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What did I do today?

I cleaned up around the house and in the evening I bought FISHiES 😁

10 Colombian tetras

5 Cory pandas

1 otto

7 guppies ( I think, can’t find them all I turned off the lights)



Edited by MyFish
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My Columbian tetras just won’t go to sleep…lol - they are so happy schooling and swimming back and forth.  I tested the water and zero nitrites; so I know their happy 😊 

mine of my guppies won’t leave the top; he ate when I brought them home but he’s still at top; hope he’s okay 💜 I’ll check in the morning. All the other ones were swimming around Investigating Calmed down. Is that the night light is on

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On 1/31/2022 at 8:59 PM, Odd Duck said:

I’m home from work early since I just tested positive for COVID today.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😞 

I felt like my allergies were up the last couple days, woke up this morning with slightly scratchy throat, but that’s all.  Starting coughing after I got to work.  They had tests available for staff and my test turned positive in about 3 minutes, supposed to read at 10 minutes.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 

Hubby almost got sent home for a potential exposure, but he doesn’t have to QT since he’s had all 3 vaccs (so have I).  Still he’s going test today.  If he’s negative, I get to live in the master bedroom for a while and see if he turns positive or not.  I’ll be popping out long enough to feed fish and that’s about it.  I just spent the last couple hours sanitizing all common touch surfaces, everything I can think of that I might have touched in the last few days including alcohol wipes on the fish tank surfaces.  Good thing I’ve got exam gloves on hand.

Also a good thing I’ve been prepping to move tanks and haven’t been adding fish or shrimp to tanks to speak of.  The silver dollars and the 2 tiny blue-eyed yellow plecos are the only ones I’ve gotten in weeks.  Plus most fish tanks are now set up with “Scud Jewelry Box Refugiums”.  There might even be a few blackworms in some of the scud refugiums.

Odd Duck, I am so sorry this stuff hit you. 

Fully vaxxed here, too... and I found out recently that my supposed allergy to the post surgical dressing is actually a covid rash🤪... 

My immune system is not what I hoped for 🤦‍♂️

I hope your hubby escapes it, and your case is super mild!

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On 2/1/2022 at 10:11 PM, Torrey said:

Odd Duck, I am so sorry this stuff hit you. 

Fully vaxxed here, too... and I found out recently that my supposed allergy to the post surgical dressing is actually a covid rash🤪... 

My immune system is not what I hoped for 🤦‍♂️

I hope your hubby escapes it, and your case is super mild!

I’m already doing much better today, thanks!  Yesterday was very rough.  Just when I thought I might be doing a bit better with a trace less sinus congestion, that’s about the time the chills hit me.  But the fever seems to have burned it out and my immune system seems to be getting the better of the nasty virus.

We’ll see over the next few days if the hubby is clear.  He tested negative yesterday and so far no symptoms.  I didn’t feel horrible on Monday, just couldn’t stop coughing, so as soon as I got home, I wiped down every possible common touch site I could think of, cleaned (wearing mask and gloves) the bathrooms, kitchen, etc, before hubs got home.  Then secluded myself in the master bedroom so I’d have my own bathroom and be as far from the main air circulation as possible. I’m wearing a mask at all times, even in the bedroom, just to try to keep any cough/sneeze droplets out of the air ducts.  He put a TV table outside the bedroom door as a drop zone for food and water bottles.  A couple times I’ve ventured out I put on fresh exam gloves to keep the virus to myself if possible.

He’s the one that’s higher risk than I am, so I’ve been very careful wearing a mask at work or out in public, but I have much higher risk for exposure than he does since I have to deal with the public much more than he does. I barely go anywhere these days to decrease exposure risk and yet, here I am, in bed, when I should be getting ready for work tonight.

