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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I think we're having a bit of miscommunication here. I believe @FlareTech was talking a red devil angel. and not a red devil cichlid. 2 angels would be perfect.
  2. You should be good to go for a small panda expansion 👍 😀
  3. I think it’s personal preference. Nerites are a bit better at cleaning. My mystery snails do a decent job. With the added bonus that sometimes they’re just plain goofy. Taking rides on floating plants. Glass surfing. Climbing up then floating down. I have them in all my tanks but one. And my 75g had upwards of 35 at one point. They usually won’t bother live plant material either. Same as nerites
  4. On the bright side, if you want to hatch snail eggs, it’s in a perfect spot. Also easy to remove 😀
  5. If you take it apart like you’re cleaning it and remove all the pressure from the motor and nothing happens. No motor movement of any sort at the impellers. It’s dead. Unfortunately
  6. Definitely do water changes. it's the only way to keep your fish safe. If your worried about the bacteria, add some more. It's not going to hurt anything. The way to get them to poop less is to feed them less. Platys are little food pigs. They are always begging for food. 5 platys actually need a tiny amount of food a day. Just a few flakes twice a day is more than enough.
  7. 5 fish in a school is good temporarily. That's really more of an arbitrary number anyway. Fish can't count. So, get the move done. re-establish the tank and get it settled. Then when everything has calmed down, add more in. No point in stressing new fish out at this point. If you have the space to go higher in numbers, do that. You'll see more natural behavior. Really, the 6 is a guess at the minimum. Slightly less makes no difference and more is always better.
  8. See If Amazon will deliver maracyn to you. But honestly, I'd use maracyn2, or better yet kanaplex in a quarantine tank. Maracyn is erythromycin. But that looks more serious than erythromycin can handle
  9. Not necessarily so simple. You can still get a ton of algae on fake ornaments. And nothing looks worse than fake ornaments drowning in algae. Especially brown algae Not that there’s anything wrong with fake decor. I still use some myself. But have removed most of it due to algae
  10. @Chris if you still have the box. It’s part #3 on the back. And on the front picture, look right beside the back hinge. On the side of the glass.
  11. I think that’s all of us to some extent. Especially when software companies start messing with your programs 🤣 but, yeah. Definitely missing 2 pieces. They’re not large ones either. About 1” wide by 2.5 inches long. At the hinge. They prevent the lid from falling in. That’s a possibility. But I only have a Petsmart nearby (1 hr drive)
  12. Without those pieces the lid is incredibly unstable
  13. @Chris looking at your picture. You’re missing 2 smaller plastic pieces that attach next to the hinge on the smaller glass. They cover the hole by the hinge and help to stabilize the whole lid. It’s one of the reasons the hinge stops short of the glass panel. So that the plastic pieces have room. With the small side pieces and the back piece at the same height. It forms a triangle of the same height (2 sides and back) which stabilizes the lid
  14. I just put one onto a 20g. It’s actually more stable than it looks. Once you get the side pieces stretched out to max and the back pieces to max. But, I did drop it in 3 times getting it right. Once it’s on for a while, the plastic pieces become harder to move and less unstable. It’s not completely horrible after a while. unfortunately, this isn’t a design flaw, or misdesigned. The led was made to fit most 20 gallon tanks, which means it fits none as well as you’d like. Smaller pieces on back. Small plastic pieces on side. Stretched out to fit. Bigger plastic piece on the back. This forms a basic triangle for stability. The front lid sits at a different level. Which is what threw me.
  15. Honestly, I’m a bit shocked they would even eat something like that. Wouldn’t think they’d have any desire at all for it. Being they’re vegetarians
  16. Really. My everything else likes them. I would never have thought about my otos 😀
  17. It is. But very good. Directions in English also
  18. Ya, if this is what you have. Going to need a bit more time. Not much
  19. If you’re reading 0 ammonia and zero nitrite, you should be fine. If not a couple more days isn’t going to hurt anything. And 6 pandas in a 20 is a good number to start with. Then build from there. The more pandas you keep, the more natural their behavior gets. Don’t rush it. Save some space. Or you’ll end up like the rest of us with multiple tanks 😂
  20. You’ve been wanting pandas forever. Get as many as you can. They actually travel to most areas of the tank. Constantly chasing each other up and down. Then maybe 3 honey gourami
  21. There really isn’t one that does everything. And if there were it probably wouldn’t be as good. Most accurate is api or fritz master test kits. Strips do the most. For drop tests sera is a good brand
  22. Here’s Bentley’s video. He does a much better job explaining what the problem is than I ever could. my communication skills seem to be declining in some ways. Absolutely. You can only trust what you trust. not sure if this link is showing. Upon editing it’s there, can’t see it otherwise. But yes, it’s basis is from @modified lung .
  23. This is true of course, but the reagents used in most strips will give a false negative at lower ph. Fortunately, most keepers are not going to have that problem. Just the minority with soft water. the opposite is true for gh and kh in high ph. The strips become less sensitive in higher ph I find better kh and gh results using test drops
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