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Everything posted by Diana

  1. Hi Cory and everyone with Coop and the group!! I AM so excited to post and join and I did join the once a month one and not sure how that works. My tech skills are not the greatest. BUT I want to get right to my new and exciting, new person craziness! I bought a ten gallon and seven guppies.....Two days later one of the guppies had 30 babies!! EEEkkk!!! I was a mess gathering them up and it felt like a guppy horror show keeping them from getting eaten. One month later I now have a thirty gallon, two ten gallons and a five gallon and 16 adult guppies and some fry. (I have named all the adults. I LOVE them!!) Cory, I have been listening to you as much as I can. I really thought I knew what I was doing but tragedy struck and most all of my fry died two days ago. I cleaned from brown algae off of their tank and foam happened and they died. I rescued some that were oldest who made it and put them in your wonderful breeder hang on side tank. They are doing better. I added salt after watching your video and coral. In So Cal we have hard water but after the fry died, that same day, some adults had fungus. UGH! What a day. I now have four pregnant mammas and I feel I REALLY need to keep the top of the tank with lots of green to hide the fry when born and collect what I can and not stress over them eating them. Hard to do. If anyone has advice for this newbie, I would LOVE it!! I had the fry that died in a separate ten gallon. How do I stop that problem from happening again? Or I am figuring that the newborn fry should stay in the tank they were born in for awhile before transfering them to a ten gallon. I LOVE watching them all in the ten. SO cute!! Quick note! LOVE your videos with Dean! You guys are too fun! 🙂 LOVE all the videos! Loving this new hobby in the fish world with you all. 🙂
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