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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Correct in not requiring a species only setup. Everything I keep is now species only because of the behaviors, not because they aren’t adequate for a community.
  2. So am I, but I haven’t seen this posted on those forums. Seems like a more appropriate place.
  3. I suggested Giant Danios because they would be a much cheaper snack than most others. If I were you, I’d post this to the cichlid forum or monster fish keepers. You’ll get experience there.
  4. I love the world of Shellie’s. So technically signatus is a mud dweller, not a standard shell dweller. As multies would dash into their shells when startled, signatus will just look for a hiding spot. They are definitely not as attached to their shells. They are also not as outgoing as multies are. You may get aggression levels where the female will be bullied to death. I have a 75 gallon with multies and I’ve never seen anything die of being bullied in their aquarium. I’ve housed them in as small as a 29 gallon all the way up to a 75. Signatus are pretty fish, but if you’re looking for set it and forget it, go multies. If you want a bit of a challenge that may get stressful at times, then go signatus. Personally I’d only keep signatus if I really loved them. However, if it’s a general “which shellie is better?” Then there’s a reason multies are the most popular of the group. Hope this helps a bit. PS I sell my multies to a large facility in Florida and it’s my most profitable aquarium by far, followed by Staeck endlers.
  5. @Nikhil is a guppy pregnant? 😎
  6. @TOtrees I have it installed, but the polyfil was so clogged, it wouldn’t have mattered whether it had it or not.
  7. That’s even better. Add all your hardscape and your plants. The plants will help your cycle along. I would also quarantine everything that goes into that 75. No need to medicate immediately, but I would definitely observe for a couple of weeks in a smaller aquarium. Be sure they eat, no sinking belly, no white stringy poop, same as you would with saltwater. I’m pretty sure if you were or are successful with saltwater then this shouldn’t be too difficult. Don’t be shy with the question, you have some brilliant nerds on this forum.
  8. I’m pretty sure those are snail eggs, but not 100%. Hopefully it isn’t Anubias rot, that stuff sucks.
  9. I’ve never kept discus, but I can tell you that RO isn't a requirement. If you won the discus lottery and have soft water at the tap then you should be good. However, if you’re like 90% of the USA, and your water is hard, then RO is a good starting place. Allow me to give you a freshwater keepers perspective on how I would tackle discus. First, I’d set up the aquarium and get all my water parameters in check. Get everything cycled and balanced. These aren’t going to be cheap fish so I’d take extra precaution before even considering spending any money on fish. I would allow the tank to sit for a couple of months. Allow the plants to grow. I’d add a school of a minimum dozen rummy’s and a minimum dozen corydoras. After about 6 months of steady numbers and habituating myself with the freshwater side of things, plant care, etc. Then I’d start shopping for discus. I’d want all the decor and substrate to get a nice colony of beneficial bacteria throughout. If you already know all this then please disregard. I’d also stay away from wild caught discus as they will be much less forgiving. Good luck
  10. One day, I realized my hang on back was overflowing when it flowed over the top and onto an extension cord. The polyfil was clogging everything up. Do not overlook this because luckily I caught it while I was home, but if I wasn’t there surely it would have not went so well. As I’ve said to you before, the sooner you get rid of those cartridges, the better off you’ll be. I’d rather you not learn the hard way, but that’s up to you. The sponges recommended above are wayyyyyyyyy cheaper than rebuying cartridges constantly. Good luck.
  11. I use Fritz complete because it’s cheaper. I’ve never had an issue and anyone using prime isn’t getting any additional benefit that I’ve discovered. Brand loyalty is why you see so many water conditioners. Pick the 1 you like and don’t overthink it.
  12. Yea agreed, you have those angels in cramped conditions. That 65 will turn into battle dome and tinfoil barbs can and will jump. The Bala’s get enormous. I would focus on rectifying this because it will be an absolute disaster, I promise.
  13. @Nikhil I respect the effort.
  14. A second tank doesn’t make anyone experienced. Have fun with it, but understand that you are asking elementary questions so the assumption is that you’re a newbie.
  15. Aquabid for local breeders. Personally I wouldn’t buy anything other than dry goods at big box stores. The money you save on shipping you spend on sickly fish.
  16. Just out of curiosity, why not learn how to run an aquarium and all its components before venturing down a road that more experienced keepers have failed at. Why make it harder than it has to be?
  17. Take it apart, cut the glass long ways and make the worlds shallowest, longest 10 gallon, with black silicon.
  18. Do your water changes, don’t wait for the pothos to root up, it can take a bit.
  19. All my aquariums are in my living room. Sometimes I fall asleep out there and the TV goes on all night long. I’ve never noticed an issue. Enjoy your youth and enjoy your music.
  20. That looks like an unfinished Mickey Mouse. You can see this in platies.
  21. Agreed, I think you’d be able to see if the pump was effected via reduction of flow. If this happens, you know what you’re dealing with. If it doesn’t impede flow, you’re good to go.
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