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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. One of my favorites.ebony jewel wing
  2. Most cories are going to be too big for a 10. That said, I have 5 pandas in my first tank. Knowing what I know now, I probably wouldn’t have. And more bio load just means more water changes. If you stay on top of that, you should be good. alternatively, you could put a dozen chili rasboras in there without much ill effect.
  3. They climb out and shed skin on a reedy plant. They spend the majority of their lives under water.
  4. It’s not, it’s a damselfly nymph. You can tell because they’re much smaller and have 3 rectal gills. They absolutely are, especially the ones with the emerald bodies and black wings. They just kind of float when they fly. They appear fragile in the sky but very strong under water
  5. Driftwood is a highly personal choice. Some people like certain varieties only. My preference is for mopani wood. It’s bicolor. It also stains the water a deep tea color. Which I like. For a while anyway. Spider wood is nice. Spindly like a spider. Doesn’t stain the water. Petsmart usually has both. But the good aquascapers can spend hours looking for the perfect piece. So no hurry. Find something that speaks to you.
  6. A school that size would be great. You could do more. But that’s a good number. They’re so small it’s not really going to push your tank much. Well…. Depending on how many cories are on the bottom. If they’re breeding like rabbits, you’re doing something right, so wouldn’t worry about a large number of chilis Omg I just read that. Apparently sometimes I read from the bottom up😂
  7. You can get it from outside. Be careful doing that though. It needs to be a hardwood. Careful not to get it where there may be pesticides. And some wood like walnuts contain pesticides already. I just usually buy from a lfs.
  8. Tony s

    betta fin rot

    Never dealt with popeye before. But it definitely won’t hurt to try. Possibly even some of the medicated food.
  9. Tony s

    betta fin rot

    Whichever tank has zero ammonia, so you can start treatment asap.
  10. Bentley Pascoe was talking about this a couple of weeks ago. He had an older heater from the 80’s or 90’s I believe. It still works fine. But you could actually see the difference in the windings of the coil. And the wire itself was a heavier gage. Problem with today’s heaters are the same with almost everything today. They’re prebuilt with early replacement in mind.
  11. there is a chance it could. although I never have lost a cycle yet. Take the carbon filters out. It's okay to run a few days with no mechanical filtration. but keep the filter running so the tank keeps its flow. and, no, it won't hurt live plants at all. For the meds, just follow the directions on the package closely and everything will be fine. one airstone is fine. as long as there is flow. it helps spread the oxygenation around. I think the meds I would use is Maracyn2. If you can get her to eat, you can soak it in some food. probably going to help the best. second best would be to dose the whole tank. here is a recipes for maracyn2 in food. It's @Colu's recipe
  12. Back to the ot. I have taken down 1 in the last 2 months. For the absolute best reason ever. My wife said "I really don't like that tank there" 🤣 I am planning to revamp another 3 of my first tanks. very beginnerish. no plants and bright blue gravel. 10g. not sure if I'm just upgrading the substrate and plants or if I'm upsizing the whole thing
  13. Tony s

    betta fin rot

    it shouldn't kill either one. but if it's ammonia free you could move him there until his current tank stabilizes to zero ammonia
  14. could also indicate a bacterial infection. You could either feed her antiobiotic or dose her whole tank. I'd put an air stone in as well. Probably use maracyn2 either in the food or in the water. @colu for help
  15. Ha! At least you still have some stems. Apparently, mine required co2 and it was not labelled where I got them. so, they fizzled on me. @s_in_houstonyou're going to want your nitrates between 20 and 50ppm for a planted tank. being that's the fertilizer they use. even after water changes it's best to top up your nitrates above 20ppm to keep them growing strong
  16. cherry barbs will do okay with almost any water. Basically, if you can find it at a petsmart/petco it's not going to be a sensitive fish. They have a lot of what's called plasticity. meaning they have a lot of give in their makeup. You'll want at least a neutral ph of 7 for snails with a gh around 10. Which is hard water. not an issue though, about 80% of the US has hard water. so, perfectly normal. you will need root tabs in gravel until the mulm builds up enough to support plant growth.
  17. I'd liken that to rehoming a dog in some cases. not necessarily with small schooling fish. But the big ones that you can get somewhat attached to. but even the small ones you want the best care for. For the dog thing, I know people do it, I have no idea how
  18. You can do all the above. Our local fish store takes rehomed animals. The had a huge blood parrot named Fat Albert, very well cared for. I would have loved to take him home but didn't have the space For those, you'd have to trust who you're dealing with. Those have been your own personal animals after all
  19. That may make a difference on whether it says you're overstocked or not. I have a hard time believing it says 16 kuhlis and 10 zebras are in any way overstocked for a 32g. I have 12 in my 15g. had 1 betta with them, but no longer. and maybe your kuhlis would come out more in a large school
  20. when you plug in a filter to that, it's usually a named brand filter. not sure the flex pump has a designation for that. or did you see the space to put in your filter size. I think for whatever fish you put in there, you should be good. The knock on the flex has been that in some ways the filter is too strong. I know it's way too strong for bettas and has to be dampened down a bit of course there's always the user defined gallons per minute. you could add in your filter there.
  21. The other thing about the flex and aqadvisor. I'm not sure they have anything in the filter section for the estimate. I believe that pump is kinda proprietary
  22. Yeah, I saw something interesting on the news about that kind of product. specifically Magic Erasers. Turns out they may be a good source of the microplastics that are getting into our water supply. I'm not planning on changing or anything until they have something better. But it was interesting, and makes a great deal of sense as they kind of dissolve when using
  23. Jason Adams was showing something like this in his members section this morning. He has 6 or more nano fish species in a 75g display. including embers, diamond head neons, 2 species of small rainbows and a couple others. and stocks at a higher rate per school. Nobody at all was schooling. just random fish in random locations. I'm guessing he's got to add some sort of larger fish to create a fear factor and force them to school. So not only are high numbers important, but sometimes it's also the tank composition that gets the good behavior
  24. @Chili_girl the only thing I really see is you have it oriented wrong. Small glass in back. Two side pieces against the hinge. Long plastic piece against short glass. What this does is form sort of a level area between the 2 small sides and the end. Otherwise it won’t lay flat. Theoretically, you could still use the small section in front, but the big glass section has gaps between the frame and the glass so it’s unstable. I dropped it in once that way. And you wouldn’t have holes for cords that way either.
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