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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Well, if you have the room, keep him and grab another female. I have never liked the idea of returning one either.
  2. That is true, but not mutually exclusive. There is actually nothing wrong with the fish-in cycle. But the safety is all in the attention given to it. Fish-in cycling is perfectly safe when the ammonia levels never exceed 0.5 ppm ammonia levels. It’s when we go over that it becomes damaging to the animals. I agree though, given a choice, fish-less is almost always more humane. Less chance for the new keeper to let it get away. better yet is an extra sponge filter run for a couple of weeks in an older tank. Then it and the cycle can be transferred to the new tank. Instant cycle. And most often an extra sponge fills the extra roll of providing extra oxygen anyway. Harder to do for a new keeper and a new tank. I actually do believe in the bottle. 40 years ago we used to used a dehydrated bacteria to treat lagoons with. You had to rehydrate with warm water before using. The way you could tell it worked, there was much less of a solid buildup over time. Bacteria surviving in a bottle really isn’t an issue.
  3. Honestly, looks a bit like columnaris. Didn’t realize such a large fish could get it also. @Colu for answers
  4. Okay. That’s completely incorrect information. It should detoxify it. For your fish only. It’s still completely usable for the beneficial bacteria. And only use it every other day. It wears out after 2 days. On the label that way. But, really regular water changes is easier than constant chemicals. Anytime you see ammonia over 0.5 it’s time for a change. And of course you’d use prime to dechlorinate anyways. 0.5 ammonia is enough to grow your colony just fine. As for the bacteria, I use fritz, but Stability is perfectly acceptable. Especially if you already have it.
  5. I'm thinking besides the pellets, your goldfish would love anything green. Lettuce, spinach, zucchini, green beans, peas, duckweed. These would probably be better for it than pellets. Or at minimum, food treats. He could eat with you. but no salad dressing
  6. I like that plan. Seems to me every time I upgrade tanks now, it's never big enough. 🤣 I'm going to have to cut a hole in my basement wall and put a wide set of stairs down there. Could do the garage, but it gets in the negatives in the winter outside
  7. I think they're closer to blue dream shrimp, which is more common. Still very pretty though. and most of the care info should be the same. Your betta has the ability (and probability). to color up over time. especially when he gets good care and good food. Although, really, He's not bad looking at all with the pale blue. Be interesting to see what his color does over the next few months 🙂
  8. @Spooky_Action98 Just to clarify. I wasn't endorsing any more meds right now, unless you see more symptoms. But the maracyn2 and kanaplex are nice to have on hand in case of emergencies. 🙂
  9. for mostly bottom dwellers, you may be able to try a small gobi or 2
  10. If you could, I'd get some maracyn2 or kanaplex on hand as well. Both are a bit stronger and broader spectrum. They'll possibly do a much better job over a greater range. regular maracyn is just erythromycin. You can actually find it at petsmart/petco.
  11. I think you'd be fine to add another 3-4 anytime you want to. You seem to be pretty stable now😃. then for the next batch, I've been impressed with the green neon. Joanna Adams sold my daughter 10 at aquashella. they're still going strong and have a lot of color
  12. I’ve been thinking about this for a while. My possibilities of tanks include 1) a bigger fish tank. I have tons of small fish. It’s time for some fish with personality. Possibly an Oscar, definitely a severum or 2, uaru, chocolates. Obviously not all of them in a 75g, but along that line. 2) an oranda tank. I honestly have never kept goldfish before. It’s worth a try, I think. Sort of on the theme of fish with personality. 3). An mbuna tank. Every kind of color I can find. 4) a Lake Tanganyika tank. Multis on the bottom, Julidochromis in the rocks. Leleupi for color in the middle. Yellow or black compressiceps for the center piece. 5)something simple. Electric blue acara with festivum. Or all eba’s and just let them colonize it.
  13. Yeah, I’ve always heard “chuck it in and leave it alone “. I’m in the same boat as you. If I leave it alone, there’s nothing left where it should have been. While other people pull it out by the bucketfuls. I have one tank in particular I’d love to get a bunch going and carpet the bottom. Hoping you’re finding us an answer.
  14. Maracyn 2 in food might be my choice to start. But let’s ask @Colu
  15. Corn will do well when grown hydroponically. Just make sure the water level stays below the growing points. Corn in too much water will actually drown. This year we have holes in fields just for this reason
  16. What we can test for is not all that is going on. Organic load. Hormone load. And lots of other things there are no tests for. Water changes help to bring your water back down to a normal level. And for plants can bring in some trace minerals as well
  17. Tony s


    The guppy and platys will do best with the addition of the crushed coral. In the substrate or in a pouch. The ph will climb until it’s around 8. And the water will harden and stabilize for you
  18. Tony s


    The main question is what fish do you have. Live bearers and snails need a bit of hard water. The rest may be just fine in your tap. And that’s the easiest way to do it. Find the fish to fit your water. And of course, what fish do you really want. And we can work on getting you that
  19. Sorry wrong terminology. And I wouldn’t attempt it anyway. Needs anesthesia. I can do some minor emergency surgery. But definitely not on rabbits. Just large animals in lots of trouble. Mostly prolapse and hernia repair. I don’t think he’ll probably have problems with it. But definitely not breeding material. Yeah. Out here you mostly find good farm vets. Technically he probably should have been stew. But absolutely no way. Teaching the wrong lesson here. These animals were meant to be livestock. But… just… no. Large animals are different. A 500 lb hog or 2000 lb cow is completely different than a4 lb bunny. Especially one that’s had so much attention.
  20. We believe it is genetic. Filing may work if it becomes an issue. He’s probably a year old by now. Was bought for 4-h project and usually they get sold. But my daughter isn’t having any of that. We have another male broken mini lop we might breed. But not set up for that now. Both are really good pets.
  21. Yeah. I have the same kind. Got them about a month ago. They never move. That you can see anyway. Mine are always hanging off the driftwood. I assume that’s what they are eating. And surface algae. You could try feeding repashi at night and cleaning it in the morning. as for quarantine. That’s a personal choice. It’s always best to quarantine. But if you think they’re good. They probably are
  22. If you don’t have a way to test for ammonia. Yeah, you really need to get something. Even test strips from petco or petsmart would work. It’s an essential tool. for the bubbles. As long as you’re dechlorinating after every water change that shouldn’t be an issue. It’s probably a bit of a protein buildup floating on the surface of your water. Not really harmful, but can slow down oxygen exchange. Surface agitation will break it up
  23. Weight wise it’s not a problem. Only 3 to 4 lbs. hanging on the steel frame. Temperature fluctuations may be a bigger issue. Even if you have the one with the air stone to help circulate the water. I didn’t have a lot of luck with that one and angel fry. Just get a small diameter of tubing and patience and carefully change water may be more effective.
  24. Easier to fish him out. Next to impossible to fish out all the shrimplettes
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