about 2-3 cups of tea per jug give or take). I use this water to do water changes in all my tanks. I've been doing this for months and there has been no waiver in my ph which is 7.4-7.6 in my tanks OTHER than my 4 gallon cube which did make it to 6.8. I'd say start with 3 or 4 if you're putting them directly in the tank and see what they do.
  4. Let the Squirrel Splooting begin!! (I keep my windows a little dirty so birds don't fly into them)
  5. My Otos only like cucumber (and specifically English), I just cut the skin off and use a veggie clip on the side of the tank. I have not needed to blanch cucumber for them and by the next day the cucumber usually is very soggy or falls apart.
  6. So today I tidied up the Angry Man Tank a bit- it's time to move Punk the Bolivian Ram to his new home, he eats fine but he's clearly moping so I can't stand it anymore. Some of the plants needed a trim and I had to remove a pot that had failed plants in it anyway- in order to make space for the coconut hut. I moved a ceramic food bowl in case I have to target feed him at some point some bloodworms. His space- if he chooses to use it is to the right. The temp of the QT and the Angry tank were very similar so I just caught him and plopped him in. He moped in the far right corner under the house for about 30 minutes but he's already started to color up and as I type this he's bit by bit exploring the bottom of the tank- proving he can actually swim just didn't want to. Rasboras and Neons seem curious but are just doing their own thing. This should work out just fine.
  7. Ahh gotcha. Yea but usually their groups are 3 or so not 6 or more like cory and oto. If you ever find some raised in water like yours they would be an option- Hillstreams can be tank bred.
  8. @nabokovfan87 I have a feeling my ram will be like yours. He just kinda sits on the QT floor on his fins. He can swim but doesn't much and eats very well (this is usually when he's movtivated to swim/move). His color comes and goes- but other than that no physical signs of illness. Never had a Ram or any sort of Cichlid myself so I'm just trying to get to know what his "normal" is. 80%sure it's a boy from what I can tell of the information I searched out on the net. I think I need to move him sooner rather than later and I think he'll be more comfortable- this may be today. I have to rearrange things in his future home a bit- he likes the coconut house in QT so I'm going to make a space for that so he has a place to retreat if he feels like it.
  9. You have wonderful plans. I totally know how the Flex are having a 9- which is why I opted for 1x Nerite and 1x Hillstream Loach and I really love that combination. Maybe consider a few of those? They are really fun- and they'll use the vertical space. I personally have no qualms with your stocking but you tend to get better behavior out of the groups sizes- I think you could still have 4 albinos in the 32 and be good if you wanted to keep them- I just think they get too big for the 15.
  10. Beautiful fish @dolphin, how exciting! Hope your vet visit goes well!
  11. Great start to a journey Pithy! I love the stocking ideas! I can see already where the Cory lovers on the forum are going to see an issue- they as a rule like to recommend 6 Cory as they like to shoal and I tend to believe that to be true (I keep Otos not Cory but agree they seem to like groups of 6 or more). ALBINOS get big- just under 3" so I would put THOSE in the 32 and the S&P who are smaller in the 15. I'd do at least 4 Albinos and 6 S&P- only because I'm not sure the bio load so far because of course you have more fish ideas there. You might consider pygmy Cory or another small species. I happen to really love the Albinos though. The Platy.....you're going to get fry. So have a backup plan for them. Lots and lots of fry.....I mean if you only hung out in a small space and besides eating that was your only entertainment? 🙃 I think everything else looks awesome!
  12. Also @Stephen Zawacki I found they grew more when I fed baby brine- the smaller food is more accessible for them, maybe stop with the fry food for a bit (unless you have to feed fry)- and see if that helps.
  13. Over feeding can cause the hydra- if you tried to clean Hydra off the tank walls you break one, it makes more. You can cease the feeding and see if there is a reduction. Basically they feed from the water column. Some people use Hydrogen Peroxide to kill them but I would caution you to do your homework before attempting that as you can kill fish. In the end, they don't really cause any real problems in the tank but I found that my Hillstream Loach and my Nerites didn't go near the areas where the Hydra was (in a Flex9 so they are already limited on surface space) so I got the male guppies and they are gone, plus I've got some new pretty friends from it.
  14. Hi @Hulkson88, welcoome to the forum. Without further information this could have been stress or illness it already had when you got it home. You'll want to watch for odd behaviors or physical signs from the rest of the tetras. Sadly it is not uncommon to lose fish when you first bring them home. Which is why before adding more fish you'll want to quarantine new ones for illness and observation.
  15. My snails do this- most often I see it when another snail is on them or nearby. I'm sure creatures like snails have itches just like all the other animals in the animal kingdom- it's never been something of concern- I find it kinda funny to watch. If you see too much of this behavior from a lot of them at the same time, that's when I might be concerned. Bladders are very dexterous little snails- a little moreso than some other species like Nerites.
  16. Dunno what it is but you got the image from this site: https://www.saltwateraquariumblog.com/why-you-should-add-a-refugium-to-your-aquarium/ So appears to be a saltwater plant.
  17. In the teeny tiny link in his signature at the bottom of his posts....or here...🙃 Streetwise Indoor Aquariums https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/259-streetwise-indoor-aquariums/
  18. They will be fine- most gravel is not jagged. The only concern sometimes is if they try and dig around they could potentially hurt themselves- theoretically this could happen in any tank. If you want to do a little remodel- a friend of mine has a tank where they put a sand area then an incline into a gravel/rock area the Albino Cory she has are the biggest and happiest I've ever seen. But no, I wouldn't say sand is required. Maybe they just like sandboxes (natural urge to dig). Who wouldn't? 🙃
  19. I was kinda wondering why I got a Cardinal when I'd already had one recently- maybe it was the "tail" end of that supply!
  20. Hmm, never heard that, figured they'd be relatively tough but they've only ever been on my wish list- I've not kept them.....yet..however @Fish Folk may know!
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