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Saturday water change day with new adventures. Two things happen today. I cut the tip off my ruffle sword rhizome. Why you might ask - well if it was growing right to left i wouldn't care but it is growing back to front and it was beginning to crowd my red flame sword. Now my little red flame sword is as old as the ruffle (around 4 1/2 years) and like the ruffle it traveled 1200  miles when i moved down south from the north (along with my swordtails, cardinals and some kuhli. I couldn't let it over grow my red flame (even if the red flame is not the nicest plant in the world it is my puppy). So this is just the tip from the ruffle sword rhizome (the leaves are around 8-12 inches on the tip - i couldn't throw it away so i tossed it into the white 29):



Now after the water change as is often the case we have passive aggression over the cave. What happens is the lemon and the clown loach will 'argue' over who gets the cave. This is the female bn and a long male clown (the clown is around 3 inches longer than the bn). What happens is one or the other will beat their tail up and down until the other one gives up and leaves (i consider it passive aggression). I took a video but don't have an easy way to post it. Here the clown was beating his tail up and down (slight blur int he picture). After 5 or so minutes the bn cave up and left. Usually if the bn beats their tail up and down (the male does it more often than the female) the clown loach will give up faster - after all it is hard to nap when someone is beating their tail:


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Enjoying the changes. Of my tank overhaul. Waiting for my next Coop shipment of plants. I think she’s looking pretty cool. Can’t decide on keeping tannins in water or not. But enjoying my first tank with driftwood. My corys are happy as well as they spawned again. first day vs 5 day set up of tank.  







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I installed a pair of shop LEDs to light up inside my cabinet for these 2x 5-gal tanks (planning for Killis).


Tied into timer. Lifts lights off top of tanks, makes very nice illumination for seeing working, plants, etc.


I love it, because I can easily access the fish.


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Water change day and plant tinkering.

Guppy’s looking good. Corys spawning again. Save some eggs this time to help raise bc the juveniles ate the 300 eggs that were layed the other day. Trying to be patient as my coop order of more plants arrive tomorrow. Those will go in my Amazon tank. 











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On 2/6/2022 at 4:48 PM, Georgiapeach88 said:

Water change day and plant tinkering.

Guppy’s looking good. Corys spawning again. Save some eggs this time to help raise bc the juveniles ate the 300 eggs that were layed the other day. Trying to be patient as my coop order of more plants arrive tomorrow. Those will go in my Amazon tank. 











Your guppies look very happy and colorful.

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Water changes, sexing fry--exactly TWO fry today were looking "probably female" enough to move.

I moved my 'crusty' molly (he needs a better name!) out of the hospital tank to see if he will eat the algae in the empty side of the fry tank. The fry tank will be swapped out for a 29 gallon when they go on sale, so it's a time-limited experiment either way.

Removed lily pads and duckweed from my 20 tall. Stared at the tank wondering if my beautiful black molly will ever provide fry. Then I noticed that some of my juvenile female guppies in there have solid black eyes. Not sure where they got those as all my adults have typical silver eyes, but they are mutts so I guess anything goes?


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I got fish fed today.  Still feeling like an actual daily accomplishment thanks to the ‘Rona, but at least I’m just tired vs. feeling horrid like Tuesday.  I would like to go back to my normal stamina levels, now, please.  I have things I need to get done.

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On 2/6/2022 at 5:09 PM, Odd Duck said:

I got fish fed today.  Still feeling like an actual daily accomplishment thanks to the ‘Rona, but at least I’m just tired vs. feeling horrid like Tuesday.  I would like to go back to my normal stamina levels, now, please.  I have things I need to get done.

I am hoping that since you are fully vaxxed and boosted, you will get your stamina back, and a lot faster than those of us who got sick at the beginning. Sending you lots of healing ju-ju.

Today is the first day since surgery that I was able to carry 2.5 gallons in the bucket!

I cleaned out a 5 gallon bucket worth of frogbit, a 2 gallon bucket of hornwort, and did a **slow** water change. Got the bottom of my spouse's tank looking almost presentable again... on the right ⅔... then my stamina tanked, lol.

