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Everything posted by Colu

  1. The EBO veg sticks are a good staple 50%peas 50% pumpkin the spirulina tabs are good for fry and adult bristlenose youngsters grow paste is good for raising fry and getting fish into breeding condition with the higher protein content EBO super soft artemia granules are really good for omnivores and carnivore getting them into breeding condition EBO insect granulate is good for Tetra's guppies and bottom feeding fish like Cory's I got a free sample my tetras really liked it
  2. Your kH is on the low side for guppies so I would add more crushed coral or aragonite to help increase your KH
  3. Am sure I saw a company that supplies EBO in the USA I will see if I can find the name Found it @Guppysnail
  4. What your kH and GH as low levels kH and GH can cause a lot of health problems in livebearers
  5. I just got my Frist batch of tropical hi-algae disc my bristlenose went crazy for it
  6. the chance of plant's introducing parasites is very low I would fast for frist couple of days of Epsom salt baths then start feeding the frozen food
  7. It could be mouth rot I couldn't rule out an injury I would follow up with maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component
  8. Can you get a face on picture of the mouth it's difficult to tell of these pictures
  9. As you have tried fasting and haven't seen much improvement it could be constipation causing the bloating I would try the Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant daphnia and brine shrimp will also help with constipation you can also get bloating with internal parasites have you added anything new to the tank recently @nic
  10. With the symptoms your describing I would just do a deworming treatment I would do two full courses of paracleanse two weeks apart if your not seeing them put on weight after two courses of paracleanse then I would treat with Expel p once a week for 4 weeks I wouldn't do the med trio that more of a preventive treatment
  11. I am considering getting spirulina and chlorella powder to add to my repashy super green to increase the percentage of algae in it I did email repashy but haven't heard back
  12. EBO youngsters grow paste is good for raising fry that require a more meaty diet
  13. When I started feeding EBO foods I had larger and more frequent spawns from my bristlenose plecos I haven't found an EBO food they didn't like
  14. As it doesn't have a fuzzy appearance I think it's just natural colour just slightly lighter at the base of the fins and nothing to worry about I would just monitor for the next couple of weeks
  15. Some of the best food I use for my bristlenose plecos are EBO spirulina tabs and veg sticks repashy super green sak spirulina pellets tropical hi-algae disc with a 52.4% algae content are best I have found for algaeivores my tetras I feed hikari micro pellets tetra prima minigranules frozen brine shrimp Cyclops and occasionally blood worms my goldfish I feed hikari saki gold repashy super gold duckweed occasionally frozen blood worms and bug bites larger goldfish pellets
  16. As you have snails and shrimp I would use medicated food it less likely to harm your shrimp or snails what I would do is treat with levamisole in food feeding a small amount twice a day one day a week for 4 weeks and follow up with a course of paracleanse in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 2 weeks @Beckybettas
  17. Looking at the picture I would say your dealing with columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperature over 75 and can kill your fish in 24hr to 7 days for some of the cold water stains if other fish are showing symptoms then I would with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan @grape
  18. 1 table spoon for 10 gallons won't harm your plants it should be fine for your snails at that level maybe he's stressed that's why your seeing this behaviour if your lights are adjustable I would turn down the light intensity for a couple of days see if that helps
  19. Colu

    Angelfish Spot

    What are your water parameters and can you can you get a side on picture of the spot with it under water @Cheryl P.
  20. It's possible your water company add more chlorine or chloramines to your water so you could have under dosed your water dechlorinator what I would do is add an extra air stone to increase levels of desloved oxygen holed off on the water change add a double dose of prime and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and monitor for the next 24hr then give use an update @Tam
  21. Looking at the back I couldn't say for sure columnaris it does look like a bacterial infection what I would do is a course of kanaplex for the one in quarantine and add 1 table spoon for 2 gallons of aquarium salt and I would monitor the main tank if other start showing symptoms then I would do a course of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan it very effective at treating columnaris and other more severe bacterial infections kanaplex can effect snails so would recommend removing any snails to quarantine for 4 weeks before returning them to the main tank @GisheryGoodness
  22. i would use maracyn2 as gram negative bacterial infections are more common in fish @Fresh Princess
  23. It looks like over production of the slime coat that can be caused by a bacterial infection or parasitic infection I would say more than likely a bacterial infections I would treat with a combination of maracyn and ick X that will cover bacterial and fungal infections
  24. It looks like fin rot on the dorsal fin hopefully salt and maracyn will get that under control stopping the self mutilation going to be difficult to stop all together not a lot I could suggest for that that you haven't tried
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