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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Wow. Those are super old. I am going to say u knew what u were doing and kept em well! Nice job! 🎉
  2. Sooo u just put inside the filter like the other one right….I have a year supply of cartridges sooo I prob will wait as I need to change tomorrow. Advice on how.. Could u gimme a link? Of this cartridge pad thing…
  3. So, I have been changing my fish tank filters for almost 2 years now but, do I stick the cartridge in front of the old one or……I just don’t want to kill the bacteria in the cartridge. I have to change the cartridge tomorrow…advice? Gotta hang on back filter that comes with the topfin 5 gallon kit. Please help.
  4. Wow. Never heard of that. Interesting….I might look into that…
  5. Yes I agree. Mine is turned really low and is to strong at the moment but it is because I put WAY To much water in it when filling the filter back up. @Supermassive
  6. @xXInkedPhoenixX I love that dragon! Nice tank!
  7. Yea I will get some maybe at petsmart or petco, I will see! Thanks @Odd Duck
  8. Yes u could get the Topfin 5 gallon all in one kit. It doesn’t come with a heater but u can find one on Amazon for super cheap! (Read the reviews though 😉) @Gideyon
  9. 👍 I did. 0 ppm. Just changed about 3 Gallons of water to lower nitrates. Tomorrow I am going to add about 5 WCMMs
  10. So I am prob good. I will add the dosage of the water in tank to first gallon and add tap water rest of the way. That should work….😅 Still actually helped btw! Now I can add the water without stressing
  11. Yes! Hey have a Q that needs to be answered right now! Can I add dechloranater (stress coat) to each gallon of water. I am doing 5 gallons of water for the change. Cycle just finished. Help. Like can I do the dose of 5 ml of water for each gallon of water? @Tony s
  12. Hello, I would recommend if u haven’t got the ammonia kit yet the API master test kit. It actually is WAY more accurate then the strips. I am sorry about your fish and hope she feels better soon! I have a lot of experience with bettas, had 2. First one died, the second had TONS AND TONS. of issues with em. Salt is a good option. @Janel R
  13. Thanks. You are the MOST helpful person on this forum dude!
  14. Hey thanks for coming back and I got good news! It is DONE!!!! I did 10 drops of the ammonia, tested 10 mins ago which exactly at 24 hours and BAM! Sooooo happy for the fish! Thanks for EVERYTHING @Galabar @Galabar, should I unplug the heater now because getting some WCMMs and i could let it just go down right?
  15. I have a question about root tabs. I am currently looking into Pearl weed live plant on AC and I have had this Q a while, can I still suck up the gravel and put root tabs in the gravel? Basically I was just wondering if I could still siphon out the waste and keep putting root tabs in the aquarium. Any advice, of course is accepted! 🙂thanks
  16. @Odd Duck, so can u gimme a link to the best live daphnia for him? So many said that it was to big for the fish and they arrived dead from Amazon….😫. Any suggestions? Maybe…😅 I had no CLUE what I was doing and fed him some flakes at first when I got em and then pellets for all his life and now I have learned!!
  17. Hey thanks for responding! Yes I fed him some freeze dried bloodworms yesterday and bug bites day before! Here is what I got now…I think these are recent! 😂 he is way to fast for me! I will try to get Daphnia. The live kind Got em a new heater @Odd Duck
  18. There might be some options on Amazon out there but I like the stuff from the pet stores personally. @Rosi Your welcome! Glad to help!!!
  19. Glass top for sure. It will hold the weight definitely!
  20. @Sherry, @jwcarlson, @JS Fish, @Tony s, @Galabar, thanks for everything and the info! I am glad I discovered thes plug timers if you will. I have got tons of info from everybody and thanks to all!
  21. I Was going to do this with a betta but he was kinda sick so didn’t take the chance but I say why not. Just like taking em from pet store and bringing them to new tank at home. A 2 tank transfer is common when getting fish.
  22. Yes he is very tough! I was stressing sooo much about him that I thought he die and couldn’t do anything about it but nope! He lives on!
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