My FitBit recorded 59 zone minutes of Cardio, so that's the most my heart has been able to do in over a year so that was phenomenal! I'll probably pay tomorrow, but hopefully not too bad...

I caught 4 endler trios for my LFS, and I am taking in 100 culls as well, for their feeder tank.

So tomorrow I'll go food shopping for the fish still at home🤣


I try and catch fish the day before, and separate them, so they don't eat for at least 12 - 16 hours before the trip to the store.

Feeder/ culls spend the night in a bucket with good filtration and plants. The trios hang out in mesh breeders with plants.

So far, the method has worked at preventing me from burning out.


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On 2/6/2022 at 8:28 PM, Georgiapeach88 said:

Praying ya continue to feel better. Had it twice myself it’s horrid. 


On 2/6/2022 at 8:47 PM, Torrey said:

I am hoping that since you are fully vaxxed and boosted, you will get your stamina back, and a lot faster than those of us who got sick at the beginning. Sending you lots of healing ju-ju.

Today is the first day since surgery that I was able to carry 2.5 gallons in the bucket!

I cleaned out a 5 gallon bucket worth of frogbit, a 2 gallon bucket of hornwort, and did a **slow** water change. Got the bottom of my spouse's tank looking almost presentable again... on the right ⅔... then my stamina tanked, lol.

My FitBit recorded 59 zone minutes of Cardio, so that's the most my heart has been able to do in over a year so that was phenomenal! I'll probably pay tomorrow, but hopefully not too bad...

I caught 4 endler trios for my LFS, and I am taking in 100 culls as well, for their feeder tank.

So tomorrow I'll go food shopping for the fish still at home🤣


I try and catch fish the day before, and separate them, so they don't eat for at least 12 - 16 hours before the trip to the store.

Feeder/ culls spend the night in a bucket with good filtration and plants. The trios hang out in mesh breeders with plants.

So far, the method has worked at preventing me from burning out.


Thank you both!  I know I’ll get there.  It’s just frustrating for someone that’s used to being able to do what I want.  I’m lucky enough to have very minimal physical limitations despite my age, and I’m spoiled by good health most of the time.  It’s part of what’s made me a terrible patient!

@Torrey I use a similar plan when I take in fish.  It saves so much time and hassle the morning of transport and I’m not taking fish to the store when they’re close to closing and want to leave.  Then quickly bag right before transport and off I go.

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I'm not doing much today but i took a picture. This is from my black 29. About 8 months ago i purchased 12 shelfordii pangio. I purchased them because they have unique pattern but i forgot they are like mini kuhli (about 1/6 to 1/8 the thickness - they are tiny little things but long). I broke them into 2 groups - i think 8 and 4 but not 100% sure and put the smaller group into the 29 with the regular kuhli and the larger group into the 120 with the angels. I almost never see them but recently a few in the 29 have become more 'bold' (i know at least 1 is alive in the 120 and i suspect more; but i rarely see them and i fear the angels might eat them as worms one day): In the 29 there isn't really anything to bother them and do see them now and then but almost never in the open like this one:



That is a crop;  thought about posting a context picture to show just how small it is but figured that would be too much spam. I think these guys would do ok in a nano tank or maybe even sub 5 gallon given how small they are and their activity level. In my tanks with so many places to hide it is always a gift when one shows up. This one was actually near the top of the tank on the leaves (I suspect looking for food).

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I discovered that a heater failed in the turtle pond (literally  the only body of water not on a Pymeter, because Karma thinks the probe should be eaten) so caught the fish in the pond and separated a couple dozen into various tanks and took the rest (~100) to my LFS. I have several different lines of the dayglo orange endlers, so my genetics should stay adequately diverse until I can order some fresh genes.

Cleaned 2 more tanks, and took 4 established trios to the LFS as well. 

Put some plants in a bucket with a double dose of ferts to try and recoup the plants from my surgery recovery. 

Now I am tired, this was second day of catching fish.

[I almost feel like Madeline Kahn in Blazing Saddles)

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