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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i dont think it makes a huge difference, but id probably dose 2 times during the week. 3 or 4 pumps each time, and see how it goes for a while, and then adjust if needed.
  2. i dont use anything. when i do water changes i tend to end up with a damp towel. i take that towel and scrub the glass with it, then quickly go over it with a dry towel. no chemicals, and nothing extra to buy.
  3. being able to drop the f-bomb every third word in casual conversation is almost a requirement in the navy.
  4. the reason being that carbon acts like a sponge. it absorbs everything it can from the water. after a couple days carbon will have absorbed pretty much all it can. so while you can add ferts right away, some of it will be absorbed by the carbon.
  5. ooh, the slimiest of dogs!
  6. right after is fine. now if you run carbon, then you want to wait a few days.
  7. when small, they arent too aggressive as eaters, but once they put on some size, have no fear they will push other fish out of the way.
  8. not a very good pic, but maybe a cherry barb.
  9. thats a chunky perch. sad to say even though i worked for dave genz/winter fishing sytems in the early days, i cant stand staring at a hole in the ice.
  10. i dont care for them, but yes they should be sold. people should know what they are buying.
  11. any healthy shrimp wont be caught by an assassin snail.
  12. my perspective, you really cant over filter. what typically happens if you over filter is that you end up with a tank with so much water flow in it that the fish have to fight to stay anywhere in the tank.
  13. guppies, toss them in about any water, low to mid 70's and if you have males and females , start figuring out what to do with the babies.
  14. a list of top country singers that doesnt have Waylon on it, is a list of junk.
  15. agree'd. ive been spreading out the same anubia's, and crypts from tank to tank for a good 15 years.
  16. those plastic rubbermaid tubs and similar are great for stuff that wont fit in a pot of a bucket.
  17. sounds like you are doing okay. when you move them into the main tank, if there are decorations or plants etc, they will be able to get away from each other or stay out of sight when they choose. this may help alleviate this behavior.
  18. and one from the guy who gave up his seat on that plane.....
  19. they are fun. i have 1 tank of red dragons, pure, but my big tank started with a variety of dragons, and it evolved into pretty much an orange dragon strain. neat to see what the mix comes up with.
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