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Love aquariumcoop love leaning has much as I can bout aquariums been in the hobby for over 15yr now I have kids and they are starting to get in to fish whit me we have witch’s all of your videos and have leaned so much and thought this would have us lean to and the beat thing is it sounds kid safe keep up the great work 

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Hi everyone thx you been helping a great deal from greensboro Nc. I have a 3 year old blood parrot didn't know when I bought the fish he was going to get big he's been in a ten gallon alone since day one. Just got him a 40 gallon tank I have no idea what I'm doing my fish didn't even have a name for six months after that orangy just stuck and I luv him just like my cats and dogs thinking about going to get him a friend 

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Matt from Cols. Ohio. I’m new back into the fish keeping hobby for about 7 months. I found aquarium co op on you tube and have not looked back. Cory has a great personality, lots of knowledge. Looking forward to sharing and learning. Here are a few of my swimmers.




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What's going on guys. I'm new to the forum after watching a lot of the aquarium co-op videos and shopping at the store since I got my tank around 3 years ago. So far I've only kept guppies and bloody mary shrimp (bred both a decent amount) but I'm looking to get something new soon. Always open to suggestion and advice.

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Hey everyone! I’m Tabatha, mum to two goldies and a betta named Clem, Dottie and chunk. I’m on a nursing reprieve, I live in New Hampshire and have a little jewelry art business with my best friend. 

I started with a tiny pond this summer and decided I needed two goldfish. I’ve fallen in love with these guys so much and they are now inside in a 38 gallon tank together. I got chunk a few months ago. He lives in a 3.5 gallon....(he was fin nipping in the 5 gallon).





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Hi I’m Shelley I live in Roswell NM. I started out with a betta fish now I have 3 and starting a new tank. I have a problem with water flow I have 2 Mari land glass led and a fluval spec the flow from the filter is way to fast it’s becoming an issue I need some ideas on how to fix the problem I’m afraid I’m no very inventive so any suggestions would be very welcome. Take into consideration I’m 70 years old so instructions need to be detailed. I hope I’m in the right place for this

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Inspired by Diana Walstad, I have a 1-gallon globe with 1 inch organic soil, sand, crypts, dwarf sag, frogbit and three cherry shrimp. Three marimo balls. One of the shrimp is kicking her belly constantly because it’s full of eggs. There are way too many pond snails but everyone looks happy.  It sits in a south east window getting natural light. 
I then set up a similar dirt, sand,  6-gallon cube tank with plants, driftwood. Floating plants are frogbit. I have a lamp over it. No direct sunlight.
After a few months I changed water a few times and added plants and snails. I had brown water, stinky water, green water, cloudy water. All the plants melted and died. After the floating plants did their work the water was good  I added more plants and watched the snails to see if they were happy or trying to crawl out. When they were moving all over the glass and not trying to stay in any one place I added more plants. 

Tthe plants loved the mulm  so I left it there . It is not a shiny spotless tank  

I recently added 9 ember tetra, 10 cherry shrimp, and 4 Pygmy Cory (2 died). 
I still do not have a sponge filter
it is great to be here with fish lovers and scientists. 


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HI! From near Fall City in Washington! I found your video's last night. I thought the video on ammonia buildup was great! I explained it to my kids this morning using a similar method. Really easy to understand. I got a "new to us"  29 Gallon tank last Monday. Monday the 11th. I tested the tank to make sure it didn't leak on Tuesday and then filled it up in the house Wednesday. We live off a pristine well. I let the water sit in the tank until Saturday when we received fish as a gift. 6 Guppies, 6 Neon Tetra's, 2 Cory Catfish, and 1 mystery snail. Also we received NEW filter parts and I changed everything out in the filter. NOW, I know this was all a mistake, but it's a little late to undo everything. The first fish died right away and we got a replacement fish from Denny's before we knew what was happening. That fish also died by Monday the 18th. We went back to Denny's, and they said they would not replace the fish because the tank needed to fully cycle. At that point I bought a test kit, and Stability additive. It says to put three capfuls in based on the size of the tank for the first day then one capful each day after. I fed the fish Monday.  Tuesday no fish died. I fed the fish Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday a neon tetra died. (Also missing, another Neon Tetra, and one of the catfish.) So I started watching videos last night and watched Cory's video. I tested the water last night at 11pm and the ammonia was between .5 and 1ppm I put more of the stability in because I could not change the water at that point. This morning I changed out 50% of the water, careful to make sure that the water temp was ok. I put in 3 more capfuls of stability in. I did not feed the fish this morning.

Now when I changed the water out, there was a lot of particulates that were floating in the water after. A LOT. Am I supposed to try and capture those particulates. Or will they get pulled into the filter? I finished the water change 10 minutes to 10 and going to do another test after an hour. Do I do another water change today? The fish are clearly stressed. One of the male guppies is swimming at the top and just looks so stressed out. I feel terrible. I'd love to know if there's anything else I can add to help the fish. I've learned a lot the last few days and know that adding the fish in right away was not right. If I add live plants would that help? Here is a picture of our set up.

