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Geppetto is acting like he’s on vacation swimming in that huge tote. He chased some bloodworms that I dragged through the water with the tongs. A good hunter.

Also here’s a community tank vid. @Guppysnail the fish have discovered the Aponogeton and they love it. They look great in front of it too.

Also I’ve been shopping for some time now for small silicone candy molds, when all this time the solution was right in front of me. I can reuse these packages!



Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 1/24/2023 at 3:37 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Today is the next day and it is still there. It is making the end of his fin float

I would hand catch the betta and just see if your finger will remove the bubble.  No pressure or anything like that, but just to see if you can remove it.


On 1/24/2023 at 4:06 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The bubble remained on him for 12 hours, then it finally popped when his fin brushed against decor. BIZARRE!!! …why me lol


Good job Geppetto!

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I made Repashy today and the tetras are so dumb, they ignored it. So I had to peel pieces off to make it like flakes that would float around, then they ate it. 🙄

I gave Geppetto a bite sized piece as an experiment, and CHOMP! It was history as soon as it hit the water. Not sure it’s a good betta food, but perhaps on occasion a little bite.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 1/25/2023 at 7:30 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I made Repashy today and the tetras are so dumb, they ignored it. So I had to peel pieces off to make it like flakes that would float around, then they ate it. 🙄

I gave Geppetto a bite sized piece as an experiment, and CHOMP! It was history as soon as it hit the water. Not sure it’s a good betta food, but perhaps on occasion a little bite.

Maybe if you ate it in front of them they would get the message 😉

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On 1/22/2023 at 4:26 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

can reuse these packages!

Haha! Clearly you missed my post about making medicated food, I could have saved you soooo much time! -that's what I use to thaw bloodworms, mix meds in then refreeze. So it's good for that too. :classic_biggrin:

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 1/26/2023 at 11:39 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Reminds me of the old pup. 🙂

I'm having a bit of a problem parsing this: 'old' 'pup'. I had a puppies once - well not me but my dog - well not my dog but my sister dog and they were really cute puppies but they weren't old. Sadly when they became old they were no longer puppies but dogs; and i really miss the puppies. There is nothing more exciting to a puppy then discovering its first snow flake. Puppies really get excited by snow - esp falling snow where they run around and try to catch the flakes on their tongue. Puppies !!!!! Oddly our puppies also like to catch bumble bees on their tongue - but whatever works for them works i guess.

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On 1/27/2023 at 12:06 AM, anewbie said:

I'm having a bit of a problem parsing this: 'old' 'pup'. I had a puppies once - well not me but my dog - well not my dog but my sister dog and they were really cute puppies but they weren't old. Sadly when they became old they were no longer puppies but dogs; and i really miss the puppies. There is nothing more exciting to a puppy then discovering its first snow flake. Puppies really get excited by snow - esp falling snow where they run around and try to catch the flakes on their tongue. Puppies !!!!! Oddly our puppies also like to catch bumble bees on their tongue - but whatever works for them works i guess.

She was a rescue. She had nightmares almost every night, fear of loud noises and bangs. We got her when she was a few years old, but she was with me constantly whenever I was home. That picture is her standing at my doorway at the old house I grew up in waiting for me. She was the most carefree happy dog you could imagine. She got older, stayed with my mom, and got grey and had hip issues.

The analogy is how younger family will always be "the kids", how Mike Franks always called Gibbs a Probie, and she'll always be a happy carefree pup (kind-hearted and loving) to me.

The dogs we have now are tiny little things by comparison, I've always had bigger dogs, and so they will just always be pups too. Just how it is I guess....

I understand what you're saying though, as they get older their personalities change a little.

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On 1/27/2023 at 4:12 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

She was a rescue. She had nightmares almost every night, fear of loud noises and bangs. We got her when she was a few years old, but she was with me constantly whenever I was home. That picture is her standing at my doorway at the old house I grew up in waiting for me. She was the most carefree happy dog you could imagine. She got older, stayed with my mom, and got grey and had hip issues.

The analogy is how younger family will always be "the kids", how Mike Franks always called Gibbs a Probie, and she'll always be a happy carefree pup (kind-hearted and loving) to me.

The dogs we have now are tiny little things by comparison, I've always had bigger dogs, and so they will just always be pups too. Just how it is I guess....

I understand what you're saying though, as they get older their personalities change a little.

Yea my sister has rescued cat (from bio lab) and it took them around 8 years to settle down and stop being spooked by the slightest thing. Really nice/loving cat now but she was very very gun shy for a long time. I think it was 18 or 24 months old when she rescued it - they were shutting down and were going to destroy all the unused cats (i think - i forget the details).

Edited by anewbie
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Geppetto returned from quarantine today. He had salt at 1T/5g. I had moved him to the tote because I didn’t want to expose my plants to salt; they are doing so well. And I did not know if we were going to progress to other meds. I still don’t know what this was all about. Folks have told me fin rot shows red or black edges. I never saw any of that, but what else could it be? Could his fins have been burned by the heater? He keeps swimming under that. The heater is a Hygger quartz with an adjustable external dial, 25w.

7 days ago:





He has some clear areas of fin where it’s growing.


I decided to take a chance and do the same level of salt in this planted tank. Folks say it’s ok for the plants. I hope so. I adore my crypt and sword.

He has his small rock swim thru but his other tunnels are drying from sanitization. Just taking the usual precautions. I added another anacharis, a second catappa leaf, and a pothos for him in the meantime. He already noticed and is interacting with them.






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On 1/21/2023 at 1:59 PM, Odd Duck said:

Mostly a thin clear margin developing at the fin margin is usually new growth, but it can be erosion.  You have to keep a sharp eye on the fin margin to know which it is.  I have a guppy that managed to get some significant tail damage (could have been tank mates or goofy guppyness) but his tail is already growing back and showing that clear margin to the tail edge that is regrowth.  I can tell because his tail margin looks smoother, not more ragged, along with having a little more length than the day it happened.

The photo above seems to represent this.

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