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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @xXInkedPhoenixX @Odd DuckI think less bloating today? What do you guys think? I didn’t actually see her drop any eggs but doesn’t mean she didn’t. Yesterday we had a hearty meal of frozen brine shrimp and she found a male to mate with today, frolicking with him in the bubbles. 💞
  2. I took out the green bean I gave them yesterday. There didn’t seem to be any interest. I replaced it with a new one though along with some calcium chip, powdered. And just a touch of egg yolk, swirled around to coat the sides. York was on high alert and within minutes was trying to get into the breeder box to get the green bean. So I had to give her her very own special green bean. 🙄 This lady was floating? I put her in a dish and used my magnifying glass to watch her. She righted herself and put her little antennae out and started cruisin so she was returned to the box. See all the little dots on the sides of the box? That’s the gang. 🐌
  3. @Fish Folk I’m setting up a 10 gallon planted tank and I will use a seeded sponge filter, aquarium water from main tank, and pool filter sand (new sand, no bacteria). Would I be ok to use an eco substrate under the sand and immediately add fish?
  4. Yeah and here I am hatching multiple snail egg clutches to be moved to a 10gal grow out tank, then sold to LFS. Getting ready for daily water changes. 😝. I must be crazy.
  5. You can evacuate the gang to a plastic tote in the meantime
  6. Isn't that funny because in human environments (ie: kitchen countertops) it's the opposite. LOL. I had to keep a battleship in my tank for quite some time because my snail would sleep in there every day. I eventually removed it but I added a small log decoration that she can climb into, as well as 2 flowerpots. She has accepted the substitute accommodations well and everything now blends better.
  7. I heard driftwood can help? Also leaves.
  8. Oddly enough, we were just talking about this yesterday. Link @Odd Duck @xXInkedPhoenixX
  9. @lefty o or @StevesFishTanks - any idea?
  10. The split looks like it's on the top. Is that correct?
  11. First thing I would check is if the stand is level. If you have wood or fiberboard, over time it can warp from moisture. Can you slide a piece of paper under the bottom of the tank in any spots?
  12. That's awesome. When using eco substrate, do you have to wait before adding fish and inverts?
  13. Ooh! @TeeJay I am excited! I have never had a shrimp tank before and am happy to keep up with your journey with this habitat! 🦐 Things are nice and coated with the "juice" particles, so that's great!
  14. I'm coming back to the intro thread to ask what "ORD" means. ???
  15. I may have overlooked it, but what type of substrate are you using? Did you collect it from nature?
  16. Ooh, I like that one with the red belly in the middle!
  17. That's a good idea! You have so many great tips. Thank you @Guppysnail, oh wise one! Might add sand to grow out tank? It would probably feel nice on their lil feet? I realize more cleaning though. Also, who wants to see something cute? Turn sound on & Click
  18. Bueller? Bueller? Buellerrrrrrrr!! Black neons missed roll call. They skipped school to play in the current under the filter output!
  19. @xXInkedPhoenixX in your very first pic, what type of snails are those?
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