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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2023 in all areas

  1. I'm often bummed that my current work schedule doesn't allow me the time to see my fish in their lights in the morning before I leave. Yes I could change their schedule but I just prefer not to. I still turn on the kitchen lights where all but one of my tanks is so I can feed them. Typically I turn on some small lights first and while I get ready for work let them get used to it. By the time I turn on the main lights they seem ready for their food. It's hard to get pics because of the lights being off. But here is Invictus, the last of my rescue Betta (don't worry Zaggi, aka Purple is still kicking at my Mum's but I'm not counting her since she's no longer at my house). Invictus is one of my joys. Recently there was an invasion of Ramshorn snails (I didn't RR some new plants from another fish keeper, but I'm ok with it) and I've caught him flaring at them pretty frequently. He feeds in the morning in the Dragon tank from a blue feeder ring. His color is dull due to the lights: Then we have Punk, who continues to reject his offered girlfriend Industry but she seems unfazed by this. I often see her in the middle of the tank just above the plants but because she is so small she is SO hard to find. Neither seem too stressed. I'm really looking forward to putting them in my future 200 gallon tank and seeing if that helps their relationship. I am hoping it does! If not at least they'll have SO much more space to themselves. Anyway, here's Punk, hunting flake this morning:
    4 points
  2. @Fish Folkhave you seen this?
    3 points
  3. We thought about that too but we both love Punk and Industry so much we are thinking we would love to know that's him and that's her. If we had more we wouldn't be able to tell who is who. 😞 If they were more like Betta fish with more individual looks we'd probably do it. We'll see, it could change
    3 points
  4. Oh yes don't get me wrong I still watch them all. They have great entertainment value. But my 2 takeaways are always 1. Where are they investigating 2. What equipment are they using
    3 points
  5. I have never heard of it. I just did a quick search and found out what it is. It a good idea in theory. But it's a television show so I can already tell you they are making extra stuff happen to make it more interesting. Now if you looking for something along those lines. Discovery plus has a documentary called the longest ghost hunt. Taken place at penhurst asylum in Pa that's worth watching.
    3 points
  6. Found a couple of young paley corys in the 29 gallon today. Not the first time they have spawned and a couple have made it. Thing is I never see any eggs or anything. But obviously they are breeding. That's the kind of breeding I like. Just notice one day oh I have some new fish. But I let that tank well all of my tanks say loaded with alot of floating guppy grass and hornwort. So they always have plenty of places to hide eggs for a few to be able to make it. I'll see if I can get some pics tomorrow. Have to close at work tonight so keep it fishy my friends.
    3 points
  7. Even working at a state agency salmon have a ton of federal protections. But even if you were to attempt such a thing you will not have success unfortunately. Salmon eggs need to be kept in a flat tray with a false bottom having about 5 gallons per minute flowing both overtop and underneath the eggs. Otherwise they will fungus over and die. If you do that and manage to successfully hatch them you will have yolks for about 2 weeks. Then you need to start feeding them live foods from the river/stream. Lamprey larvae, dragonfly nymphs, amphipods, and other crustaceans can be found by flipping rocks. Make sure to put them back exactly as you found them. It will take 6 months for them to become 6” to which it’s safe enough to release them to their natal stream. I am not sure which salmon species, but if you are west coast DO NOT release Atlantic salmon, we already had one environmental disaster with them. I have worked with state fisheries numerous times. Rearing salmon is very expensive and takes the constant attention of state, federal, and tribal biologists. I am not trying to come down like a hammer, but just know the reality of this fish.
