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Hello from Idaho!


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Thank you for having this forum! After reading through several threads on here, I was very happy and surprised to see the level of civility and friendly attitudes portrayed by everyone here. Looking at other forums, there sure was a LOT of down right nastiness towards others! Especially new fish keepers just asking simple questions about cycling or stocking ideas. The threads always seem to turn into an argument! It’s a shame that people on those other forums can’t just help without making a person new to this wonderful hobby feel inferior.

I had many aquariums in my youth and have just started to get back into the wonderful hobby. I wanted to be an ichthyologist growing up but was better off being a pilot for a living and keeping fish as a hobby at my grandfathers’ suggestion. 😂 I was recently the Aquatic Education Tech for my states’ Division of Wildlife so actually got to achieve my dream, albeit later in life.  I just finished cycling and stocking a 36 gallon bow front and wife said we could make room for a 125 gallon in the living room!  It sure is easier to spend the $$ when the wife enjoys it as much as I do. She’s already saying “good night” to all our new little friends and is spending time getting to know each of them as well. The new addition is stocked as a tropical community tank with 3 Dwarf Gouramis (1 male, 2 females), 7 Cardinal tetras, 6 Black Neons, 6 Blue King Tetras, 4 Julii Cories, 3 blue shrimp, a netrite snail, and one sassy female betta named Mabel. 

Thanks Cory for the forum as I’m sure it will be a great place for help and ideas. Here’s a pic of my recent project and thanks again!


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Thank you for the welcome! Yes, I realized he was definitely right! He said, “You’re going to find some things are better left as a hobby” during that conversation. I THINK he was referring more to things like bull riding and motorcycle racing but the conversation was about ichthyology at the time. 

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Thanks for all the welcomes y'all.. seeing that a few of y'all have trouble with anxiety, I can surely understand why y'all are here! Very relaxing from all the posts and topics I’ve read for the last few days before signing up. Posts here are just like our aquariums! Peaceful, beautiful at times, and a dang good chance of learning something!  Also soooo glad I found Aquarium Co-op. Placed my first order today. Wish I was closer just to be able to get a few fish from them!!

Thanks again yall!


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Yes it IS good for mental health! 👍 I have always been one to go 200 mph but am actually enjoying slowing down a touch.. and it’s true @CalmedByFish Have an ATP pilot license, a Captains License to 100 tons, and Commerical Drivers License.. so by land, sea, or air is true! Would LOVE to have tried the Mars thing but NASA frowns on their pilots buzzing herds of caribou and musk ox.. 😂
@Brandon p about half my time is in Spray Planes and the other half in Alaska. Cessna 188’s, Piper Pawnee and Brave, AT 301’s to 602’s, and a little Dromader, AgCat, and Thrush time.  The Alaska flying was C-207’s, 206’s, 180’s, 185’s, DHC-2, DHC-3’s and some Twin Otter time, and all but the 207’s on wheels, skis, and floats. Flew for Alaska Airlines for a bit in 737’s up to the 400 series and MD-80/82’s but would rather be looking for critters and doing the low and slow thing. We also had several Cherokee Six’s and Navajos but the majority of my time would be in the 207 and AT-301’s. My family had Indian River Flying Service in Florida so I was raised flying crop dusters. Got to fly a lot of cool things thanks to that. We even had a Stearman PT-17 I’ve got quite a few hours in.. 

@Griznatch Where in Idaho r u at? Wondering if you’re close enough to see me wave? I’m in Grace.

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I asked because my father was an Engineer for McDonald Douglas so I was alway around pilots and planes. He worked on the harrier, F-18, F-15, T-45 and YF-23. He build airports, now. He has a Vans that he build and a Cessna he just sold. I love going up a flying and have been doing as soon as I fit in a care sit. The car seat was so I could not reach and thing.

Thank you for Sharing your life. 

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@Brandon p That must have been fun getting to see all that being built! Only thing I ever flew that was MD was their 80/82 series. Nice jets! Is your dad’s Vans and RV-4? I flew a buddies of mine's RV in Kentucky a few times. Fun Airplane but I really needed “happy feet” on the landings. Kind of like a Kitfox..😂

@Guppysnail and @ColuThank you so much!! My wife wasn’t ever a fish gal but she loves the looks of this tank so much, that was the catalyst for the go ahead with the larger tank in the living room. 😊

@Griznatch YES! Winter came this morning as it was 16 degrees! Very little snow so far but it’s coming soon I’m sure! After Aniak & Kotaebue, Alaska for 11 years and Monte Vista in the San Luis Valley (8300 ASL), the winter here ALMOST seems mild.. 😂😂 We still aren’t as bad here in Grace as say, Wayan. Winter up there is a long one and it’s only 60 miles northeast.. 🥶🥶

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@Radaryes it was it was definitely different. Each base and project was different rarely did I get to see much of what he was working on. He was a test flight engineer and most of the things were Secret. For the 18 I was 8 and had to get security clearance or take your son to work day. But I have seen cool thing at one of the climate hangers. I save the B-1, B-2 an several others in there when it was 90 out side and -10 in the hanger doing stress tests. The Air Force guys would sneak me in. 

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That’s cool! My stepdad does Avionics and flight parameter work for the gov at China Lake. I’ve gotten to go in there but his work is mostly computer stuff. Not my thing but interesting when seeing some of the things they were working on. I did resource protection for Homeland Security back after 911 so had the clearances but there still was a lot of stuff I wasn’t privy to.. not that I could’ve ever explained what he was doing! Lol He wrote many of the programs that put the GPS satellites where they are at and to do what they do back when he was at Harris. That was much more interesting to me even before it went public. I could see the use for that for sure!  

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