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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Well, which one of those are your favorites. Start from there and give them the larger number. Then for small fish, the one inch per gallon is not a bad place to start. The honey gourami like to be a bit social as do the corys. Honeys are peaceful and you’ll want them to be in a small group 3-5. Corys like 6 or more, the more you have, the better the behavior will be. Haven’t done the killifish yet.
  2. Yes, that’s what they do. They Don’t usually change ph or kh. To change those you need either baking soda (carefully cause it can change it rapidly) or seachem alkaline booster. you could have 2 issues going on simultaneously. You may not be fully cycled. Which would result in nitrates being lower than nitrite. Or you may have enough bioload that the organic acids being produced are overwhelming your cycle as well as depleting your kh numbers. If you can run a parameter check on your tap, we can see what you’re working with. If the tap has low kh, you may need to supplement it with something like you’re doing with your gh.
  3. Haven’t tried this yet. Was given to me at Chicago aquashella. Aquabuildr.com , comes with one free tank, then can add tanks for a subscription or by tank fee. Going to try it on my 75g I think
  4. Haven’t used stratum. Seiryu will raise it, but very slowly. Kind of need a gh and ph numbers. Ph above 7 and gh above 8 or preferably higher would be good
  5. Everybody needs another 75g with a group of angels. That way you can sort. 🤣
  6. If the rest of your fish are fine, it’s probably a sourcing issue. Bettas from big box stores have gotten sort of fragile. They can develop weird tumors and usually don’t last long. Some do though. If they all die of dropsy, it may be a water quality problem. Mine usually don’t die from that. Just weird other things. If you could get us fresh readings of parameters including temperature, gh, kh, ph that would be great off topic, if tldr has become a thing, man are we all in trouble.
  7. Yep, they pair and everything goes to heck. But I think I can do it, if I can figure out the sexes, never had problems until they’re sitting on eggs. Even my aggressive marble was fine with no eggs. Problem is they pair before I can figure it out. Got 3 males and 4 juveniles currently with no issues
  8. The pandas will be great. But eggs are among their favorite foods. Including their own. So wouldn’t worry about adult shrimp. It’s the Apisto going to get the adults, as has been mentioned.
  9. Ha! That’s good. Cause we recently added 2 solo specimens. 1 electric blue acara and 1 albino heckili. We got the last directly from Jason Adams and family at Aquashella (great people btw, my daughter all weekend “ can we go back to Primetime now?” ). Probably overdid it, but couldn’t resist.
  10. It does seem that they are completely out of floaters. You may have to visit your lfs to find them.
  11. I did the opposite. We bought the angels as babies. Before we had the 75g. The rainbows were used to… well, I can’t say they were bought for any reason. We just liked how they looked and we had the space 🤣
  12. Depends on the type of rainbow. I had 9 praecox with my 6 angels. And 11 skunk corys. If you’re talking about full size boesemanie, yeah, it can be a little tight. But it’s less about the space than it is about the bioload. You can overstock it if you’re willing to do the bit of extra maintenance. the real problem you may have. I did. Is that you’re going to have a couple pairs of angels. Depending on their temperament, it could be mild. Or, like mine, a pair could get nasty. They even kept the rainbows to the bottom of the tank before I had to banish them to their own breeding tank. If you’re willing to remove eggs, they could be okay.
  13. One of my favorite floaters is hornwort. It grows very fast. Gives cover to small fish. And just devours any kind of nitrogen it can get. And if it outgrows its space, you just pull it apart and chuck the stuff you don’t want. It can be stressful doing this for a while. Especially alone. But you’re not alone. Ask questions. We’re here to help. No judgement. And it gets easier and feels normal after a while 😁
  14. Do you have any nitrates at all. If you don’t, you may have sterile water still. You may not have it completely cycled yet. Guppies are kind of fragile depending on where you get them. Lots of health issues. But platys are usually tough as nails. If the platys aren’t happy, you may still have water issues going on. And most corys are also tough. Both guppies and platys will like harder water but your ph is fine. what type of bacteria are you using. You may need to boost the levels. And I’d leave your hob filter on there until it gets full of crud. Then just rinse it off and put it back in. It’s where most of your bacteria live. The fibers on the filter start to separate when they really need changing.
  15. It’s probably just as well. We hate to say no in most cases. Try to help people figure a way to yes. But the bottom glass strength is what worried me. Good luck on your new tank 😁
  16. One of my favorite little fish is the harlequin rasboras. Can find them everywhere. Cool copper and black color. Super hardy. I’d get maybe 6-8. Let them acclimate for a month or so, then I’d add in a big finned betta. I have that one running right now. The betta doesn’t cause any issues
  17. Sorry for your loss. Just a couple of quick questions. Did you ask what the water parameters of the place you got your new ones from? Most people keep discus In much lower ph. Maybe caused a ph shock? Will they take pellets? Or just beef heart? If they take pellets, you could feed them maracyn2. Mixing in some seachem focus and garlic guard. If you tried Kanaplex in food it may not have worked. Kanaplex is not absorbed well into the bloodstream. Maracyn2 is better there. The quarantine trio isn’t going to help you much if you use it at the lower dose. It’s more of a prophylactic there. If you’re using them all at full strength, it may be too much for your discus. Sometimes what they say you can do doesn’t work in your situation. I just crashed my 75g angle tank using Maracyn and maracyn2 together. Which fritz says you can do. But every situation is different. if you think they’re struggling, absolutely do a water change. If the medicine is harming them, stop the treatment. Wait a couple of days for them to recover a bit, then try something new. let’s see if @Colu has any suggestions
  18. In a pinch, whatever works. It’s what’s best about big box. Longer hours open and tons of choices.
  19. PetSmart now carries Prime for dechlorination
  20. I use them in any tank with a possibility of fry. Just so they don’t get sucked up
  21. It’s different for retail. For instance, you might eat an apple with scab on it but you definitely couldn’t sell it
  22. The composition of seashells may not work. They have a more polished surface than oyster shell. But give it a shot. We all might learn something
  23. Ah, maybe? Never spent time smelling it.🤣 Pre-filter is a bit of sponge that fits over the end of a hang on back filter. Kind of like a tight fitting sponge filter at the hob intake
  24. Crushed oyster shell should do the same thing as crushed coral. Not sure standard seashells would work. Unless you’re going to pulverize them. Could also use aragonite, cuttlebone, even chicken grit. I use equilibrium in my ro
  25. Could you get a hob and put a pre filter on it. That way the purigen is in water flow I use it in a couple of non planted tanks. Not sure it will do much without flow
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