    3 points
  8. Cadet. 8 days since adoption. A footrace: Juniper:
    3 points
  9. I scored this 100 gallon Planet Aquarium tank and stand from my LFS: 60.5" length x 18.5 depth x 19.5 height, and finally got it setup yesterday, an ALL DAY project, as I'll explain: Still a bit cloudy today, probably a bacterial bloom/die-off. I used a bunch of seasoned media as well as Fritzyme 7, maybe a bit much but would rather have too much 😉. Readings are fine today, it's not heavily stocked. Part of why this took so long is b/c I was moving these 3 tanks into it - all fish, the substrate from 1 tank, several plants and most of the water. Here's the aftermath: When the new tank was ready, I acclimated the fish for an hour - adding a scoop of new tank water to the "old" bucket water every 15 minutes for an hour. It worked well, the fish colored up, ate, and where exploring in no time. This morning my male Honey Gourami was trying to get it on with the female. There's also neon tetras, ember tetras, blood fin tetras, choprae danios, male platy, panda and salt/pepper cories - along with a handful of amanos, nerites and other snails. Hardscape I got the majority of the hardscape a couple months ago - I'm lucky enough to live within a reasonable drive to an aquascape shop - so I had my pick of the litter, and planned this out: Once I had the tank delivered (thank you LFS!) - I filled it and let everything soak for weeks, doing/practicing the occasional water change. I was traveling too much to do a full setup, and I was happy to let the stone and driftwood soak. This also let me get my filtration figured out - there's a Sicce Whale 350 and a BioMaster 600 thermo under the cabinet, along with inline CO2. My LFS only sells Whales, so I got one. It's OK - the Biomaster is built better. Regardless, I was planning on having 2 canisters. I have a large enamel pot, and I wound up boiling as much of the driftwood as I could b/c the biofilm coming off it, even after several weeks, was insane. The boiling seems to help this. Now whatever biofilms forms will just be food. Setup Day I got my plants delivered Wednesday, so I took Thursday off work - and it took all day, and them some. But it was cool to see everything come together. I moved a bunch of crypts, dwarf sag, anubias and val from my old tanks, and ordered a bunch of other ferns, anubias, and buce - lovely specimens: Mist mist mist... And there it is - so much work, but I'm really happy with it - just hope there's not too much plant melt! Cheers and happy fishkeeping 🍻
    3 points
  10. 🤣 🤣 that made me laugh lol Thank you all @TheSwissAquarist @Ninjoma @Kurt Brutting @Ben P. for sharing your experience. I got a group of 7 with the ratio of 2m:5f. The guy got imported approximately about 1m:2f ratio (maybe less female) but he knows me so he was okay with adding extra female there for me. Also he gifted me a free Apistogramma cacatuoides quad red pair! Another breeding project You are funny. @Guppysnail 's fish starts breeding while they are still on the way home in a bag. I would NEVER compete her when it comes to breeding. She is my source of inspiration 🤣 That's it 😝
    3 points
  11. “if they're really _only_ in that pond” That was something I was curious about. I would love a conservation group verify, and rebuild the population. Good on the kid to figure it out!
    2 points
  12. Female ruby-throated Hummingbird
    2 points
  13. I messaged the guys down at Conservation Fisheries in Knoxville, TN. I also recommended them to the YouTuber. They could theoretically "ark" a population if that was needed. They specialize in rebuilding US native species where there is often only _one small place on earth_ where the species naturally breeds. I know that Penn State does do some conservation work, but I think that a dedicated breeding group is what is really needed. It's so delicate . . . if they're really _only_ in that pond, any number of factors could devastate the line.
    2 points
  14. Look at this leaf I found in the yard! I think it’s hilarious. Dinner plate for reference
    2 points
  15. In the 200 G, you could probably add 4-6 more and they’d have plenty of room for each their own territory. They could pick their own mates.
    2 points
  16. ok, so youtube isnt working for me, so here are some pictures of the cool things we see under a microscope. We put mini ramshorn eggs (stuff to a sword leaf) under a microscope, we could see the snails moving in the eggs, it was super cool. Baby ramshorn snail inside egg:
    2 points
  17. Make very certain that you do multiple water changes before you put snails back in and be prepared to do a potentially sacrificial snail to see if the No Planaria is cleared enough to put multiple snails back in. I’ve read that nerites are particularly sensitive to it. I’ve also read that the effects can linger for weeks. So when you think the med is clear, do a couple more water changes, then try a single snail of each species. If all is OK, try a few more snails. I can tell you with certainty that it kills bladders, ramshorns, nerites (I missed one in a tank), and MTS. So presumably also chopstick snails or any others in that family. I’ve read it kills mysteries so I would remove any apple snail species just to be safe. Quite frankly, since it kills MTS, I would assume it can kill any species of snail. It does do a good job killing planaria and likely most any other flatworm species. Just be very cautious before you add a bunch of snails back into that system.
