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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Well, now let's try to be less ambiguous, shall I. pliant silicone would still have a bit of give to it. Feel kind of rubbery. Old, worn-out silicone would'nt have that rubbery give to it. Kind of stiff and unyielding. And yeah, with the sensor in near it, I'd try it. Depending on its age, be kind of cool to have an old tank
  2. If the silicone still feels pliant, yeah. If it's old, it's probably better made than what you can get today. If you can rig a moisture sensor near it. I'd probably do that too. But, then again, a new tank is probably what? 40$. But for a dedicated shell dweller tank, Yeah, i probably would
  3. My next question is what's near the tank. Does it have access to outside through and open window? or do you have a bunch of potted plants near it?
  4. I have rasboras, neon tetras, platys, kuhli loaches, and corys with bettas. No issues. But that all depends on the betta. Some have a screw loose. And of course, you couldn't put some of those fish in a 10-gallon tank. The pygmy cory could potentially work as they are less than an inch. Panda corys, at an inch and a half, are pushing the limits of the tank. My best combo is with a small group of harlequin rasboras in a 10g, and platys in a 20g. Green neons could do well with them also.
  5. If it was a dragonfly nymph, it might be bigger already. Leaning towards another type of nymph, just not sure which one. The banded legs are typical of some terrestrial bugs. yeah, I'm not so sure. the form is correct. the size and the banding are off. But there are so many species variation from place to place. The form does remind me of gomphids though
  6. very possibly a dragonfly nymph. short, round compact body, with a larger abdomen. very good predator, depending on his size and your fish size. picture is a bit blurry so could be wrong. also depends on the size, no size reference. if very small, could be an aphid nymph. not a predator, unless you're a plant. also not aquatic, so won't be there long. without a clearer picture, very hard to tell
  7. That was all her. She did a great job and that was a great weekend. Was also there when Rob and Jason did the mechanical fish riding ( by pure luck). He's right, he may have lasted 3 seconds. But he was on the way down as soon as it started 🤣 They seem to be great people. Just as you would hope they were. a lot like what you see in their videos Right after the bettas from Prism. Right at 6 minute mark. We adopted her at birth. Been such a blessing to us
  8. Depends on what type of water you have. For softer water. Fully planted with Semi aggressive fish. Fire mouth, or convicts or blue acaras. If hard water, either of two choices. A small, mixed mbuna tank. Or lake Tanganyika. with shell dwellers, julidochromis (one of the smaller types) and one ink finned calvus. Possibly a few leleupi for color. have been thinking about doing all of those (well, one of those anyway).
  9. Yeah, me too. 57buckets. But I mostly lurk But... If you watch The Small Scape, Joanna put my daughter in for a few seconds. Right after Prism bettas. Hannah Made a new friend. She's so good at that. Every 5 minutes at aquashella. Can we go back to prime-time and say hi 🤣 She also made a friend in Dustin. She won his kids aqua-scaping contest. Got a new Fluval Chi tank and we bought a betta from Prism to go in it.
  10. I heard that. didn't realize that was you. Only add the 2, well 3 now. 😪
  11. You could. Your tank is used to that bioload. But he does have his guppy friends for now
  12. Sorry to hear about that. I think, unfortunately, that's part of the process. They're not meant to be in little glass boxes. It takes a bit to get them settled. As long as you stay on top of your water conditions. Everything else is up to them. We just try to give them the best we can do. They're still animals and have frailties like everything else. After they've been there for a bit, they should be fine, but it's the settling in process that takes a toll I lose animals that way. Fish and lots of others. Unfortunately, I've been around animal and death my whole life. We used to raise and clean animals for our own food when I was young. Guys around here still do. And hunt. I just can't do that. Makes me a bit of an oddball around here. I've hunted twice and watched 2 small animals die at my hands. I won't own a gun again. But anyway. as long as you know you've done your best, it's all you can do
  13. They make a droplet squeeze bottle for small tanks. I kind of like it better than the cap off one in small tanks. And not at all saying he wasn’t sick. But it does happen. We had a someone 6 months ago that lost a large number of big fish from this. Large water change. Late at night. Extra prime. And with the big fish, you really get extra attached. Was just heartbreaking. hopefully, that’s what it was and everyone else stays fine. and yeah, if you have a low ph kh gh , those could cause issues. But easily fixed. If you can run test for that. Depends on what hardness your water is. Platys love hard water
  14. Could use a pic if possible. And current parameters. Including gh kh ph.
  15. Sorry for your loss. Just curious as to why you added the prime. Did you do a water change after your test? Or before? Prime can cause a bit of an oxygen drop, usually not too serious. And you added enough prime for a 25g tank. Hopefully that’s what you have. Adding extra in a smaller tank can cause a bit more of an issue. And adding for no reason opens you up to problems you didn’t have. So, very possible it was the prime. Most of the time it’s perfectly safe. But sometimes, it becomes more than our fish can handle. Neither the shrimp or plants should do much of anything. and your remaining fish hopefully are doing okay?
  16. That’s the fish I was talking about. My pandas are all the time going from top to bottom and chasing each other around. My other corys don’t usually. But my pandas do. They’re close to 3 years old now. And still do it. Sorry you got a bad batch. They are a lot of fun to watch play with each other
  17. What kind of fish. Some smaller corys will go for air. Perfectly normal for them. Especially after a water change
  18. could just have injured himself in the new surroundings. but let's ask@Colu
  19. We picked up a couple from Lifegard at aquashella. Seems to be decent. glass seems to be heavy and thick. low iron glass. rimless. everything in it, including a chunk of driftwood. We haven't got them set up yet. so, no reviews from us yet. but they seem pretty decent. a step up from big box store kits, I'm hoping
  20. There really isn’t a reason why it wouldn’t work. Maybe just a bit of overkill though.
  21. Ok, you do have some nitrates. And no nitrites. You may be good. Kh measures the carbonates on the water. Most hardnes comes from either calcium carbonate (CaCO3, limestone) or magnesium carbonate you can use sodium carbonate (NaCO3, baking soda) to increase your kh as well as the alkaline booster. This works fine as well, but can do it rapidly. So try it in small amounts until you get a feel for it. The gh measures the calcium and magnesium part of the equation (CaCO3). not exactly sure what forms the equilibrium uses but the breakdown is this Soluble Potash (K2O) 23.0% Calcium (Ca) 8.06% Magnesium (Mg) 2.41% Iron (Fe) 0.11% Manganese (Mn) 0.06% So it’s got a couple of different things that are also useful.
  22. I'm not sure you'd be able to tell. For the honey gourami, that sounds about right. With the killifish, 1 male to 2-3 females. and very tight lids. They love to jump. and you'd still have room in the tank for a small school. maybe green neons or ember tetras. to play around with the numbers you could use aqadvisor.com. with the knowledge it's not perfect. but it's fun to play with
  23. Yeah, that’s a no, so far
  24. Mine is too. Or at least in all animals. We have memberships at 5 zoos. She’s constantly learning. And not afraid to ask keepers questions. She’s 9 right now and among her favorites are snakes. And giraffes. Na, it’s hard to say no when they really want something. I have almost got her the mollies before. But I sneakily offered her new guppies from an online store in Ohio which has great guppies. And she chose some pretty blue glass ones. And now her tank is full, no room for mollies😉
  25. Mollies can handle fresh water just fine. They do need acclimating though. but the bigger problem is mollies are not really suited for a 10g tank as they can grow upwards of 4 inches. I actually have the same problem. My daughter wants the sailfin molly. It grows even larger. She got the guppies instead. You may have to go out and get them a bigger tank. And don’t we all hate that idea 😂
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