29 Gallon tank.
Fluval 206 Filter
Aqueaon Heater
Bubble LED thing (Not on in picture) 
Really Cool LED light bar on top. 



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Just checked on the fish and that male guppy that is struggling was down all the way at the bottom. Still a live but not moving at all. Just on the rocks. So Pulled him out of the tank. Is that the right thing to do? He's in a small tupperware with water right now. He did run around when I was trying to get him. 
Ammonia retest is at .5 to .25 now. 


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Hi Cory and everyone with Coop and the group!!  I AM so excited to post and join and I did join the once a month one and not sure how that works.  My tech skills are not the greatest.  BUT I want to get right to my new and exciting, new person craziness!

I bought a ten gallon and seven guppies.....Two days later one of the guppies had 30 babies!!  EEEkkk!!!  I was a mess gathering them up and it felt like a guppy horror show keeping them from getting eaten.

One month later I now have a thirty gallon, two ten gallons and a five gallon and 16 adult guppies and some fry.  (I have named all the adults. I LOVE them!!)

Cory, I have been listening to you as much as I can.  I really thought I knew what I was doing but tragedy struck and most all of my fry died two days ago.  I cleaned from brown algae off of their tank and foam happened and they died.  I rescued some that were oldest who made it and put them in your wonderful breeder hang on side tank.  They are doing better.  I added salt after watching your video and coral.  In So Cal we have hard water but after the fry died, that same day, some adults had fungus.  UGH!  What a day.

I now have four pregnant mammas and I feel I REALLY need to keep the top of the tank with lots of green to hide the fry when born and collect what I can and not stress over them eating them.   Hard to do.  If anyone has advice for this newbie, I would LOVE it!! 

I had the fry that died in a separate ten gallon.  How do I stop that problem from happening again?  Or I am figuring that the newborn fry should stay in the tank they were born in for awhile before transfering them to a ten gallon.  I LOVE watching them all in the ten.  SO cute!!

Quick note!  LOVE your videos with Dean!  You guys are too fun!  🙂   LOVE all the videos!  Loving this new hobby in the fish world with you all. 🙂  




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Mac from New Bern, NC. We have a 2 year old 45 gallon (tall) tank and haven’t kept fish since childhood. We’ve made a lot of mistakes but here’s our current pet list:  1 mystery snail, 5 serpae minors, 2 neons, 9! kuhli loaches, 1 long finned bristlenose pleco. The kuhlis got happy last year and made 6 additional loaches that we rehomed to a friend. So far we have lost 1 pleco, 4 neons and a kuhli, and had to offer 1 serpe for adoption for a bad attitude. Trying to learn and excited to join this community! We want the best for our fish. We want to change the substrate in our tank to sand and welcome any advice!




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Hi everybody. My name is Albert. I recently got my first fish tank. A 20 gallon tall. I started off with an easy fish to help my get things cycled. I have 5 red eye tetras. I'd like to eventually get some corydoras and maybe a koi betta. 

Pretty basic setup. 20 gallon, eheim heater, air pump with bubble stone, penguin 150 filter. I feel like I might have over filtered, the stream of water coming out seems a bit strong. 


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Hey, y'all! I'm Celly from Bama. In another life, I had multiple tanks, two 29 gallons, a 10 gallon "native tank" (vivarium with a newt) and a five gallon for some Boraras maculatus. I lived in Providence, Rhode Island back then, and my ex-husband and I had a fish guru, "The Fish Doctor," George Goulart, who owned Aqua-Life on the corner of Wickenden and Hope Street. He was the one who introduced me to Rasboras and also to the concept of a fish room. His whole basement was filled with tanks! It blew my young mind.

I took a break from the hobby for about 20 years. I stumbled upon an antique Metaframe knockoff at the thrift store, which I bought and started raising Boraras again. It was only a five gallon and it got rusty fast, so I upgraded to a for real Metaframe 15 gallon on a whim. I'm considering setting up a quarantine tank with the five gallon, but just haven't gotten to it.

These day I don't have a LFS and so I was very happy to find Rachel O'Leary and then Cory on the yootoobles. It's nice to be able to reference experts to minimize my mistakes. Although I do seem to still make them, a-plenty.

I met my now husband on a newspaper forum, so when he came in while I was typing this, I poked him about how we first met, laughed and told him I wasn't "lookin' for nuthin'" 🤣

My nickname is pronounced like you would say the word cello, and I hope my forum handle cracks you up as much as it did me.

Thanks, Aquarium Co-op peeps, for all the great information and quality products.

Edited by Celly Rasbora
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