    2 points
  18. Mine live in the basement and are room temperature stable. If you ever change your mind/ convince the family let me know and I’ll get you set up.
    2 points
  19. No- but I have a copy of the pdf- so if anyone does buy it and sees this post- I have the pdf and am happy to share!!! Also my husband said it was so easy to install but very laborious because it comes in small pieces. Took two hours- which isn’t terrible. But it’s gorgeous and looks exactly like the photo.
    2 points
  20. It definitely depends! Sometimes you might be feeding frozen to a section of the tank and feeding another food to the other space on the tank. Some frozen foods float, some sink, and some like to sort of drift around the water column. Yes. This is my normal method. I don't feed 2+ times a day. I will feed once a day, maybe even every other day sometimes... If they aren't showing real interest in food. Sometimes I can feed morning and night and I will use that to condition the fish for breeding in particular. There's a few ways to view it. Something like bloodworms I've had issues feeding too often and causing some internal bloating and issues in the fish that way. Brine shrimp I think you can probably feed it as often as you wish. When I was trying to feed frozen very often I would do something like 40-60% of the meals from the week with frozen. The big thing is to make sure it's being eaten and that the fish are getting healthy, nutritionally balanced food. I think the more we learn, the real advice has became to choose a handful of good foods and to rotate. So, let's look at a typical week and I'll give you an idea of two methods for feeding that might work for what you're trying to do. Method 1: light-normal feeding supplemented with frozen Day 1: normal dry food (AM+PM) Day 2: frozen food day. One food AM, one food PM or a blend once a day. (It's ok if not all the fish eat during both meals due to preference) Day 3: normal dry food Day 4: normal dry food Day 5: frozen food day Day 6: normal dry food Day 7: normal dry food Method 2: "power feeding" for breeding Day 1-7 (AM): Frozen food mix or feeding in a rhythm. Supplement with any Targeted foods like algae wafers if need be. (Rhythm being, 2 days of brine, then 1-2 days of worms, etc.) Day 1-7 (PM): Dry food or gel food overnight You can add a rest day every 3-4 days here too. The main thing is to make sure the fish are really eating the frozen food and to avoid overfeeding/excess rotten food in the tank. It'll be interesting to hear everyone else's schedules and methods, please share if you have one!
    2 points
  21. Well I figured I might as well officially put it on the internet that I’m a fish dad. My journey on having albino BN plecos breed. Didn’t get any photos when they were in the cave. The one without a fork was the day I moved them into a Dean’s fry style container. October 5th, then the 8th and the 13th.
    2 points
  22. Parts are here. Thank you to UNS we have a nicely secure pipe!
    2 points
  23. Thank you both so much for replying!!! i tried searching before I posted but I’m glad it was suggested again! @nabokovfan87 thank you! I emailed through Walmart and they got back to me!!! I just got the pdf
    2 points
  24. Nice Rainbow shark! Snap!
    2 points
  25. I wanted a smaller schooling fish to accompany my empire gudgeons in my brackish paludarium, so I got a group of neon blue eyes (Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis). Unfortunately they started disappearing in the night and I think the gudgeons were the culprit, so I moved the gudgeons to my 75g. I got another group of neon blue eyes and a group of pacific blue eyes (Pseudomugil signifer) as an alternate option in case there was some other reason the neon blue eyes were disappearing. I also got a group of bumble bee gobies. They are so cute! I love them. The tank still doesn't look great though. In my 75g, I am trying out blyxa japonica on the left foreground.
    2 points
  26. Different species of pleco, but I have a rubber lip pleco in with fancy goldfish. I was worried for a bit that the pleco wasn’t eating, because I rarely saw it. So, I had the brilliant idea of putting an algae wafer right outside its little driftwood cave. Forgot that the goldfish also like algae wafers. Was very briefly worried I’d need to intervene to protect the pleco, who was significantly smaller. Nope, had to get a net between it and my black moor, because the goldfish was getting its stubborn butt kicked. This little 2” pleco absolutely threw down against two goldfish at least half again its size, and won. Apparently you don’t mess with the cave. The goldfish give it its space now. All of which is to say that, unless blue phantoms are of wildly different temperament, I think it would be fine.
