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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @gardenman, thanks for that. No. Don't plan on doing that but I'm sure you didn't either! I'm going on a few day trip shortly here and I know all will be fine- thought just came to mind about the snails and a Cichlid I've never kept. I don't think my Rasboras or Neons will bother unless they're really small and parasnailing. The Neons are the only ones that will pick at the substrate- I've never seen my Rasboras do that. Though I'm sure they would if they got really desperate...
  2. Good to see others have patience on here like me. 🙃
  3. Well even if they ate some babies that'd be something. @nabokovfan87 as you reported, mine is super chill too, he likes the four corners of the tank (which are areas of plant/wood cover)- this is also basically what the consensus on internet says they do- so he's totally normal.
  4. Looks like some good "easy" plants they'll do great, be patient with them, they are slower growers!
  5. Did a search didn't see if anyone addressed this on the forum. I have added a Bolivian Ram to one of my tanks. It has quite a few bladder snails and wouldn't mind a little population control assistance. Some of the internet seems to think Rams do eat snails- others don't. Anyone with personal experience or have seen them eat them? I'm not worried about my Horned Nerites as there seems to at least be a consensus there Nerites (especially Horned) are pretty well armored with the smaller Ram present. @Fish Folk? @nabokovfan87? You've both had Rams, experience?
  6. Friend @Corbidorbidoodle is right but if you start with a planting substrate you do not need to go with fertilizers at the get go. Sometimes too that depends on the plants you choose. Personally, I do NO fertilizers in my tanks, no heaters and sponge filters in the majority of my tanks- I am what you call low tech. My plants are beautiful- but I do tend to stick to what is generally known as "easy grow".
  7. Simple answer is yes, your pH will do lots of fun things while you cycle- but it's not the number you will focus on until after the cycle is ended and you decide what's going into the tank (some fish will require certain ph but a LOT of fish will be fine with a good range). YES plant your tank now as opposed to later- it will only help the cycle- and you'll gett some good growth before the fish move in- they and the fish will love you for it. Adding things like wood and/or crushed coral will also change pH- there's lots of tricks you'll find!
  8. Welcome to the forum @cnapolitano, lots of good information all over the forum what's not already answered can always be asked.
  9. @Guppysnail the Audubon Society has literally stated in newsletters that we should consider leaving windows a little dirty- highly reflective windows are a chronic cause of bird strikes/death of birds. ALSO you can use this: they also say to leave the leaf litter and yard waste around- it's beneficial for birds and insects (that they eat) So use away my friend! I defer to the experts!
  10. He was. Mystery snails are just neat all the way around. Expect to get attached.
  11. Gumby may show you without picking them up, it's not hard to tell when you know what to look for. In the pic below this is my old boy Pegasus (R.I.P. Peg) to the left of his face as he turns away from the camera you can see his boy part as an "outie" if Peg was a girl you'd see an "innie" or a hole there. Congrats! They are so cute and so fun to have in the tank.
  12. Ah I gotcha. Makes sense because Discs are in much higher temps- bacteria does love that. What if you added a layer of white gravel on top to reflect? If you're still going with the substrate try. Looks like you were already using white 🙂
  13. The simple answer @Katherine, sadly you really can't. So yes, controlling food and more likely removing excess snails is in your future. Unless someone here has come up with something I haven't heard of before!
  14. YAY DISCS!!!!! I totally agree, I think this is just a good 1x project to see if you can do it (and I think you can). I like the set up! Why is the substrate a potential problem?
  15. Let us know if you find out anything- I'm curious!
  16. Have you tried posting the question on Amazon? Usually someone who has purchased the item will answer. 🙂
  17. Hi @skillet welcome to the forum. If you're talking about the cap- many people do in order to place an airstone inside them (as a lot of them are not designed to put the airstone inside) I've seen people on youtube cut them with garage snips as the plastic is very hard (though they'd probably have to be narrow in most cases). If you're talking about the tube- I've done it with a small fine bladed hand saw.
  18. I think this journal would be helpful for you, @Fish Folk is very likely the most experienced killifish breeder on the forum: Emerald Killifish Journal https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/18207-emerald-killifish-journal/
  19. Oooh, this is a great question for @Guppysnail!
  20. Hi @dolphin I'm wondering...did you contact the seller? Sometimes they can give you good insight as to what it could be. I would maybe even contact a pond supply that sells goldfish/koi I would imagine similar illnesses (if it even is one) could effect them as well.
  21. .......that pic was the day they put them back out....I just texted him about the sauce idea and he said, "too late I've already ordered more for dinner! Next time!"
  22. Soooo funny story, my poor friend always gets food items cancelled or discontinued (or the store is always out) all the time. A small black cloud follows him. Anyway he was pretty mad when TB decided to get rid of the Mexican Pizza. I was the first to tell him it was coming back. And when it did he sent me this.... ....yes, those are all for him.
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