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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. usually that's a water quality issue, followed by a bacterial issue. There's a whole lot of issues caused by simple water issues and the stress caused from it. That's the area I'd concentrate on first. Making sure the water is safe. So, you need to test for the ammonia and nitrites. You need to make sure they're at 0. then do the meds
  2. I saw your other post. About people not responding to you. I saw him and honestly, I don't know what the deal is. Are they raised spots, or loss of scale or just color changes. I really don't think we're ignoring you; we're all wondering what is that? @Colu
  3. Iv'e also heard good things about snakeskin barbs as well. Been wanting to try those.
  4. I know. We want to do this without killing the bank. But a lot of the stuff you get inexpensively isn't worth the money you pay for it. Unfortunately. You can always do like me. If it's a flat spot, it's got a tank on it. out of the 14 tanks. I only have 4 stands. and those were for the bigger ones. The rest are on tables, dressers, counters. Yes, I'm sure my wife gets very annoyed with me sometimes 😁
  5. Back to the tank sizes @Guppysnail or @tolstoy21 May have favorite sizes. They do a lot of breeding
  6. I would think so. I don't think there's much money in hardware anymore. But getting something on the cheap, and redoing it changes that equation. But, and it's a big but, you have to have the people you can trust to make it work.
  7. Interesting. I think I'll just watch mine for a bit. I'm just now starting to go beyond angels. Kind of getting bored a bit with tiny schoolers. Although I did add 13 red tailed rasboras with the angels. Very tight schoolers. often swim in a formation slightly bigger than a softball.
  8. Oh, I'm going to have to watch that closely then. I have 5 angels and an EBA in my 75g. But it may just have been that particular EBA
  9. There is a guy near Goshen Indiana that does exactly that. Searches all day for cheap tanks, then refurbishes them. Built a 2-story garage and runs the aquarium shop from there. Completely freaked my daughter out going inside. "Dad, you can't go into somebodies house!!!" 🤣
  10. For kids, absolutely. That’s going to keep their attention. Well, for a while anyway 😁 you’ll have a lot of “ can we go buy fish?” Which works for a while. Until you’re full. But then there’s projects like tank cleaning. Filter cleaning. They like to help. My daughter especially likes to scrape the glass clean. And taking apart the canister filter. So it’s also good for a bit of bonding time
  11. Full size cardinals would be fine. Phantom tetras should be good, either color. Diamond tetras. Congo tetras. Rummy nose. Bleeding hearts. Black neons. Lemon tetras. Basically anything over an 1.5” is pretty safe. Easier to ask what tetras to not put with angels. First on that list would be Buenos Aires. As for nipping, angels aren’t that helpless. As long as they don’t get ganged up on, they will nip back.
  12. They do. But it goes away after a while anyway. Just can be very annoying for a while. If you need to pull anything to clean. No soap. But you can use hydrogen peroxide. Scrub with a clean brush. Also no soap. And rinse off. it’s what they call brown algae. It’s diatoms. They feed off the silicates in the water. Once the silicates go away and the tank stabilizes, it disappears
  13. @illquixote Are you going to get it set up for it to glow? My wife and daughter picked out glofish for their second tanks. Haven't been able to figure out until now how to do it. It's a 36 gallon bowfront painted black with a thick plastic hood. Rimless without the hood. Burned out 2 sets of lights on it so far. Found some watertight glow lights the other day. Now I think just some reef glue and we're good to go. FYI we were told by the glofish people at aquashella to keep 2 sets of decorations on hand. When the brown algae starts, they look horrid. So, one in tank and one to clean. 😁
  14. They're relatively accurate. Not perfect. But you have plenty of space. But I think I'd stay lightly stocked util you get a feel for things. Learning things about new tanks takes time. Then when you know more about the basic, you can always increase your stocking. btw that's a cute kid's tank. Don't forget to ask questions when you need help.
  15. Definitely above the p-trap. or, in worst case, you'll need to make another p-trap. It all depends on space. I've done it both ways. The reason you never want to be on the other side of the trap, if your drain line ever goes dry, that's sewer/septic gas right back into the house
  16. To me that looks like lifted scales. where something actually jabbed her. But it is possible it's an erupting cyst as well. @Colu would have a better idea
  17. Yeah, that was my first thought. Looks like she got herself stuck by something. You might consider adding catapa leaves for a bit. They have a bit of anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties. Just until the wound heals.
  18. This, right there. @rydin4life do what you feel is comfortable. There are so, so many ways to do this hobby. Most of them are correct for the set-up and the keeper. As long as the animals stay healthy and happy. That's the goal
  19. As others have said. The fiberboard is the problem. And not just for water. I've put these up in the basement for temporary shelves. and they almost always sag. Which is mostly okay (annoying) for regular items. Not at all sure about aquarium frames will hold up under sagging. But if you could trade it out for 3/4" plywood, that should work
  20. For the 75g. Chances are you're going to have at least 2 breeding pair. Which sounds great (and can be okay, Sometimes). Angles can be like any other cichlid and get very aggressive. I have that kind of set-up currently. I have 2 confirmed male and 3 juveniles currently. Partially because I had to remove a breeding pair of marbled because the male got hyper aggressive. Claimed over half the tank as his and kept everybody else out. Unless you were another angel, then there wasn't a safe space in the tank. Now, I also had another 2 pair of koi in that group, not much problem. So, it's just a guess as to what you end up with. My marbled are now in their own breeding tank to keep everyone else safe. Current 75g stocking for me. 5 angels, 13 red tail rasboras, 4 praecox rainbows, 6 skunk corys, 1 blue acara, 1 smiling cichlid Laetacara araguaia
  21. Short answer. Usually not going to be much problem. But, it depends on the condition of the fish. If they come in hungry looking with sunken bellies, I would feed them. There is a risk for underfed animals. They could further deteriorate and you could lose them. the theory on not feeding during quarantine meds is to keep ammonia down with meds in the tank. Keeping them safer. now in all honesty, I never use quarantine meds unless I see there is a problem. But I keep them in quarantine for about a month. Observation is better to me than just using meds prophylactically. And when I see an issue, then I treat. as for fasting fish. For a week with no food. I haven’t had any issues. I usually do that for vacation. Much better than having an inexperienced person feeding your fish
  22. Ooh yeah, my angels do fine together right up until they pair off. Then all heck breaks loose. But it also depends on the pair. Most have been okay, but one marble pair had a hyper aggressive male. He claimed half a 75g and kept even the praecox on the bottom.
  23. Okay, I’ll concede the point about the threadfin. But the EBA should be fine with everything you have. Or maybe a couple of koi angels. Both the eba and angels will be peaceful. And appropriate for what you have. Or even a single of each. That way you avoid potential breeding behaviors. Just have to make sure the angel gets fed. Mine share a tank with praecox. Rainbows can be such little pigs about their food. And possibly 1 Bolivian ram down with the corys
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