    2 points
  27. Something’s brewing in Geppetto’s tank… Before & after, 17 hrs, no boiling. Also, one of his plants has an algae “pom pom” LOL I will add some leaves and pull them in one week. I’m not a fan of the mess they make when they decay. I will add mopani as well. People complain about tannins in mopani, so I think it will be a nice addition for him. P.S. The rooibos smells kinda like eucalyptus. Mediciny? Has lots of antioxidants and beneficial properties like catappa leaves. He does still tail bite, on occasion. ORD look at him peeking.. Also when he comes out he does this little back & forth dance. Ok well, I now realize leaves aren’t just “mess” and “tannins” - they serve as enrichment. I don’t know why I didn’t consider them as such before. My fish is teaching me. I wonder if he will make a bubble nest today, with these new, embraced changes. Additional bonus, his colors actually look more vivid with the tannins in there. Idk why. I can see more of his greens. Yes. He is a blue & green fish! I knew that because I had shined a flashlight on him at night, once in the past. When the light came on today, he and the shrimp were sleeping next to each other on the sand. Then they woke up, looked at each other, and were both like Aw, HAYL NAW! Geppetto flared and the shrimp zoomed. Reminds me of those one night stands in movies where the morning comes and it’s like “ok, you gotta go, here’s your stuff”(throws the stuff at the person) 🤣
    2 points
  28. Beautiful! And just think...now you have three empty tanks to redo.
    2 points
  29. You would win this one hands down. I can’t see the eggs. My brats hid in a corner for a solid week to avoid being near a spawning mop.
    2 points
  30. Shrimp are a pretty good choice for a newbies tank. My dad has a little shrimp tank on his desk in his office and he says that he spends most of his phone calls staring at it. 😏
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Flukasol active ingredient is flubendazole you add the medication to you pond on day one leave it 7 days water change if you have any snails in your pond it will kill them
    1 point
  33. So not fun....I hope you heal up quickly and well.
    1 point
  34. Luminatus are my favorite rainbows hands down! They’re fun to breed and the colors are pretty sick, and I’ve used them as dither fish for bettas. In answer to one of your questions, rainbowfish can crossbreed within genera (Pseudomugil, Melanotenaea, etc) but not between genera (hopefully that makes sense!). You can start a colony with just 3 fish (1M 2F) which is what I did, because my 14yo couldn’t afford any more 😅. Keeping that ratio is probably a good idea. They’ll lay eggs wherever, but spawning mops and Java moss work fine. @Lennie are you a psychic? Did you see me admire the Luminatus in my LFS yesterday?? 😂 You should do a thing with your chums @beastie and @Guppysnail: you each get a different species of Pseudomugil (or a different locale of the same species) and who ever breeds them first wins the undying respect of the others 😜😂.
    1 point
  35. Wow. This is super interesting behavior I've never heard of before.
    1 point
  36. I've wanted to try getting some for a while. At the last big auction for my local fish club, there was a lot with 12 of them. I was going to bid on it but I heard it come up while I was in the bathroom... Could have gotten 12 for like $30! I don't have much to add, just wanted to share that story. I think either keeping fish simple or Lowel's fish lab has a video about breeding them
    1 point
  37. Agreed with @Schuyler. If they’re willing to sell it, it’s a safe bet.
    1 point
  38. Very nice setup. Can’t wait to see it evolve. Keep in sharing!
    1 point
  39. I've been running home assistant on my outdoor 330 gallon tank of koi as part of my aquaponic system. It manages the temps in the winter because I wanted to keep it around 50 instead of 74 like the rest of the year and the heater wouldn't allow me to go lower than 70. It manages the pump to move water to the sand bed every few hours. Monitors energy usage. Alerts me if the pump runs too long or water level gets too high in the sand. Turns the air pump back on if I forget and leave it off after feeding. I just set up my first indoor tank and so far am just using it to manage the light, but wanted to add another temp sensor on an ESP for alerts if the heater runs away or fails. I also plan to set up an alert if the air pump stops using electricity, so I know if it's broken or cut out.
    1 point
  40. This one looks like a blue dream - blue rili one. Very unique! Reminds me of my red-blue ones I have. If you wanted to really try to for blue dreams I think you could cull the line and maybe rehome/sell the others. Entirely up to you, but I just wanted to mention that I do see some pretty decent blue dreamy look blue dreams. But, I'm excited to see what happens when the two cross and if you end up with any carbon / carbon rili varieties!
