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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. They may have adjusted the chlorine levels in your water as well. Platys are usually hard to kill
  2. Wow, ok, sorry for your losses. If they’ve been with you for a year. Was there anything that changed. Hard scape, cleaning tools, dechlorinator? Or was it all stable? Did you get your water parameters when they started dying? Sometimes that’s the most important thing to do. It can tell you what’s going on. It’s possible, when you got new fish, something was introduced like a parasite or infection. Or you had something going on before that caused the loss of the new fish. (I’ve had that before, unfortunately) That would account for the one tanks crash. The betta may not have even been related to that. Or, it could have been transmitted tank to tank via cleaning equipment. (I’ve also had that before). Plates are usually very hardy. So it’s very possible something was introduced.
  3. Add root tabs just after planting. Using the tweezers. Much easier that way. You don’t even disturb the new plants
  4. That’s a start. Really, we’re not trying to come down on you. If you want help, we can work through what would work for you. Minimize water changes. Keep your animals healthy. We want you to stay keeping fish. Lots of know how here. How to do it simple and easy. We want you to enjoy your fish. And not work yourself to death doing it. It’s a learning curve. You can do it. The thing right now is to eliminate all ammonia. It really is poisonous to fish. Prime is only a band aid. It won’t work for you long term. Btw, platys are a great choice for fish fun. I have a dedicated tank just for them.
  5. It should not disturb the cycle. It will cover up bacteria in the sand. But if you need to add, now is the time. It’ll make it cloudy for a bit. Not an issue. You can always add a bit more bacteria if you’re worried about it
  6. That’s the second time you’ve reported ammonia over 5. If you need help getting that down, please ask. It is probably caused by over feeding. Or an uncycled tank. No judgement here, but we really will help. They won’t last long >5 ammonia. A lot of the time, people go to big box pet stores and they tell you, you can take a tank and fish the same day. It doesn’t work well. Not your fault. But we can work you through this. Less water changes, safe water
  7. Normal superglue is also aquarium safe I never buy the aquarium safe kind. Just the normal ones.
  8. Oh wow. So sorry for your losses. Sometimes this hobby is just rough. And there really isn’t a lesson to learn there. Maybe not to use the tank as a shelf. Which we all do anyway. as for what was in the plant. Who knows. Could have been anything. Even mild pesticides. For cleaning whatever it is. Just a soak in the tub and a good rinse off should work for your hardscape. But how do you know for sure. If your plants are alive. I’d try and keep them that way. In a tub. Set aside from the tank. Think of it as a quarantine for them. Then I’d take the water way down to the substrate and vac it up really well. Possibly adding water back in and draining and vacuum it again. At some point you should be at almost a negligible amount of contamination. but after all that work, it’s really just a guess as to whether it’s gone or not
  9. If it truly is greater than 5, you need to do immediate, drastic water changes, that ammonia has got to get down to less than 0.5. Multiple changes until it gets there, or it causes gill damages. watch the temp of the water. dechlorinate with seachem prime. What beneficial bacteria did you use for them? ph is usually unimportant, especially with platys
  10. then something like this. 2 pieces of wood to protect the tub. one each end of the clamp. held in place by the clamp. tub in between wood. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-3-in-Drop-Forged-C-Clamp-97891/205132116
  11. they come in different sizes and materials https://www.homedepot.com/p/Oatey-1-2-in-Galvanized-2-Hole-Pipe-Hanger-Strap-10-Pack-33542/303434708
  12. yeah, I didn't either. so much easier though. and to be perfectly honest. I haven't ever used much of a quarantine tank. and I know very well we should. And could be very costly. I honestly just haven't. you'd be surprised on how many who know better haven't. right up until it bites you in the b***. It's your tank, your animals, we can tell you how. It's still your decision. You're always taking a risk bringing in new animals. Is quarantine well advised, absolutely. Do we do what we should always. Well, my dr. says lay of the sugar and get more exercise. so, no we don't. We should quarantine, but how often does it get done? Wait! Stop me right there! I had 2 tanks I just cycled for some new fish! 1 with juvenile angels, 1 with 2 pair of guppies. Only thing in those tanks. Those tanks count as quarantine. I guess we learn things after all. Even unintentionally🤣
  13. couple of c-clamp vice grips to make a wooden sandwich and then screw down a pipe hanger strap
  14. Well possibly. But nobody but me and the bluegill going to know🤣
  15. crypts are great. in all substrates no need, let it marinate for a while. If you're concerned, add more bacteria may think of differing plant heights of crypts for texture. a tiger lotus for color.
  16. @TinaPax-Peeks I guess all of this depends on what you're quarantining for. If they're sick, out of the main tank is preferred. If you're just doing observation of a solo species in the tank is fine. There is a technique for using a quarantine trio of meds. Honestly, I would never use that. It calls for using those meds at partial strength. Meds at partial strength is a surefire way to increase antibiotic resistance. This hobby already has a problem with that. The best way to quarantine is just isolation and observation. for an entire month. this makes sure that anything they might have, you'll see it. then you can treat. If you don't see anything, don't treat. It's expensive and unnecessary if nothing is observed. For parasites, it depends on where you buy from. If it's a reputable source, the chance of parasites is usually negligible. So, quarantining one type of fish for a month in the main tank is very acceptable. also give you some interesting to look at in that tank. Wild caught or iffy sources changes the equation completely
  17. For 3. Basically a tank with no fish is a quarantine tank. Just observe them there for a month. If you need to treat, you can do it there. I don’t usually use any medication unless they show symptoms. That being said, wild caught fish can be assumed to have some sort of parasite. Especially puffers. For 4. If you have a seeded sponge filter. You have transferred the cycle intact. So no more changes than regular. Just watch the parameters. And if you need to treat you may lose your cycle anyway. If you treat you’ll need to disinfect your sponge
  18. Absolutely agree. As long as the animals stay safe.
  19. They also make ammonia that you can add directly to the tank. Fritz fuel, and Dr Tim’s also has one. They are more consistent than ghost feeding. Fish in is fine also, but takes a lot of water changes to be safe. You have to keep your parameters in the safe zones. Otherwise you’re affecting the health and longevity of your animals. If you can be consistent with testing and changes, they’ll be fine. one of the easiest ways to cycle multiple tanks is to keep a spare sponge filter running in another tank. That way you can transfer it to your new tank when you need it. You’re then transferring the cycle with it. I’ve done this twice in the last month. And instantly cycled both new tanks. Also works great for quarantine tanks.
  20. @Lonkley there is some life left. Is it enough to recover? Only time will tell. You could replace it in its location. And give it an out of the way place to recover. If it can.
  21. all of my favorite shows. That used to be required watching after getting of the school bus as a kid. Gilligan and bugs bunny. Then outside to work. 😂
  22. A small number of lamb chop rasboras would b very cool and colorful
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