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Everything posted by Colu

  1. They are pink ramshorn snails just a color variation of the standard ramshorn snail
  2. I have a blue lab pH meter very easy to use you do have to calibrate it every 4weeks it works well and I have a Hanna instrument Hi700 digital ammonia tester that takes about 4 minutes to do a test is really accurate it is a bit pricey for what it is I got sick of trying to judge the color on ammonia test strips and liquid kits it was always difficult to tell the difference between 0 and 0.2
  3. It could be a bacterial infection that has eaten away the skin on the leg frogs have remarkable regenerative abilities so i would just treat with the maracyn and monitor closely for the next couple of weeks
  4. Maracyn and maracyn2 are safe to use with African Dwarf frog's and paracleanse I would just treat with maracyn to help provent any secondary bacteria infection some types of frogs can have a reaction to Malachite green and formaldehyde the active ingredient in ick x so i would be careful when using that medication if you notice any reaction I would do a water change straight away to remove the medication
  5. As your seeing ammonia i would test daily and do daily 50% water change and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero you can also add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will help with ammonia toxicity crushed coral will gradually increase your pH and KH I would definitely some to your filter @iwanttostayanonymous 92074
  6. Expired medication loses it efficacy over time so it will become less effective it won't harm your fish it more then likely won't deal the parasites your using it for I would take it back and get an in date pack
  7. I feed my fish twice a day I only fast once every couple of months when I have work commitments and I can't get back before the timer turns my lights off my bristlenose pleco fry have access to food most of the day as I usually leave vegetable such as cucumber and lettuce in my tanks so they can gaze constantly and have plenty of wood so they can eat the biofilm
  8. Those are stunning if I remember correctly these aren't annual killifish they can live for up to 3 year's
  9. Yes dropsy can be caused by internal bacteria infection polycystic kidney disease internal parasites that why the treatment i recommended treat's a number of these to give a more broad spectrum treatment has been the most effective treatment I have seen used when your fish is suffering from bloating pineconing of the scale's Popeye Loss of appetite
  10. If you have an ammonia test kit I would test it before doing anything else if you have any ammonia I would do 50 % daily water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero
  11. It looks like you might have some foaming at the surface that can be a sign of ammonia and can also cause cloudy water I would check your ammonia @Hawyun
  12. Does look like dropsy with the pineconing the most effective treatment I have found is a combination of kanaplex in food to treat any possible internal bacterial infection feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days metroplex to treat the tank as it treats aeromonas and parasites and aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons that will help reduce any fluid buildup @GisheryGoodness
  13. It's closer to 40 gallons when you take into substrate wood plants filter so I would use 4 packs of general cure or you can add it to food its more effective feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 3 weeks
  14. Nice group of smaller tetras such as x-ray tetras neon tetra glow light tetra would all be a good choice with pygmy Cory's nice smaller L number is L183 starlight bristlenose
  15. I would just treat following instructions on the box it can take three full course of treatment 2 weeks apart to treat Gill flukes
  16. Typically Betta's do be best at 78-82 so the temperature dropping to 70 could be the cause of what your seeing with them I would recommend adding a heater to their tank your platys would be fine going down to 70 i would keep and eye on your Betta's as stress caused by low temperature can weaken their immune system leading to fin rot or ich its possible your female platy was having trouble giving birth that would explain why she looked bloated @venzi
  17. I would test your ammonia nitrite nitrate levels to see if anything off if there hanging near the surface it could be low levels of desolve oxygen or a reaction to the medication what medication did you use
  18. You could add some crushed coral to your filter to help increase your KH in the short term you could add some wonder shell
  19. I still think the best treatment option is to treat with levamisole and paracleanse odd random deaths often happen when you have a parasitic in infection this cover against a broad range of parasites when you have finished you course of paracleanse I would then do a course of levamisole and then follow up the paracleanse then repeat the levamisole then follow again with paracleanse and levamisole
  20. You dose based on the full 36gallons after the water change repeat for a least 3 days after you see the last spot's
  21. I would add a water dechlorinator just for piece of mind spring water can become contaminated because of contaminated surface water that flows though the ground
  22. I think it would be overstocked and you have to take into account the fact that your Endlers are going to breed
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