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. She really is enjoying it...honestly think its my best work yet. Cheers! Thank you!! I really just wanted Mom to have a nice little tank for her to enjoy. Fish have acclimated incredibly well and seem to be very comfortable with their new home. 🙂
    1 point
  43. The solution is enough plants that you can’t tell, along with siphoning up during water charges.
    1 point
  44. I got Pseudomugil signifer (pacific blue eye) & Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis (neon blue eye) recently for my brackish paludarium. The neon blue eyes are pretty passive and mostly stick to surface of the water. The females will sometimes come down to the middle and hangout with the pacific blue eyes. They are still very small, so I'm curious to see what they will look like and behave when they grow out. The pacific blue eyes are much more active and I like their color more. They mostly swim around the upper middle of the tank, but do swim all around. Males will spar with eachother, where they elongate their fins and swim around eachother. It's pretty amusing to watch. They are peaceful with my neon blue eyes, bumblebee gobys and shrimp.
    1 point
  45. I'll have to get a picture of my luminatis tank up soon, got the fish added a couple weeks ago. So far, I see no aggression that matters. I believe I have 17 in a 20 long, still plenty of space. I haven't spawned them yet but I have other rainbows, I definitely will second the spawning mop. You may get a very small amount of fry survival without it but not enough to really amount to anything. My normal method of fry rearing is to keep them in a small container for a few weeks until they are big enough to add to a grow out 10. I am going to build a "dean" fry system this winter. Also if you watch the luminatis breeding video on keeping fish simple on YouTube, his method seems to be pretty easy. No small container, just dump the eggs in a 10
    1 point
  46. I have 20 or more Luminatus in a 40 breeder and I love these fish! They are so much fun, I am currently setting up a 20 long for the Gertrudae Aru VI. As for the Luminatus I have probably 3 females for every male but it’s not exact. There is very very little aggression (if any), the males just dance with each other. For breeding spawning mops are the way to go. I also have Pearl Weed floating and a lot of fry have made it to adult hood. The Pseudomugils are definitely worth the purchase!
    1 point
  47. So I started this hummingbird hobby too late in the season; now they are all migrating - a big big journey over the Gulf of Mexico. Destination: Honduras. I somehow got into a small niche group of hummingbird NERMs who are tracking the migration, and the last bird from Statesville, NC left yesterday. I suppose certain ones are tagged, and that’s how those NERMs know. Birds who visit my feeder from this point on will be on their journey. I had one yesterday. She had a meal and continued on. The males left first and so I no longer see them. I made the nectar a little sweeter. That is recommended because they need the extra calories. It felt nice to help out, but I was sad to see her leave too. I don’t know if I will get any more footage, but I got this lovely footage last week that I’d like to share. These are 2 female ruby throated hummingbirds. The females do not display the ruby color; only the males do. Please relax and enjoy! Also! Anyone from SoCal - get a feeder up! Many of you guys have hummers year round. See? Click here Also another SoCal vid showing the migrating birds. They come right through there. (Note on second link: not everyone will have that result - that lady goes to great lengths to attract them with fountains, [a lot of] feeders, and flowers). If birds travel through areas without flowers, they will desperately look for the feeders. Cheap red plastic feeders are what they know and what they will find. I paid a little more for my Hummzinger because it’s easy to clean, has an ant moat, and is bee proof. Some fun hummingbird facts: A hummingbird weighs as much as a penny. The hummingbird heart pumps 800 beats per minute. If they dive, 1200 beats per minute. Like other birds, they have hollow bones to keep them lightweight. They have a super long tongue to reach into flowers for nectar. It retracts in a coil to the back of their skull. Look for the tongue in my video closeups. They slurp it in & out a few times after their sip. *cute* It takes about 12 minutes for their crop (stomach) to empty. It also takes about 12-15 minutes for a flower to refill its nectar after they drink from the flower. @nabokovfan87 @k0olmini
    1 point
  48. Hi @Tanked . I did 2 things here to publically reply to you. I hit the the word "QUOTE" at the bottom of your post. Second I used the @ symbol & typed your name. When your username popped up, I clicked on it. Hope this is helpful.
    1 point
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