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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. And this plant has quickly become the monster in my tank! 7 pads on the surface, numbers 8 and 9 on the way. I’ll be trimming pads back soon… but, WOW! Audrey 2.1 is super healthy!
  2. I love my 29g.. still small enough to do water changes with buckets ( cuz that’s what I have) and relatively quickly, maintaining it is easy, but big enough to keep a variety of fish!
  3. If they were brand new to aquatic plants, I’d definitely recommend Anubias or Java Fern. Nothing easier than glueing a plant to a rock and setting it in the tank!
  4. Are you in FL? I think Aquashella in Orlando happens in Spring... and I'm soooo hoping to make it since it's only an hour from me! The tan \k looks gorgeous and the Shrimp are beautiful! I'm now inspired to redo my 3 gallon Cherry Shrimp tank!
  5. That is so cool! Thank you for the photo!
  6. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it in detail! It is so helpful! Now I’ll know what to do when I get ready to try and breed them!!!
  7. I have been thinking about breeding my Pandas (no previous breeding except mollies… and well… they need no help). I’ve tried finding info online but I haven’t found a whole lot. Would you mind sharing how you do tho so when I am ready, I’ll have a good starting point?
  8. While the husband was outta town on a camping trip with family, I Spring/Summer cleaned my entire house (started Thursday 6a.m - Midnight, then Friday 6a.m -10p.m.). I cleaned ceiling to floor, under furniture (the dirt under there was unreal) there is not a single spec of dirt in this house! I’m debating if I should let the husband back in though 😂
  9. I agree with @nabokovfan87, run a bead of gorilla glue gel around the edges of the mat to seal the edges in and create a dull edge. Then you won’t need to worry about them being hurt by the metal.
  10. No water changes other than the weekly gravel vac and 25-30% wc. I haven’t dosed with anything you different, just the easy green I use normally. My water is pretty hard out of the tap. Last test I did was yesterday and 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm Nitrites and 10ppm Nitrates. im hoping it’s just a molt as the other 5 shrimp seem fine. But one just never knows. I’ve never seen any of my ghost shrimp molt or seen any exoskeleton in the tank, but they must because I’ve had some more than a year 🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. He is… I love this little guy! also forgot to mention… he guards the Repashy and sinking wafers from the Cardinal Tetra so the Pandas can eat in peace 😂
  12. He’s a goofy one for sure! But he is so entertaining! He’s definitely different! Lol
  13. It looks great! Would love to see a wider shot to get the whole picture (so I can steal your idea and make my own 🤣)
  14. I currently have a community tank with 6 Panda Corydoras on natural gravel. it's almost like tiny pea pebbles.- rounded with no sharp edges. They seem fine. No issues. They don't really 'root' around in it but are constantly cleaning it like little vacuums. I get next to nothing when I gravel vac once a week. I've heard that they did better with sand, but I was old by so many people who had heir corys on gravel that they were fine and I've found it to be the case, at least with mine.
  15. 30% water change on the 29g battling brown algae 😕
  16. I can’t tell if he is ill, getting ready to molt or just old?? Any ideas? He’s (or she) is looking opaque and doing a lot of tail cleaning
  17. This fish though! He is craaaazy! 1) Doesn’t eat from the top of the tank, instead he eats the Repashy at the bottom along side the Panda Corys 2) Apparently didn’t get the memo that Betta don’t like strong water flow, so when I turn up the filter to quickly clear some debris. This little dude will literally ride the current to the bottom of the tank, swim up and around to the top to catch it again and ride it down.. over and over. As soon as I turn it down, he gets bored and goes back to racing up and down the tank with the Cory. 3) he “supervises” the Nerites. He’s constantly checking their work.
  18. I wanted to start off with a huge THANK YOU to ALL of you here on this forum! To some, it may not seem like a big deal, but for me (and a lot of newcomers or “re-starters in the hobby), having a place to go with questions, issues, advice, panic moments or simply to share our photos of goofy fish and algae ridden tanks without judgement or harsh treatment is such a wonderful thing! I started this hobby 30 years ago ( pre internet and YouTube) and had to learn on my own through books or misinformation by other people. I had some success, but a lot of failures and do gave the hobby up. Then, a year ago I caught the aquarium bug again, but this time there was a wealth of websites, videos and social media groups that were created (in theory) to help new fish keepers. But my experience with most of the latter wasn’t very positive. I was made to feel in adequate and witnessed others being treated the same when asking questions on a “beginner” group page. I was ready to quit the hobby again. Completely by accident, I stumbled across this forum. I was hesitant to join. I had watched many, many… sooooo many ACO vlogs and was sure that anyone in the forum would be super experienced and would likely talk “over my head” about information related to fish keeping. I wasn’t necessarily afraid they would be mean, but I did feel like everyone would be on “Rocket Scientist” level with fish knowledge and I was only on “Paper airplane” level. But I quickly found that that was definitely NOT the case. Everyone here has been so extremely helpful and informative. Even if they don’t know the answer, they e either tried to help me figure it out or point me in the direction of someone who can. I can’t tell you how extremely appreciative I am for such a fantastic group of people and for the endless wealth of knowledge I have learned in my short time here. Thank you for never having felt “judged” or looked down upon for my lack of knowledge in fish, plants or any other aquarium related topic! You all have been so gentle, helpful and most importantly… welcoming. THANK YOU all for re-establishing my passion for the hobby! I hope I will be able to pay it forward to someone whose new and just looking for that gentle guidance! Sincerely, FLFishChik
  19. You don’t need to apologize for being a “newbie”… we were ALL exactly where you are once… some of us more recently than others, but just the same (we will not discuss the poor fish that I’ve lost in the past from just not knowing the right info)! Before I found this forum, I had belonged to a few groups on social media and some of them weren’t very nice to new hobbyists- almost an elitist attitude. But you WONT find that here! Everyone here is super helpful and passionate about their hobby and very willing to help others learn to! I ask questions all of the time for things I’m unsure of and never had anyone been anything but helpful! I am always happy to help someone else with what I learn. This forum is pretty much a “no-judgement” zone!
  20. I have Cardinal Tetra which are just a bigger version of Neons really. Lighting. I have just a standard light that came with an aquarium kit- it’s very bright, but they don’t seem to mind it. There are lots of places for them to hang out in the “shade” if they want, but they never do. my Betta gets along fine with them… I’d be more worried about the Tetra nipping the fins of the Betta if he’s a long fin type. My Betta is a plakat so they really don’t bother him. I added my Betta last- several weeks after adding the tetra. He was the last fish I added to the tank so the others were already established and there would less of a chance of him being territorial. He now thinks he’s a Panda Cory and follows them around the tank like he’s on of the gang. as far as numbers, they need to be in a group of at least 5-6 to feel secure, the more the better. I have a 29g with 16 Cardinal Tetra, 1 Betta and 6 Panda Cory. I think you could probably do 10 - 15 Neons and a Betta along with some clean up crew
  21. Well, I’m thankful that I don’t have that stuff then!
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