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Today my trusty dog informed me something was happening over in the corner: investigation revealed my last remaining HOB overflowing, resulting in a soaked carpet. I sat there through three podcast episodes blotting the carpet with an entire roll of paper towels before it was merely damp and I could set a fan on it. Deep breath. Glad it happened on a non-work day.

I added that HOB to my HOB storage area; I still want to keep some on hand in case I need to polish water with filter floss, one of my secret addictions >;->

Found a juvenile in my "female platies" tank with a full on gonopodium and realized I hadn't checked the juveniles in about 2 weeks. That tank is already on the tipping point between "hooray, fry!" and "oh no, fry!" with six adult platy females in it, so I'm a little disappointed in myself, but what's a few hundred newborn platies between friends, right?


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On 1/2/2022 at 2:01 PM, PineSong said:

Today my trusty dog informed me something was happening over in the corner: investigation revealed my last remaining HOB overflowing, resulting in a soaked carpet. I sat there through three podcast episodes blotting the carpet with an entire roll of paper towels before it was merely damp and I could set a fan on it. Deep breath. Glad it happened on a non-work day.

I added that HOB to my HOB storage area; I still want to keep some on hand in case I need to polish water with filter floss, one of my secret addictions >;->

Found a juvenile in my "female platies" tank with a full on gonopodium and realized I hadn't checked the juveniles in about 2 weeks. That tank is already on the tipping point between "hooray, fry!" and "oh no, fry!" with six adult platy females in it, so I'm a little disappointed in myself, but what's a few hundred newborn platies between friends, right?


Yea I've been thinking about getting a hob with a skimmer for my 120; but stories like this one make me think I'll skip it.

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On 1/2/2022 at 4:59 PM, anewbie said:

Yea I've been thinking about getting a hob with a skimmer for my 120; but stories like this one make me think I'll skip it.

In defense of my HOB (AquaClear 20), I have used them for many years and only ever had water come out the back twice. This morning I had done a big water change, raised the water level in the tank and moved the flow lever from low to high. Perhaps paying attention to the tank after doing that would have caught the problem sooner, but I was on to the next thing...

But yes, with a sponge filter, it wouldn't have happened.

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On 1/2/2022 at 4:48 PM, PineSong said:

In defense of my HOB (AquaClear 20), I have used them for many years and only ever had water come out the back twice. This morning I had done a big water change, raised the water level in the tank and moved the flow lever from low to high. Perhaps paying attention to the tank after doing that would have caught the problem sooner, but I was on to the next thing...

But yes, with a sponge filter, it wouldn't have happened.

Yea but i have wood floors and one big spill is gonna be $$$.

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Hit my local lfs for some shellies.  Mentioned my dieoff faux pas to the owner, and she looked at me crazy and said, why go through all that with the ph? These fish were all born and raised in this tank, and our ph hovers around 7. They are very forgiving and adaptable as long as it stays pretty steady. Lesson learned.

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On 1/2/2022 at 11:39 PM, ADMWNDSR83 said:

Hit my local lfs for some shellies.  Mentioned my dieoff faux pas to the owner, and she looked at me crazy and said, why go through all that with the ph? These fish were all born and raised in this tank, and our ph hovers around 7. They are very forgiving and adaptable as long as it stays pretty steady. Lesson learned.

Sounds like a good LFS owner. Many would have tried and sold you even more PH correction supplies.

FWIW, I don't think I've ever had to alter my PH for a fish, and I have pretty hard water with a PH of around 7.8. If I was to play with some wild bettas or obscure gourami, I'd probably mix it with RO, but even still. Most of the animals we keep will be fine with like 6.6-8.2 PH and low-moderate hardness and up.

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On 1/2/2022 at 8:39 PM, ADMWNDSR83 said:

Hit my local lfs for some shellies.  Mentioned my dieoff faux pas to the owner, and she looked at me crazy and said, why go through all that with the ph? These fish were all born and raised in this tank, and our ph hovers around 7. They are very forgiving and adaptable as long as it stays pretty steady. Lesson learned.

I've been itching to try shellies for some time now, just need a tank (and somewhere to put a new tank...). Keep us posted on how they do 🙂 

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We recently got the garage insulated as an add-on to re-insulating the main house, so today after doing my feedings, fry checks, and top-offs, I cleaned out a corner of the garage and set up one of several 48x24x72" racks I bought last year. I want to claim part of the space as my nerm lounge -- breeding and plant propagation tanks on a couple racks forming a partition around a corner of the garage. Inside of this partition I envision a super comfy chair, a space heater/AC unit (maybe one of those expensive Korean units that can do both), a TV, and a couple gaming consoles. How cool would that be? 

