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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i can assure you 70 degree's is not the problem. mine go from 65-76 being unheated, and i have no problems with fry related to temp.
  2. you can leave it in the tank. for it to do good you must keep the beneficial bacteria alive, so water in tank, and feed it.
  3. probably Cherry Red Shrimp, could also be Cant Remember S...😜
  4. a lot of people like guppy grass for fry.
  5. they appear to be. would need a better pic of the gold/albino one to be 100% positive.
  6. smart kid, bass is where its at!😎
  7. did you start with enough... thats entirely up to you. plants are great in a tank, so any live plants are a bonus. i think you are okay for a starting point. give it a month or two and see what lives, what dies, and what grows. after that you can adjust and add more or different.
  8. id save it. rinse it, and stick it in a bucket. allow to dry then cover and store.
  9. struggles and difficulties in life do not make you a failure. do the best you can, and keep on trying. best wished for things to work out.
  10. give them a water change then. that will remove some salt, then give them a couple days to adjust.
  11. i would say they are pretty much healed up. once those big tails get tattered they dont seem to come back. if you are sure the active rot/fungus is taken care of, i myself wouldnt be worried about putting them in with others.
  12. kids should be taught dollars out should not exceed dollars in as a minimum.
  13. i move plecos with nets. yes they stick a little to the netting, but its not dangerous to them.
  14. my only experience is with the krill flakes, and that is a food all my fish like.
  15. if you have been keeping run of the mill guppy's, you should have no issues with a specific strain. good strong purple colors in guppy's arent all that common, so if you can keep a nice purple strain, i think you'll do okay selling them.
  16. im no plant genie, but i dont consider crypts a rhizome plant.
  17. id start with an anubia. they are fairly easy to keep alive, and the leaves are pretty tough as far as plants go.
  18. i would probably add another 1-2 serpae. they should top out at about 2".
  19. just send me all your credit cards, and cash. i will not return any of it, and this will prevent you from buying more plants.😎
  20. nice. live plants add so much good to an aquarium.
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