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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Cinnebuns you are definitely not wrong but I have a very large collection of connectors some are L connectors so I can do those angles sometimes I forget that's not a common one people get. I just got a good mixed bag when I ordered them online! ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. Yes 4 might be too few- often the more targets the less bullying as there are too many targets (this is what we call dither fish). You can see in my tank they take turns chasing one or another so nobody is solo'd out. What's funny is there's two in that tank an all silver Endler named NEL (Never Ending Light) and a small orange/red and black Endler I call Flare that are always together, Flare being the pal- they are the only 2 never really involved in the chaos of the others (they're in the bottom right corner most of that video). I'm not even sure if NEL is actually an Endler or a Guppy but they were in the Endler tank and I liked them at the LFS. ...and thank you for the compliment. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Lemme tell you a little story about my Fluval Flex 9. It was going to be a tank for my last Betta fish but I wanted it well established before I added her to the mix. It took a while because it had some bumps in the road and sadly she ended up passing away before I could add her. What I want to tell you is that it was around that time I gave up on the idea of a "center piece" fish. I'd already added Ember Tetras to this tank (there are 7 at this time) and had plans to add a Hillstream after my Otos didn't work in there (there is 1 Hillstream). I now have 5 Endler males and 4 Guppy males and it is the MOST fun tank in my house to watch- it is NON STOP action. So I've decided centerpiece GROUPS are my favorite. There are so many beautiful color Guppies and Endlers that there's enough diversity in looks/colors and I can even tell them all apart. The other fish just add more color and activity. As long as there's no overt aggression between the males (which there hasn't been thankfully just a lot of chasing) this tank is the most fun of my 5. Here's a short google video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/DVVxuEN8px7zTUkw7
  4. I believe @Minanora was just advising to continue the 10-15 min Epsom salt baths. Epsom isn't used in aquariums, just aquarium salt.
  5. All of my tanks are planted and I've never had an issue with basic levels of aquarium salt killing plants (the amount recommended on the salt container usually a per gallon measurement). If you end up having to increase salt levels it is a consideration to move her.
  6. I'm wondering...is that part of her intestine coming out the back end? I mean yes it could be fungus but I'm wondering if it's intestine and fungus. I'd keep doing the salt baths that can only help the fungus. It's definitely not Ich, that's a whole different ballgame (parasite that translates in a totally different way). Do you have aquarium salt? I might put a little in the tank. It could also be stringy poo.
  7. All this talk and I can't keep moss alive ๐Ÿ˜„ I guess I should be grateful!
  8. You absolutely can make similar things with extra airline and suction cups/connectors. I usually mention this way because it's something we all have on hand.
  9. @Gabs19 I'm very sorry for your loss. They are not easy fish to keep, very skilled/seasoned fish keepers have trouble with them. It feels terrible I know but you did your best.
  10. I subscribe to their channel- prior to the keepfishkeeping version of their channel I enjoyed their basic care guides. I occasionally watch their top 10s but since they started selling Betta fish (which I no longer keep) and mostly keep/talk about those and Cichlids (which I've never kept) I don't watch as much anymore.
  11. Funny not funny to her I'm sure! Yeah it will probably help her stress level too not to be harassed too much. Breeder boxes come in handy, you won't regret that purchase.
  12. I think if the pogo got trimmed by a third the whole tank would be better balanced without adding anything to the right. That said- I'm a fan of a little asymetry in life....
  13. Aww poor little girl. I'm crossing my fingers for you. Maybe a breeder box is in order for her in the main tank?
  14. Hi @Josh333 I'm going to take a stab at this and say it's "Green Wavy" Buce
  15. That is really strange @Chris OB. I'm wondering you didn't mention other parameters like kh/gh do you test for that? also ph. And if you do test for (all of) those is there a difference between the tank they were raised in and the tank they're in now? What is different between that tank and your others? (substrate, decorations, plants, filtration, anything that might give a clue) Temperatures between the two tanks?
  16. Glad you've had no losses. I have little opinion on the plant thing though I have a strong urge to give a haircut to the plant on the left....is that pogostemon?
  17. Hmmm. With the mention of murky water I think you have something else going on here but I'll just address your plant "issue". I would say yes, floating plants have the potential to act as an insulator, light blocker and nutrient sucker. They generally add oxygen and suck up some of the bad stuff but definitely floaters have good and bad things about them. You can buy a corral for your floaters so they are only in certain sections....can even DIY one- I've used airline with connectors and floated them in the tank to keep floaters out of certain areas. There are also some brilliant 3D printed stuff on a popular handmade site that work pretty well. Personally most of those I've found don't work with smaller floaters like duckweed.You didn't mention which floaters you have so I'm just covering the bases. If I were in your shoes and you thought this was causing an issue I would remove some of the floaters when they start to overpopulate the top- gardens love them as fertilizer. For example, every few days I pull duckweed off the top of my 4.12 gallon cube so that it only ever populates 1/3 of the top of the tank- that water gets dumped on my container garden- everyone is happy. I like the look, they keep the water clean- they don't overpower the tank, the other plants get the light they need and I can feed the fish without pushing plants out of the way. If the water is too warm you can put a fan across the top of the water surface (which will require you to have the lid open/off/partway on) this will help. There are also tricks with ice that I've seen on the net in the past but I can't advise you there at all- google time! I'd keep the airstones going if you think heat is a problem.
  18. Hi there, I'm very sorry to see this, I hope she makes it through. Was hoping someone would respond quickly when you posted this that had guppies but since it's been a couple of hours I searched the forum, it appears out med guru @Colu recommended epsom salt....this forum member's guppy didn't make it, I hope you will be able to help yours.... Female guppy prolapse. Warning, graphic photos
  19. I always felt that's what a recreation room was for but people put in bars.....
  20. Very true @Cinnebuns I got my girl Story to the max lifespan of 3.5 years (exactly 3 yrs, 6 months). I discovered the secret to get them far- spay them early- it cuts down on their chance for tumors 90%
  21. Rats were my favorite pet- but after I lost my last girl who I was especially attached to, I couldn't do it anymore. All my girls knew their names, came when called- played games- and were the best companions anyone could have. This was my most favorite of all, Story:
  22. I'm sorry I just dropped my jaw somewhere....
  23. ๐Ÿ˜OH MY GOODNESS. That is too much cuteness. What lovely parents too.
  24. Oh and I apologize @Brandxn I didn't address temp- 76 is fine. I run no heaters in my tanks so the temp fluxes from 72-79 and they breed so apparently what I'm doing works well for them. (I still say 6-7 ๐Ÿ™ƒ- just make sure your tank is well established- in fact I would add Otos LAST to any set up)
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