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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Yes, but that’s one of the most fun things about this. Everybody’s constantly learning new things. Or trying new things. Just so many possibilities. And so many types of fish, and plants, and driftwood. Then fish breeding, and aquascaping. It’s great you can get lost in here doing things you love in your own way. But it does require patience. Both to learn and to watch your ideas happen.
  2. Powerheads, for the most part, are used for either fish that love flow or to move waste around to get it into the filter intake and out of the tank.
  3. I mean, it could work. If you have a large amount of little fish. They wouldn’t produce a large amount of waste.
  4. Even if the tank is completely junk. The filter and the stand are worth the 500$. Assuming they’re both in good shape. Stands by themselves are expensive.
  5. A lot of the flow needs also depends on the fish you keep. Angels wouldn’t like a lot of flow with their tall bodies. But torpedo shaped mbuna love it. Even whether you can have sponges depends on the inhabitants. Oscars would use them as toys. And there comes a size of tank that sponges don’t work well. personally, I might use 2 canisters just to increase mechanical filtration. Or a hob and canister combo.
  6. @rsousa if you have a fish vet nearby, you might see if you can get in on an emergency basis. That way they can get a sample and find out what the issue is and id the bacteria. that will be sort of expensive though. @Colu is very good, but sometimes IDing things long distance can be tough and the medications are limited over the counter. And people can get very attached to their wet pets like your goldfish. And nobody wants you to lose him.
  7. I was thinking seachem, but that sounds like a great place to try the new design. If it's out yet
  8. sponges are best at bio filtration. If you need more flow in spots, a hob might be better. something like a tidal 110? That is a good deal then.😍 Around here they try to get new prices from used equipment
  9. Excellent score! Oases are supposed to be very good canisters. Any needed parts are probably going to be from Amazon though or the Oase store. Unless your lfs can get them. And have heard mixed reviews on the heater in the canister. I personally think that's a great idea Oh, looking at it now, Oase sells direct. 400$ for that canister, new
  10. Couldn't say anything about the stratum, but the pleco I do have is rarely on the bottom. usually stuck on the glass or driftwood 😁
  11. yeah, so not the empire gudgeon then. Peacocks look cool, but I've heard they can hide. Also something I'd like to try. So many fish, so little time/space
  12. Was going to suggest peacocks. And empire gudgeons just look stunning
  13. Thank you! If they would do that then that’s tremendously helpful. My main worry is you buy the fish you want, and then what do you do with them. My daughter (9) restated our main rule buying fish. You buy fish, you have to go home. 🤣 works for everywhere else, but not really for here.
  14. Sometimes snails do this. My mystery snails did. Depends on the individual snails. I’ve had eggs layed outside the tank. I’ve found them outside the tank on the floor. Several times looking completely dried out. If you ever think they’re dead and dry, always put them back in and wait. They almost always seem to come back.
  15. Hi guys. Taking my wife and daughter to aqaushella this weekend. This is a first convention for us. of any sort for fish related things. I was just wondering if you any tips. especially on how you keep fish alive for 2 days there, or if that's possible. or what's the best way to transport around dry goods.
  16. Both. Both would work. You have the room. Not sure how sharp edged the stratum is for the kuhli bellies though. They like to dig, but my daughter has them on blue gravel and they're fine. Now we just have to work on the blue gravel thing 🤣
  17. Sorry, not a fish biologist, but if you're talking about the gray, brown feathery thing in the second picture. To me, it actually looks like a piece of the actual gill has come unattached. At this point, I'm not sure there's anything that can be done 😪. He may be fine without it for a while. as long as the water stays well oxygenated
  18. Well, what's your thoughts on corys on the bottom? What kind is all up to what you like. Pandas are fun to watch, maybe up 10 in there? Sterbais are cool or orange laser, but 6 or so of those. they're a bit larger. Maybe an albino bristlenose. Not long fin, they get too big for that. or clown pleco.
  19. what's your substrate? makes a difference for bottom dwellers
  20. right around there anyway. as long as it's not above that, you're good. Yea! on the pandas. They're so much fun to watch
  21. nerites are probably the correct choice for the 10g... but there is that 20g...
  22. And sometimes they do leak unexpectedly. It's like everything else, sometimes things just fail. Maybe you pinch an o-ring putting it back together. to fight that, you keep it in a shallow tote and get a cheap moisture alarm from a lowe's. Which of course, won't work outside. Luckily my fx2 has not leaked in 2.5 years yet. (quickly crossing fingers and knocking on wood)
  23. Yeah, I hear that, but honestly, it's a load of garbage. There is no animal in the world that will poop out more than what it eats. They just don't really have any idea how much it's actually eating. Jason uses bristlenose plecos in almost every tank he has, just for its ability to clear surface algae. And I usually trust what he has to say. I actually have my first one now. it's young and in a 20g. When it's older, I'll move it to a larger tank.
  24. plecos are sort of big, but clowns are the smallest at about 3 inches. and while active, they don't really use a lot of horizontal swimming space. but it has to be a clown pleco. absolutely everything else is too big. And tbh, clowns are borderline too big as well. @Whitecloud09 but you can always go get another nerite or 2 😁
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