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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. I have one in a small community tank. He does okay. But I should have gone to a trio. he's a bit shy by himself
  2. there have been recent studies on consciousness in animals. Initial results indicate it's possible. To what level who knows. Very much dependent on brain size, I'm Guessing. Note- not talking about intelligence. Animal intelligence is different. A horse is very smart for a horse-like animal. but don't expect it to add and subtract. Most animals can be target trained. I've seen them training spiny tailed lizards before. Snakes are highly intelligent; some prefer family structure. The bigger fish we keep are also very intelligent When we have to sell animals, we have to be very careful. selling too many from a group will make the rest go off feed. So, yes, they actually do notice. usually not for long. And I'm sure you've seen videos of mama elephants mourning the loss of their calves before. also have to remember, 30-40 tears ago it was controversial on whether fish actually feel pain or not
  3. Betta would be fine. I would get an nerite snail though. Mystery snails have longer stalks that bettas like to nip at. i would say harlequin rasboras work fantastic with bettas. Depending on the dimensions. Never had bettas go after them
  4. Which kinds? The standard? Or the bleeding blue, kerri? Kerri’s would make an interesting choice
  5. @Steve C if she’s a plant muncher, you can get some houseplant roots into the tank. Pothos works well as do others. They make a potho carry that grabs the stem and holds it to the side of the tank with the roots in the water. Lots of other houseplants work fine. the problem with nitrates is they’re not really poisonous per say. It’s kind of like being in a smoke filled room. The higher the level the more uncomfortable it becomes. It causes more of a long term problem. It’s constantly irritating, eating at them. I didn’t use to worry about it much, because it wasn’t poisonous. Until I figured out nobody can live consistently in the smoke. That’s why people advocate for the 20ppm. and high nitrate is not good for you either. Maybe a household carbon filter would clean up some of it? And you may have parasites. But if she’s been alone for that long, I don’t think it’s likely. Unless you’ve added something to her environment Or been feeding live foods.?
  6. I honestly have no idea what that is. But I seem to have boring tanks. There are lots of people with all kinds of mico invertebrates here. Scuds, copapods, detritus worms. I don’t have anything like that. Yet. My luck I’ll get hydra or planarians
  7. I’ve seen them kept by themselves. And are one of the three most peaceful ones. Depending on the individual though. The honeys are the least aggressive. Dwarfs, for all their color, can be little snots. But pearls are considered peaceful. With the disclaimer, I’ve only kept honey and dwarfs so far. Pearls are on the waiting list. 😁
  8. Was going to comment earlier. Kiddo looks like “The Boss “ out there. Bet she’s fun to watch. Then I realized, I don’t think my 9 year old has ever played with a ball before. 😆 my girl has a different set of skills though. Rock solid muscle. Abs at 9. Can do front flips and back flips no hands. Gotta love them at this age. Gets slightly harder when they get older 😂. Well, for a bit anyway. Then it’s all good.
  9. I think I’ve heard that before 😂😂😂 but very true. Just have to look down deep at the chemosynthesis organisms
  10. Single pearl gourami should be just fine. But if you’re concerned, you could put in a trio or more of honey gourami
  11. I’m not sure you can identify it quite yet. Those look like seed leaves and are very possibly not the true leaves yet
  12. Yeah. Not sure what I was expecting. Pickled guppies? Guppy bacon bits? Life is surprisingly resilient.
  13. I was just fascinated with the study. especially with fry, who are far more sensitive to water conditions. seems like that would not be possible. and yet there it is. for me I get nervous around 40ppm. but then I had a lot of smokers around as a kid🤣
  14. I'm hoping that's a typo. that'd be really high for nitrites. @Colu
  15. I believe I saw a guppy fry study where they were surviving into 300ppm. Not living per say, but not dying either
  16. orange juice looks cool and only co2 recommended. Explains what happened to my alternanthera. The site where I got it didn't say co2 required
  17. Ooh. Great! that's the most important lesson a new keeper can learn. Sometimes all it takes is patience. It can be a rough lesson sometimes 😀
  18. actually, most plant will handle that ph just fine. That just means you have an abundance of minerals in the water. Plants will love that. With possible exceptions of java fern and moss.
  19. I don't know if you saw while ordering, they also make adjustable crows foot wrenches. in case the sizing is an issue https://www.bing.com/shop/productpage?q=crows+foot+wrench&filters=scenario%3a"17"+gType%3a"12"+gId%3a"125022392114"+gIdHash%3a"0"+gGlobalOfferIds%3a"125022392114"+AucContextGuid%3a"0"+GroupEntityId%3a"125022392114"+NonSponsoredOffer%3a"True"&productpage=true&FORM=SHPPDP&browse=true
  20. pretty much this. I have a dark glow fish tank. My wife and daughter like glow fish. i don't have an issue with them. figure twice as many water changes. or you could try a refugium. or possibly floaters on top where the corys wouldn't interact with them or, depending on how you feel about it, a good canister with chemipure or purigen in it. not natural at all, but effective
  21. If you're fully cycled, you may be able to vac it up. and water change your way past it. Does it have any texture or just pure slime.
  22. you could add some if concerned. I might. but they shouldn't be that sensitive. but the more ammonia the stronger the colony
  23. Your tap water is sufficient by itself to rise to the levels you need. It is very simple to change enough water to get them back where you want. With the bit of extra bio load you may be exhausting your kh relatively quickly. You really shouldn’t even need the crushed coral. You have more than enough minerals. Just increase the amount and frequency of your changes. Your tap looks perfect for both shrimp and snails. 😃 Just to make sure your tap levels are constant and not dropping over time, you could take some water from the tap and test over varying time intervals
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