Earlier in the day, I also helped my partner build a new stand for her 5gal pygmy cory/dwarf red platy tank that she loves. I think the new arrangement looks great and it really meant a lot to me to be able to help somebody else do something that was important to them.

Here's to more fishy business tomorrow...

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On 1/3/2022 at 5:49 AM, Picklepuppy said:

We got the Christmas 🎄 tree taken down and tossed into the goat 🐐 pasture for them to enjoy, and got baby daughter safely back to college.  There hasn’t been time or energy for tank maintenance but I always make time to stare at them!  🤣






I agree with the others, I need to know what strain your gorgeous blue/purple guppies are, I am transfixed 

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I had an adventure today. First not so much an adventure the baby pleco are emerging from their cave; this one has more than doubled in size the past 24 hours:



I found the nannacara wraped in an odd fashion just outside the cave of the pleco - he hasn't eaten the past 3 days and i thought maybe he was dead; nope he was just waiting for more baby pleco to come out and play.... what can i say... sly fox.


Now for the adventure; in the 29 i've been trying to remove all the duckweed. I do this by taking a net during water changes and skimming out the few pieces i can find (i've been working on this for 6 weeks). One of the headache is the black 29 has guppies and a gazillion and 2 guppy frys. I think i'm pretty good at not netting the frys but some of them are black and the netting is black... anyway when i took the  net to the bath-tub to clean a bunch of frys came flying out - and i had to chase them down before they went down the drain. Manged to catch them all and return to the tank though they were briefly exposed to untreated water... at least they didn't go down the drain.


This is the current state of the black 29 (it has lots of guppies; swordtails and 1 m and 2 f borelli (you can see the male near the swordtails on the left); 1 female super red bn (only 3 inches) and one rescued lemon bn around an inch - you can see the lemon bn on the matten filter on the right. He is one that nannacara missed and i moved him over to the 29 for a bit of r&r.  despite the trauma of being chased (I had to catch him with my hand as he had trapped himself in the matten filter in the 40); he is the most out going bn i have; he totally ignores me in the 29 when working on the tank and i frequently have to shoo him away when working on the tank.



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I finally trimmed back my water sprite, it was so long that it was flopping over on the top of the tank... which is impressive because it's a 55 tall corner tank 🤣 I took the trimmings and gave my betta some new floating plants to rest in and tossed the rest into the compost before the snow comes. I'm still on the fence about what I'm doing with my pogostemon stellatus octopus, so it's a bit wild still, but I'm kind of enjoying the leaves on the surface.




Vazi is really enjoying his little water sprite jungle 🥰



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I put in a couple of new tropical swords and got some small stones that sort of mimic the form factor and granite composition of the larger ones to play around with tomorrow while I putter. They're a little grayer, but the stones aren't all the same color anyway. I'll just have to see what works. I frowned repeatedly at what appears to be the cyanobacteria that loves to deposit itself on my gravel. There's also a java fern which I'll leave underwater in the pot while I decide which of the small stones to attach it to.



Here's one of my hitch-hikers, made it in with one of the plants I had earlier. I have a couple of long skinny pointy ones as well...and likely a few more of these.



Here are most of the serpae hanging out in the plants near the intake visible at the right. 



These pictures are all taken on my new iphone 12, which I still need to get used to. I'd like to try a macro lens, maybe bump up the saturation a little, although not to surrealistic levels.

Edited by isaly
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I took a video as requested… I apologize i couldn’t figure out how to attach it.  This is the male moscow tank, all ages, plus some corys , otos, & snails 🐌.  A couple years ago i got a trio (maybe 2) from Aquarium Co-op and 6 months later i crossed their babies with a trio i got from Alabama.  The Bama guppies had nicer dorsals but not as nice tails so I’m still working that out.  🤪 I stink at culling so I just separate and add tanks.  I run the moscows and random mutts.  

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On 1/7/2022 at 12:10 AM, Picklepuppy said:

I took a video as requested… I apologize i couldn’t figure out how to attach it.  This is the male moscow tank, all ages, plus some corys , otos, & snails 🐌.  A couple years ago i got a trio (maybe 2) from Aquarium Co-op and 6 months later i crossed their babies with a trio i got from Alabama.  The Bama guppies had nicer dorsals but not as nice tails so I’m still working that out.  🤪 I stink at culling so I just separate and add tanks.  I run the moscows and random mutts.  

Um, you need to name this strain and start selling these beautiful babies bc I wanna be first in line!!! I have never seen such a rich blue!!!!!!

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