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Casual aquatics

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  1. Mandy rinse the tank out but I don’t think it’s wasted. Now is it toxic to the fish actually I’m not sure
  2. Ever herd of Killi’s in a bottle lol went to a fish club auction today and got this pair! There now in a 5.5 rimless 


  3. See now y’all are thinking 🤔 this can be elaborated in many ways I just wanted to try some aquarium plants in my pond.
  4. Thanks very much for your input. So you’re saying there’s no reason I shouldn’t beable to take them and just put in a bigger pot then drop them down in my pond?
  5. Hello everybody so my question today is this! When we order aquarium plants from Cory or anyone else for that matter. They usually come in those little pots with the holes my question is can they be transferred to say a bigger pot there for allowing it to keep growing bigger and healthy. Now why do I even care well I’d like to add some in my pond at least until closer to winter if it’s possible I have put pond plants in tanks but now I want to try the other way also I’m not wanting substrate in my pond hence the reason for pots
  6. I have had little success from what I have seen you just put roots in water and keep most of potato out of water
  7. Hello I figured I’d create a thread for this cause I know a lot of people try to do it have done it want to do it and I figured if anybody has successfully done the sweet potato in your tank then maybe you could comment below your steps in process
  8. My feelings on no stickers lol 


  9. Went to the aquarium over the weekend it was so beautiful a great experience 













  10. I have had luck keeping Cory’s and cherry barbs with bettas just a suggestion
  11. Hello and welcome you ever been to the Newport aquarium there ?
  12. Hello and welcome I’m across the border from y’all Dayton is only 40mins Columbus is about 2hrs at any rate I wanted to applaud you on giving the goldfish a proper size tank!
  13. Aquarium co-op .com has good selection Saint Louis aye I was born in wood river Illinois right across the river from there
  14. Welcome to the forum. I was born in wood river Illinois idk if your familiar with there or not currently live in Indiana but just wanted to stop in say hi and like your selection in your tank I love kuhlis bet I have 15 of them in my 125gal community tank
  15. Hello welcome to this amazing hobby. You can infact do a sorority given you have a big enough tank. You said you have goldfish and bettas? Just know that one is cold water and the other is tropical the goldfish need a 75 gal at least at fully size and I personally think bettas deserve a 5 gallon per fish but you could do the 3 gal I would truly get a 10gal put your divider and call it a day . P.s a lot of people think otherwise but bettas deserve a heater and filter in there tank ❤️🐟
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