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Summer Tubbing - Lets see your outdoor mini and large ponds.


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Mine is a 100 gal Rubbermaid tub with a Coop sponge filter and Ziss air stone running on the USB mini pump. Started with 19 white clouds but they’re making babies like mad. I feed them frozen baby brine and Coop Easy Fry Food.  My water is really green now so it’s harder to see everything, but I still spot new babies most evenings. 


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My little deck pond.   Roughly 125 gallons of water, built in early 2000's so it's 15+ years old.  Outer frame of 2x10", with liner over foam boards on sides and base.  I'm amazed the original pond filter (Pondmaster) and liner are still functional.  Creatures include a half dozen or so goldfish (shubukin, sarasas, and a wakin that Corey bagged up for me from Co-op years ago).  I have too many arrowhead plants ... anyone up for a trade?




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This has been my first attempt to set one up. I made a few mistakes while setting it up which contributed to the green water. I am fairly happy with the result though. I have two fantail goldfish in there and they seem pretty stoked about it too. 


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I live in an apartment and watch you all with jealousy. I have this window sill water garden, growing floating plants and daphnia for my guppies. They are greedy guts and I really need more space to feed them as much as I would like, but it is stable and pretty. The window gets morning sun only and the plants keep it from getting hot. I have to offload plants weekly.


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My next door neighbor just asked me to help stock his water feature. I suggested guppies and hornwort. It would be cool to add lilies and Pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) in pots on the ledges. The main issue that vexes me is this is an 'infinity pool', that is the water overflows the edges of the pool and then returns via a pump. I hoping the hornwort clogging the infinity edges and general bigness of the pool will allow some of the guppy fry to grow up.

This pool is located in the piedmont of central North Carolina near Raleigh. Cherry shrimp over-winter for me in my little tub here if that tells you something about how severe our winters are. I would be surprised if the guppies over-wintered though.

I think this is roughly 7000 gallons.

Any ideas or suggestions?


No water.jpg


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This is my scud pond. Water from my 500 gallon angelfish tank's overflow goes out the stand pipe, through my home's concrete foundation, then downhill through a pipe and finally empties into this pond. It is chock full of snails and amphipods (scuds). Currently it is also full of leaves, hornwort, and duckweed 🙂.

Outflow pond.jpg

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48 minutes ago, Daniel said:

My next door neighbor just asked me to help stock his water feature. I suggested guppies and hornwort. It would be cool to add lilies and Pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) in pots on the ledges. The main issue that vexes me is this is an 'infinity pool', that is the water overflows the edges of the pool and then returns via a pump. I hoping the hornwort clogging the infinity edges and general bigness of the pool will allow some of the guppy fry to grow up.

This pool is located in the piedmont of central North Carolina near Raleigh. Cherry shrimp over-winter for me in my little tub here if that tells you something about how severe our winters are. I would be surprised if the guppies over-wintered though.

I think this is roughly 7000 gallons.

Any ideas or suggestions?


No water.jpg


I think you might want to test that the horn wort won't go over the edges cause looks like it might be painful to get that cleaned. Plants in pots (lilies, pickeral, etc) I agree would look great. You could have them on pedestals islands at random spots. I think the golden white clouds would be great, if they could do a big school...

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I'd try some rice fish in that big pond, perhaps you can place a lilly or two away from the edges, the rice fish can lay their eggs there and maybe some babies will be smart enough to stay near the plant.

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50 minutes ago, ERIK B said:

My gold fish pond, probably about 250 gallons of water, 1 comet, 1 sarasa, 1 shubinkin, and one nymph goldfish. Not the most exciting but, I enjoy it.


Not to worry, these ponds get exciting in an amazingly short time.  In my pond I started with 7 shubunkin about 3 in long, now have close to 40 ranging from 6 inches to 10 inches. Feeding time is crazy. Best to just enjoy the development.  My family and I enjoy sitting by the pond in the evening. Have fun.

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My mini pond has given me great happiness this summer!  My friend built it for me about four years ago and it was deeply shaded until this season.  Sunlight = pond steroids!  

The total water volume is about 375 gallons.  The top box is filled with pea gravel and acts as a bog filter and water fall.  

The plants are the stars of the pond.  In the bog box, I have creeping Jenny, blue lobelia, chocolate mint, elephant ears (taro), pickerel weed and bacopa caroliniana.  I have water lettuce and water hyacinth floating.  On the right, there is a laundry basket with three canna lilies.  Dwarf papyrus ‘prince tut’ is in the ceramic pot on the left.  The water lily is the hardy variety ‘wanvisa’.  It blooms almost daily! I planted a lotus ‘.perkinensis rubra’ tuber about three weeks ago.  I doubt it will bloom this year, but, who knows?  If it gets too big I will transfer it to a tub. 

I fertilize the lily with pond tabs every two weeks.  The marginals, including the bog plants get tabs every 2-3 months.  

Believe it or not, there are fish in here!  I have gold fish that I bought as feeders who have grown fat and happy.  

I live in northern Indiana, zone 6A, so I do have to winterize this later in the fall.  I will store the canna and elephant ear tubers in my basement.  I treat the mint, lobelia, water lettuce, hyacinth and papyrus as annuals.  The lily, lotus, dock and pickerel rush are all hardy.  I will run an air stone for the fish and use a floating stock tank heater for the fish. I welcome other winter suggestions, though!  

Feel free to ask questions!  I love my pond!  









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50 minutes ago, Logan Kendrick said:

Our first deck pond, 100g Black tote. Our Lilly bloomed for the first time today. Stocked with Guppies, Swordtails, and constantly visiting bees! 



Your water lily is beautiful!  Do you know what variety it is?  

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14 minutes ago, ToScapeOrNotToScape said:

Not sure if this is the place to ask this but im interested in doing a mini pond and was wondering if i run a sponge filter and use the Co-Op usb air pump is that thing water proof? or do i need to proof it for rain??


I use exactly that set up through a summer of thunderstorms:the pump seems fine. I am able to keep the plugs well under a porch/dry. From comments Cory has made during a livestream, he suggested thatsun damage to the outer plastic layer the sub nano pump was more of an eventual  problem than rain damage.

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