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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I’d keep the full dose going. And it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. Meds take a bit to build up but the disease is going strong before we see it
  2. Oh, no these have been banished to their own tank. Just the 2 of them and the fry. He was too dangerous in the community first time he’s been going after me. But he’s injured other fish before. But really beautiful. Must be 10” tall
  3. Follow the directions on the packet. I believe. Helps it keep its strength
  4. Yeah, I may try that. As you say, gives him something else to focus on. And I still get to watch him and his littles
  5. Very nicely done. People are always underestimating how intelligent animals are. Almost all of them can be target trained to some extent. I’ve watched keepers target train small spiny tailed lizards and bearded dragons before. I always ask people how do you get a Komodo dragon to do what you want? You ask politely. (After some serious training, of course). Well done!
  6. So I’ve got a marbled angel pair. He was always very aggressive when breeding. He kept praecox rainbows pushed to the bottom. That got them banished to their own breeding tank for the safety of the rest of the animals. Turns out he’s only getting worse. Got free floating wrigglers currently. The boy has taken to ramming the glass when I come near him. With an audible thunk. Kind of like you see dovii do. He’s completely stunning, but how do I keep him from hurting himself?
  7. that’s good news. And you have it if you need it
  8. If you have aquarium salt, you might want to dose it. It should help some. Up 1 tablespoon for 5 gallons. Plants won't like it, but should recover
  9. eek! that's just so weird to me. My water comes out 38 degrees year-round. I never ever thought about what most of you guys have to deal with
  10. Oh, I understand completely. That's one of the hardest parts about this hobby. hoping mine comes today
  11. go ahead and do it. It's not a wasted effort. Cleaner water always helps. @Colu's recipe for columnaris. I have an angel with possibly the same issue. but on her mouth and spitting food out. Think I'm using this
  12. go ahead and do it. It's not a wasted effort. Cleaner water always helps.
  13. Doesn’t look like ich. Ich would look like it got salted. Possibly fungus. Possibly columnaris @Colu
  14. Well, there goes that idea. But 1 less thing to worry about. Yeah, I have the hard water also, Most of the US does. Could be a sourcing issue. Lots of guppies come from guppy farms that have inherent genetic issues. Lots of bent spines, weird tumors, and just general fading away. You see this almost always from big box pet stores. I had a hard time keeping guppies from them. Couple of weeks to a month and they'd be gone. Tried some higher end guppies and it mostly worked for a while, but lost my females, so we have to start over again. I think for guppies, you have to find someone who breeds guppies with water like we have. I am going to try some tank raised guppies from Ohio. Which should be very close to our water. Same place my imports came from, but tank raised in hard water. Maybe you can find a local source, or even the Ohio source should work well for you. The kanaplex should do the job for bacterial infection. If it's a parasite we may need to ask @Colu
  15. Actually pretty impressive. A lot of no change tanks including FF and Walstad's have issues before now.
  16. I haven't used it. I have kh coming out my ears. I know it does it works very rapidly. Possibly too fast for some livestock. I'd just trial and error on the small side. @Pepere would have a better idea. Or you could switch up your livestock and get some of the very soft water species.
  17. You may have reached a tipping point for your 29g. Gotten into what's called old tank syndrome. Where the amount of old organic matter and organic acids have leached out your carbonates faster than they are being replaced. Organics are great for the plants, but not necessarily for water chemistry. You can keep running there. the plants won't mind. but it depends on what the livestock are. guppies and snails would mind. Or you can add a kh buffer on a routine basis. Baking soda is cheapest. Seachem makes alkaline buffer. Or you can redo the tank, which nobody wants. 10-year-old tanks are very rare and special. Or you could do a couple of deep cleanings, not too much at one time. which I'm not sure you would want to do either.
  18. Do you know if you have soft or hard water? Soft water can cause guppies to show symptoms of disease, when it’s really a parameter issue
  19. You might try this topic again, but this time lead with salt and the species in the title. That way the true killi fish people will catch it by name. Just a thought, might work
  20. I don’t even think you have to fast them. All of the fish in there are going to go after fry. Whether they’re hungry or not. Kind of like cats and birds/mice. Cats don’t hunt because they’re hungry. Cats hunt because they’re cats. Same with fish, fry get disappeared unless they have a lot of hiding spots. Whether the adults are hungry or not.
  21. Very cool. Maybe it’s all just a matter of your tweaking things. Trying as you go kind of thing. You kind of know now what they don’t like. 1 tlbsp per is too much. 1 to 3 seems to be a good starting point. Maybe stay there and see if you get any fry. And see what happens to them. Hopefully someone else can help, but you have a good start
  22. With the salt. It doesn’t evaporate, so only add salt at water changes and only to the amount of water being changed
  23. It doesn’t. Those are chemical filtration. And whether or not to use them is completely up to you. Some people never touch chemicals. I use purigen in my dark, unplanted tank. And chemi pure green in my 75g inside an fx2. Do you need it? Probably not. But it can depend on how diligent you are with your water changes
  24. You might ask the place where you got them what kind of water they were kept in. They may have been converted to fresh there. I know a couple of guppy places that will convert guppies from brackish to fresh upon import
  25. You can also add some salt. Not sure I’d do more than a tablespoon per 10g though since it’s planted. Maybe a couple of catapa leaves as well. The tannins they release will darken the water but help protect from bacteria
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