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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Happy Birthday! Glad you got what you wanted! 😄
  2. Paracleanse is for parasites which we know he doesn't have- so no need to add meds that could potentially add stress to an already weakened fish- but I totally get the panic. Do you mean you added Maracyn? If that's the case something like that can be ok if you don't have Kanaplex. Kanaplex is broader spectrum and I've had really good results with it. I would do a water change then redose with either Maracyn or the Kanaplex if you have it. You can use it in the water column but it can also be dosed in food, @colu has that recipe (can search the forum and it will come up). I would do as @nabokovfan87 says adding an airstone won't hurt that's for sure and still do the aquarium salt.
  3. I get it. I probably wouldn't risk it and just go with one or the other. Invertebrates are typically fair game most of the time to the loaches.
  4. @Jonny93s! Oh my gosh your poor Pleco! 😞 I think @Colu has the perfect plan. Something like API Stress Coat (it has aloe in it that may help with his slime coat that I'm sure is dried up) might help too but I'd definitely go with salt and Kanaplex- and anything good and healthy you can get him to eat. Keep his water super clean. Really hope the little one makes it! Keep us updated please!
  5. I think it would depend on if you wanted baby shrimp. The adults might not get bothered but they'd definitely eat the little ones.
  6. @Twigflinger ugh, I'm sorry you're losing shrimp. I can't really tell from the video but I believe it's Planaria that can kill shrimp. If you google that does that seem to be what they look like?
  7. That definitely looks like bacopa! It's easy to grow and propagate (also purportedly good for humans!- I take a Bacopa supplement) I have lots of it in my tanks! Also welcome to the forum @Elias
  8. Hi @A3M0N, congrats on getting this far. I would wait for a bit- maybe about a month before adding any new inhabitants (testing the water to make sure the cycle isn't wobbling)- let the the new ones settle in and season your tank a bit more. Shrimp likely didn't die from old age- they are tricky to acclimate and require certain water parameters and a more seasoned tank. I would definitely not add any more shrimp until your tank's plants have grown in more (I'd suggest definitely adding more plants now- that can be fun and will be very helpful for future shrimp) and you get a more established cycle. This is the time you start planning a Quarantine tank and researching who you'd like to add next- but clean up crews are generally added last- they tend to be more sensitive and require stable tanks! 🙂
  9. Hi @k8nabel. I think @JerryP is onto something- they do tend to be a canary in a coalmine- meaning an indication of other issues. If your water parameters have been testing perfect there is something else that wasn't suiting their survival. Since the changes have to do with filter and water changes this could be a key. Maybe in less water changes minerals they need are not getting replenished. I would try adjusting one thing or the other (meaning either go to water changes or go to cleaning the filter) IF you have any snails left to see if there is a change in die off. I also have to say, I wouldn't replace the Mystery Snail- they require a higher pH (7s to 8.4) your water may be too acidic for them and will die sooner rather than later- I suspect that may be what could have caused the death there. (a quick google search says bladders prefer 7-8)
  10. My Harlequins that are 90% of the time facing the same direction in the tank. Snails and how they are a LOT faster than people give them credit for. Guppies and Endlers and their seemingly NEVER ENDING supply of energy. Plants- how they grow and when and what direction. Otos having babies in my tanks. My Hillstream Loach- how the walls of the tank and decor are scaled and how stealth they are- just generally how odd and how ingenious their physical design is.
  11. I agree that it seems to raise GH some but I didn't find in my tank it raised it much more than 2 or 3 points. It does however keep my KH stable and unless and until that changes I wait to add or swap more.
  12. Oh my @divemaster24 that looks awful- poor thing! It's really hard for me to say for sure but I think that's all an injury- maybe his tail or head got caught and in doing so injured the other. Usually with just one eye popped out it's injury not illness and the tail looks like ripped/injured scales. Test your water parameters ASAP make sure you have 0/0 ammonia and nitrite right away. Keep the water SUPER CLEAN- you can add aquarium salt to help with any potential bacteria infection and keep an eye on it for fungus as you may have to dose meds (so make sure now you have meds on hand for both bacterial and fungus infections if you don't have them go get them). @Colu might have other insights as to medicating or possible diagnosing. Fungal infections will look fuzzy around the area of injury. I'd also check the tank for areas he could have gotten injured. I see some jagged rock in your tank- make sure that's not too close to the tank walls, make sure he has clearance around and behind things.
  13. Crossing fingers and toes for you. Be diligent and they'll make it through you can do this!
  14. THAT is a gorgeous Pleco. 🙂
  15. @modified lung then the cats will take over the earth... ...or the cockroaches. Either way they'll do a better job than us.
  16. @marraybay, hi there! Welcome to the forum? Do you mean Repashy? The gel food? I think that's a great food for fish for sure. Goldfish can be rather ravenous I'm wondering if @GardenStateGoldfish has any good goldfish feeding tips?
  17. Hello @Creekdogg32! Welcome to the forum! Lots of fun to be had here and in the hobby. 🙃
  18. Hi @Bradley welcome to the forum! Beautiful fish! HUGE fan of Plecos
  19. @modified lung, plants are confused here too, my Pomegranate Bonsai tree never lost all its leaves this year.
  20. Congrats @BigJ! It's always exciting! 🤩
  21. @nabokovfan87 is right about planting substrate leaching material into the water column especially when it's really new- this tends to disipate greatly as the tank ages (which is why many people have to fertilize). The substrate generally won't be a physical problem (to clarify what I said before- I know nabo knows this but making sure you know this @drawnitsud). Don't despair- any of the offered advice WILL work- it's just what you are comfortable with. I've done accidental fish in cycles many times and once I knew what was going on I had no losses with diligent water changes and parameter monitoring. Moving them when you have other cycled tanks is always a great option until you get things stabilized in the display- it's all what you are able to do- you are the only one in the situation and know what kind of time and effort you are able to put forth.
  22. You can move them (I'd only put them in the cycled tank but if they're sick you are going to risk making your established tank sick). Your tank might be having a cycle wobble as it is very new. What you are doing now is basically a fish in cycle. As @Colu stated- daily testing and water changes until things are back to normal.
  23. Hi @drawnitsud. I'm very sorry for your loss. No, I doubt it was the substrate. I personally don't see injury in the picture I think I see "burn". You should have 0 ammonia (I see you do) and also 0 Nitrite- I suspect they might have died from poisoning from water parameters. How old is your tank? Corycats do like sand to sift around in and some will try it on harder substrates but generally you're going to see it (injuries) on their barbels first (near their mouth).
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