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Everything posted by Cory

  1. If you're asking about our test strips. The manufacturer states they do not. However Zenzo says they do in his tap water. I believe this, however I can't verify as my local water sources don't have chloramine, only chlorine.
  2. It's not easy to answer this question as we can't see the fish. If they're looking healthy, then it's likely the trio has done it's main job of preventing spreading disease from newly acquired fish. However with internal parasites, you need to follow up with paracleanse again, after letting the fish rest for a week and eat. This is because any internal parasites who laid eggs, the eggs are not affected by the paracleanse. They have to hatch out to be killed.
  3. I personally would just add some minerals to the water and keep african cichlids, rainbowfish, and livebearers between my tanks.
  4. I find most to be comparable. Any round tube one. Lees, Python, etc.
  5. Early in my career I tried using hot glue to attach anubias to things. It didn't hold very well, maybe 1 in 10 kept their hold for over a week. It was an attempt to save money and hot glue was easy to work with. Unfortunately back then I went back to working with super glue gel. Silicone should work, just takes a longer time to dry.
  6. This is basically every day for us here. I have a great idea. Lets do X. Then the question comes, how do we make sure it pays for itself? 1 Person to oversee a project is 50k+ a year. I think we'd struggle to sell whatever form of this magazine would be for 50k in a year. We are past a point where, I could just put something together for free as I don't have spare time, and it's not reasonable to ask an employee to do a passion project like this for free. So it'll slide into idea land, till some day it makes sense. Maybe we have a sponsor, maybe we are 5x the size of company we are, maybe social media dies etc. But currently curating what we already do, the closest we get to that is the weekly newsletter.
  7. @Gwallace I think I have this fixed, I found this sometime last week. Your most recent order didn't trigger a new coin. The problem is I learned the app software was case sensitive. So it wasn't detecting the right thing to see you had gotten a coin.
  8. If it was my personal tank in a building I own. I would trust it. The only thing I really care about is diagonally, you don't want the aquarium "twisting". Otherwise, for me personally as long as the water level stays above the black trim on the lowest side, I'm happy. I do make a reasonable attempt to level something, but at a certain point it's not worth the effort.
  9. Hard to say if I had hydra. I didn't see any, but the water was very green. So could have been anything. But to my knowledge no fish had ever lived in that tote yet.
  10. I tried those, mine failed. Had 100 gallons of green water. Never saw any daphnia. Not sure where mine went wrong.
  11. Shipping to the us is currently stalled u til we find a better solution. as far as a Swiss store. I’d answer I’m not sure. The first question is, how big is the first order? If it was large we would then spend the 2-4 weeks with 3 people building out the process. Accountants would start the permits and such. Then the logistics team would start figuring out rate quotes and timelines. Then the warehouse team would put in a process to facilitate pickup and packaging for that destination. Add in another process on how we’d accept the order, and figure out how to not make that a manual process. Likely requires a second website build. In real talk, anything short of like 50k isn’t worth investigating for how much time and energy goes into just getting a real look at how to pull it off wholesaling to another country.
  12. I’m not sure I understand “ rules on return per week. Do you mean customers returning product? Or ordering frequency as a store? Neither of those have any specific rules.
  13. I'm not part of the research process. But I do know that name. Cause I was in a meeting with Randy when that came through and he said, Sweet there is a fish store named Randy's fish palace. So I can confirm we at least received it.
  14. I haven't had problems with ich x, and general cure was safe when I used it. Also prazi pro. maracyn, erythromycin both safe in my experience as well.
  15. I recommend manual removal. Also what plants do you have, are they getting enough to eat? healthy plants will help fight off the algae by denying them nutrients. The problem with an algaecide, you'll kill the algae, create a bunch of ammonia, which fuels more algae to grow unless you do big water changes. Which if you are doing the big water changes anyway, you wouldn't have as much algae growin.. So there isn't really a product that is just add this and you won't have algae, it's product + work = less algae. But work without product also = less algae.
  16. Correct, there is a review process. We don’t let anyone sell who we don’t think will be a good fit for our customers.
  17. This is in the wrong section, should have been off topic. On top that that, this doesn't warrant it's own thread. I saw the weird shower thoughts, and said, lets see how this goes. This second one is just not needed.
  18. The problem is, the average aquarist sees an expanded belly and says, must be dropsy. The reality is, it could be many different things from constipation, to being egg bound, to organ failure, and many more. All of these things have different things that could help or not. No med is going to fix organ failure for example. If it were egg bound, in some cases epsom salt could help relax muscles and it could pass it, or not. This is what makes helping people with sick fish so hard, is the diagnosis, not so much the treatment.
  19. It's the light I've been developing. It will hopefully release by the end of the year. We keep experiencing covid delays. Currently our lights are manufactured, but stuck at the factory the last 2 weeks due to covid lockdown mandate in china.
  20. With a budget of $50, I'd only buy anubias. Cause I could grow it with probably just fish poop and over time I could get enough to trade for other things.
  21. I’d say no, as it’s not the right spectrum.
  22. Look up seed shrimp and see if you think they look similar in real life. Picture makes it hard.
  23. How many root tabs did you put under the sword? My experience is a sword that size eats a root tab a week. I'd probably put 3 or 3 under there a month for a few months to watch the grow really take off.
  24. I believe this is where so many people go wrong. Plant or fish X lives in these parameters in the wild and they'll do well in these parameters. The problem is, the plants and fish are 30 years removed from the wild. They've only known life at uncle jims farm with his local water parameters. Farms don't change parameters to suit, they only keep what suits their parameters. To me this is no different than watching a documentary on kids in the Sahara desert who walk a couple miles each day in 120 degree heat to get to school and back. Now you have a kid, welp, guess I need to move to Arizona, put a parka on them, and march them to school and back to mimic these parameters. The trees in my yard are struggling, dying branches and such from no water. Someone could observe, look how drought tolerant these are, they've gone 120 days without water. This gets put on a website and now people think, oh, these trees are great for drought resistance. In reality this tree wants gallons of water every day and is barely hanging on. It's the middle of October, and no rain in Seattle yet.. unheard of. But people have a bias for, I was there and saw this, and therefore this is what is best. Myself included, I often have to remind myself that what I see in Peru, with wild fish and such, doesn't mean that is the norm, and could be abnormal. Last thing, using our planters with gravel, root tabs and crypts, if put into the tank with the aquasoil, won't change anything for you. It's the aquasoil dragging down the pH that I'd wager is half your problem compared to the parameters that these plants have actually been cultivated in.
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