I am hesitant to use salt because I can't find info on how much Tucano Tetras in particular can handle salt. I assume most other tetras can handle that amount, I think a lot of tetras like the neon have been bred in captivity for generations but idk how much tetras that are newer to the hobby and are possibly even wild caught.
Is it possible the Epistylis is caused by dirty water, I have been trying to monitor their ability to swallow food so a lot of uneaten food is in the tank. I used ammonia neutralizer to try to handle this but I guess I forgot about bacteria count.
My tetras normally cannot swallow food so medicated food is probably not going to do anything, but I noticed my healthier eating a stray copepod seemingly without spitting it, is it possible to find something soft enough for them to swallow? I have been using small amounts of brewers yeast as food but they seem to have to spit that.