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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Chick-in-of-thesea’s homemade Snello is getting a thorough quality check this morning by several evaluators. It contains assorted boiled vegetables, crushed egg shells, fish food, and frozen brine shrimp. C3PO has made friends at the diner.
  2. The runt of the new gang has been tucked in. I haven’t seen his little face yet. But I’m not overly worried about him because I keep finding him in different positions. On left: Evening: Sunrise: Morning: My filter has a baffle so I know it’s not current moving him. For some reason he LOVES the Wondershell. It’s like his security blanket. So I will call him Linus.
  3. Less than 24 hours and 2 of the little guys are having a growth spurt. 🙂 See the spikes on the edge of their shells? New shell is about to fill in there. I do have 2 chunks of Wondershell in the tank right now. Or perhaps it’s just different water triggering this.
  4. Running low on something, usually meds or salt. Supplies to start new tanks - heater, sponge filter, etc. Backup nano pumps for power outages. But mostly trying new plants. The quality of their plants is better than local.
  5. I was ordering at least twice a month at first, then I decided to make myself wait til one month passes before placing the next order. That way I can space purchases out to help the budget.
  6. So today I was “trying” to take some snail photos and videos and Snoopy saw all the Kodak moments and struck poses! Here he photobombed and video bombed!
  7. That parasnailer is the silliest one. It literally just filled its foot full of bubbles and took the elevator to the top. 🤣 Oh hello. How are you? Your shell looks like it could use a cleaning. Here, let me help. (Bulldozes all the way over the nerite)
  8. Today has been such an exciting day! The tank housekeeping and decorating complete, I was ready to receive my snail mail! 5 magenta cuties arrived securely packaged by the one, the only, snail lover extraordinaire @Guppysnail. 👏 🎉 Now this one has been interesting because I had to do adulting (work) and hubby was voluntold for acclimation! So he floated their container and then added tank water after 30 minutes. I was lucky enough to get a long lunch break, so I came home to check on everyone. I found only 4/5 in their container because this brave one initiated a perimeter sweep! I finished the acclimation during lunch break and left everyone at the lunch counter (except our explorer). After returning home, I found 2 explorers and 3 nappers. 2 of the nappers traversed the length of the tank and found a “house” to reside in and the other moved a little bit and just parked it on the sand for a snooze right then and there. They’ve had a long TWO days - yep, we had to go 2 day shipping because rates were high. But all is well here despite that. And one even delighted me with an adorable parasnail. ORD! 😍 Also Snoopy saw the camera and immediately wanted to be the center of attention (typical) so here you go. 🙄 And York is tidying up for the company. Let me tell you, pics don’t do these beauties justice. Their color is so rich and pretty. Thank you so much @Guppysnail! P.S. Did you see Snoopy video bomb too? Psh..!
  9. They do get big and they will also eat a lot of other stuff besides fish food. They will eat plants and they will also pick up gravel and eat the stuff off of it (ie: algae etc) and spit the gravel back out. I imagine another factor to consider is that goldfish are cold water fish, whereas other aquarium fish are tropical fish that live and thrive in higher temps. Also found this: Goldfish have the largest bioload of *almost* all aquarium fish. This is due in part to the lack of a prominent stomach, meaning food just goes in, and comes right back out. So a 12 inch adult goldfish would foul up a 12 gallon tank in a very short period of time. Source: https://www.myaquariumclub.com/things-to-consider-when-stocking-an-aquarium-5837.html Not sure how reputable the source is, but this may at least help point you in the right direction. @Hannah Parker
  10. Are they cherry shrimp? They have such a nice paradise to explore and do shrimpy type things.
  11. Thank you for doing this @TheSwissAquarist! I had a great time NERM'ing out at all the photos.
  12. I don't think it's possible. Tanks are naturally going to have algae & detritus coating the surfaces of objects. Gravel vacc'ing may help because you can turn the gravel and perhaps refresh the top layer with what's underneath, but that is most likely a temporary fix, as anything up top will get coated with tank stuff. Which is good for the tank just like the driftwood slime. Your gravel will house beneficial bacteria.
  13. I needed several cups of coffee to get caught up with Coffee with @TeeJay. This is fascinating! Do we know how many eggs a shrimp can carry, approx?
  14. Hey @sweetpoison - I didn't read the whole thread here, but I instantly recognized the coating on the wood as biofilm! Biofilm is awesome! It contains protein and fiber and snails, shrimp, and other algae eaters love it. It's good for them and it's good for the tank! This always happens on new driftwood. It will last about a week. @ 8:45 here Sometimes I will add a new piece of driftwood just so I can grow/invite that gooey biofilm because the critters enjoy it!
  15. I also sit my UPS on top of styrofoam in case of tank leak or flood.
  16. Very productive morning. Got my water changes done, filter maintenance, and the lovely anubias have been added to the tank for today’s special occasion of ______?? We are also thawing some green beans so the afternoon snack is ready to go.
  17. I’m glad you’re ok @rockfisher I imagine it must have been pretty scary when the home started taking damage. Are you able to navigate the streets yet or are they flooded?
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