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  1. I used Fluval aqua plus water conditioner
  2. That look good tank and I like it @Fish Folk
  3. How to make this bubbles to pop immediately when reach into the surface and my parameters are good
  4. Okay whitecloud And also did you use maracyn or ich x of their a another disease in the tank
  5. The bubble are not popping was fast and not a second look build up into the wall
  6. My sponge filter making bubbles 🫧 not popping as fast I did a water change and a water test strip the water parameters will the bubbles will pop fast once the sponge filter will bubbles go fast
  7. Can I put ember tetras to make the reflection to stop
  8. Hey whitecloud009 if you watching this does the betta will the glass surfing and seeing is reflection will go away on its own
  9. My light isn’t dimmable What type of black background
  10. My betta fish is glass surfing and seeing its reflection how stop this
  11. Can you use sponge filter with air stone and use co2 in the aquarium tank with betta is co2 make the betta stressed out or flow of sponge filter need to be gentle or fast bubble and flow
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