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@Torrey Thanks for your help. Its hard to see if his finrot is getting any worse, or any better. I haven't noticed any dramatic increase of fin loss. It looks as if his tail has remain the same since he was put in the QT tank. Last time there was about a week where his fins stayed the same, and then I started seeing his fins grow back. I'm hopping the Indian Almond Leaves I ordered that should be here friday will help.

The hornwort in hugo tank started shedding so I pulled all it out, and filled his tank up a few inches. Tannins will hopefully added on friday, or whenever these darn IAL come. 

I've rescaped Hugos display tank and I can't wait for him to get in there and enjoy his new plants and rocks. Hopefully in a week I'll be able to do just that.

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I've added the leaves, and hugos probably doing worse if anything. It looks as if he has problems with his swimmers bladder as he seems to be floating on his side, or will lie down on his side. 


It just seems that his immune system keeps gettign weaker and weaker by the day.

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On 1/16/2022 at 2:24 PM, FrozenFins said:

I've added the leaves, and hugos probably doing worse if anything. It looks as if he has problems with his swimmers bladder as he seems to be floating on his side, or will lie down on his side. 


It just seems that his immune system keeps gettign weaker and weaker by the day.

You have worked really hard to provide Hugo the best life possible. 

He's reminding me of my Krishna... Krishna would nip his own fins, and would also give himself concussions. When Grianne gave her talk, she addressed some of the inbreeding/ line breeding issues in bettas, and the health issues, and explained why she moved away from double tails and long finned bettas and now primarily keeps plakat and wilds.

Hugo may choose to fight and stick around, or Hugo may choose to leave.

Regardless of what Hugo chooses, I hope you are able to review this journal and recognize that you gave Hugo the best life possible. 

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Well I have some sad news...

Over the course of the week Hugos condition has gotten MUCH worse. His Popeye came back again and he has what looks like swimmers bladder trouble. Its hard for him to sit up straight and swim straight. It doesn't appear he'll be getting any better. He's been floating on his side and having trouble breathing. As much as this was a painful desicion I decided the best thing for Hugo was to end his suffering. I picked up some clove oil today, and put him to sleep.

I hated seeing him suffering and after the thought of him recovering passed I knew what was best. It was a tough desicion to make, but I knew it would be for the best.

Today didnt just mark the passing of hugo, but also my one year anniversery with him. He will be missed.

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wow I just dont know what to say! so i will start with this. i have followed you and hugo from day one when you mentioned hugo was ill. How touched and amazed at what lengths and all the resources you tried to use to save his life!!! As the roller coaster of life and death raged on you never quit. You gave hugo every single hope at defying death. and for weeks you did just that! hugo got to have days of better times even when it looked impossible for hugo, he got stronger and healthier. BUT in the end, as it often happens in life death prevails. you still had the strength to do what was right. and ended pain and suffering and put hugo to a gentle sleep! If i ever become half the fish keeper you were with hugo i will be a loving caring fish keeper. THANK YOU FOR SHARING HUGO"S LIFE WITH US!!!!

Scott the fishman

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Hi James!  It has been too long since I have been able to look in and see what was going on with Hugo.  I am glad you are seeing some improvement so far.

I have been looking at my Rilian and he seems to be suffering from some fun rot and other health issues too.  I also gave him a smaller tank and increased tanins.  I am wondering about what green water might do.  So I am going to try to propagate that in a window and see if he would benefit from that.  🤷‍♀️

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On 1/22/2022 at 3:33 PM, Lifeisgood said:

Hi James!  It has been too long since I have been able to look in and see what was going on with Hugo.  I am glad you are seeing some improvement so far.

I have been looking at my Rilian and he seems to be suffering from some fun rot and other health issues too.  I also gave him a smaller tank and increased tanins.  I am wondering about what green water might do.  So I am going to try to propagate that in a window and see if he would benefit from that.  🤷‍♀️

I think the green water is a great idea. Wouldnt hurt to try. 

I beleive if I put hugo in the tannins earlier he may have been fine, but i beleive it was far too late. Increasing the temperture to about 80 and putting floating plants for him to dwell in also seemed to help.

I was planning after he got a little stronger to add a small dose of salt, that could help too.

I wish you the best of luck!

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James, I am so sorry for your loss of Hugo, and so grateful for your generous sharing of his story. I'm sure he's grateful for the amazing life you did give him.

He was a gorgeous boy, I believe he brought out the best in all of us.

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