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Need, Want, and Wish


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Thought it would be interesting to see whats on other hobbyist wishlist. Could be a good source of information or inspiration. Answers can be material items, information, trips (ie..aquashella/ ACO Store in WA), theoretical 🤷🏻‍♂️, or whatever you think of as long as it’s fish, invertebrates, aquarium, or plant related. This is for if you have a single tank, a fish room, or a professional breeder.


NEED= Immediate need examples could be: fish food, plants for my new tank, learn how to get rid of black beard algae…

WANT= Something maybe you don’t really “need” but would upgrade, educate, or make things easier. Examples could be: new lights, a new book, Siamese algae eaters…

WISH= This could include need and want items. It could be unrealistic goal. A single item that may be to expensive. Absolutely anything! Examples could be: an entire fishroom, 300G aquarium, $200 piece of driftwood, privet lessons on aquascaping from George Farmer…


Need = Indian almond leaves. I can always use more of these especially with how much I love tannins in my tanks.

Want= tannin supplies, to be specific: Lotus flower seed pods, oak acorn caps, accent roots, vine roots, large sisal gogo pods, and large bamboo leaves. And that’s the short list.

Wish= New lights would be the big ticket item on my list. I would need 5-4’ , 2-3’ , 5-2’, and 1 nano clip light. I already have 1 Fluval 3.0 and if I was to have the money right now it’s the brand I would go with. But what I will probably do is wait till ACOs lights to come out start small and replace one at a time. My fish and plants deserve better lighting than what I have now.

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Need: A planted tank light for a 20G long

Want: A fancy pleco, a small group of kuhli loaches for my 10g, to figure out how to encourage my thicklipped gouramis to breed

Wish: A dedicated, stunning fish room with enough space and floor support for all the tanks I want (including a 125G+ tank). But for now... I'd just like a 125-130G tank and a sturdy stand to go with it, enough room for four or five adorable fancy goldfish and a couple of dojo loaches.

Another Wish: For all of my wet pets to live healthy, long, happy, stress-free lives with me so we can enjoy each other ❤️ And for my municipal water hardness to be more predictable.

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@lindabee53 you certainly picked the right place to hang out too help with most everything on your list. Except maybe the fluorescent light, last time I seen one of those I was watching the Flintstones and Fred got a new tank!


I’m sorry I couldn’t resist, I hope I didn’t offend. I have one as well it came with a 29G tank I got. And a friend said that to me. I was being sincere about being in a good place to learn, this is such a helpful community!


@laritheloud great list, not sure about your area but here P.Smart has 125G with stand, lights, and glass lids for $650 I got mine for $550 because it had a tiny chip out of a corner.

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On 11/21/2021 at 7:17 PM, Atitagain said:

@lindabee53 you certainly picked the right place to hang out too help with most everything on your list. Except maybe the fluorescent light, last time I seen one of those I was watching the Flintstones and Fred got a new tank!


I’m sorry I couldn’t resist, I hope I didn’t offend. I have one as well it came with a 29G tank I got. And a friend said that to me. I was being sincere about being in a good place to learn, this is such a helpful community!

@Atitagain  I'm not easily offended.  Besides, it made me laugh, and I think Fred and I were in the tank store the same day.

And you're right - this is a great place to learn.  There's so much information that I can't absorb it all fast enough.

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Need: steal racks and 10-20gal tanks.

Want: L-134 Leopard frog Pleco female or two ready to breed with my great looking male. Also to build a stand for my 200 tank. So it can by used as a amazing discus tank

Wish: patience. Get a 120gal tank/stand. I really only have two tanks that are what I call fun tanks. Tanks that I’m not try to breed in grow out and get it as close so perfect. I had them and had to change them. Someone to enjoy them with 

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On 11/21/2021 at 7:28 PM, laritheloud said:

Need: A planted tank light for a 20G long

Want: A fancy pleco, a small group of kuhli loaches for my 10g, to figure out how to encourage my thicklipped gouramis to breed

Wish: A dedicated, stunning fish room with enough space and floor support for all the tanks I want (including a 125G+ tank). But for now... I'd just like a 125-130G tank and a sturdy stand to go with it, enough room for four or five adorable fancy goldfish and a couple of dojo loaches.

Another Wish: For all of my wet pets to live healthy, long, happy, stress-free lives with me so we can enjoy each other ❤️ And for my municipal water hardness to be more predictable.

I love my hygger lights I have 5 FC946FE3-1B8E-4438-AE31-F087B7D65CE7.jpeg.a6f25ccb24d88546d8c6a65cb1188c9b.jpegThe fancy pleco hopefully I will be able to help with that but that probably 2 years a way. Sorry the tank is a mess I feed Malaysian trumpet snails to these plecos L-333             8CB19237-A16D-4132-8C22-1DF3B457CB80.jpeg.99824e431655c8ce427916c1cfe9711a.jpeg06722BDC-9E73-420E-87C5-82888D76440D.jpeg.604d5e5b4a1ef6386695875e28e86958.jpeg(carnivorous) there are 3 the same species but the yellow ones are from a small tributary of the Amazon in any wild caught ones are from an even smaller area on that Tributary that is not in Brazil it is illegal to remove these from Brazil. The one in the back is one of 3 that are originally from Brazil years ago and are only tank raised now.image.jpg.aa720dcc16d4ccf6de2e2b9c802db9fd.jpgThis is the exactly light that is on that 20 gal pleco tank.


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Need  - To sort out flow to hopefully be free of Cyanobacteria. 

Want - Everything certainly all the fishes but I have narrowed this down to a shrimp colony and maybe (cause I've never had one ) a Betta (koi versions are stunning) 

Wish  - Seahorses, always wanted to keep them but they are so labour intensive and not the sort fish you can ask a neighbour to feed while you are away.  I did get really excited when I saw pidgeonducks freshwater pipefish 

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On 11/22/2021 at 2:41 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Need: Another planet to live on

Want: a planet I can take my fish/animals with me

Wish: that could actually happen!!



Need= you to stay 

Want= Your fish/ animals to stay

Wish= You to stay involved on this forum no matter where your at, when you get everything you wish for!

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My needs, wants, and wishes are nearly the same..
Somewhere to store all of the aquarium related junk/equipment in one location.
Access to a par meter to determine how effective my DIY lighting really is.
A thorough understanding of the aquarium environment
A fish room, or matching aquariums/stands in the family areas
At least one aquascaped tank as opposed to just a planted tank.
Proper lights and someone to pay for them
Complete and accurate information on all products.
For the local aquarium to offer me a behind the scenes position involving the fish rather than the gift shop or ticket sales.

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:57 AM, Tanked said:

At least one aquascaped tank as opposed to just a planted tank

I like this one a lot, I relate very much!


On 11/22/2021 at 9:57 AM, Tanked said:

Proper lights and someone to pay for them

Such an expensive part of the hobby even more so if you have planted tanks.

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On 11/21/2021 at 5:18 PM, lindabee53 said:

Need:  A light that isn't a fluorescent tube

Want:  The knowledge to set up a fish tank correctly and keep it going well

Wish:   Everything I need to really set one up with all the right stuff from the beginning

What a neat topic!

I have a similar list. 

Need: a larger tank that's a least 20g, and the space in my tiny apartment to set it up. 

Want: to intrinsically know all of the information all of these incredibly people know so I can set up a large tank and keep it running smoothly. 

To make it a community ecosystem with lots of life and personality. 

To set up a Walstad tank. 

To have the confidence I need to make my "wants" a reality. 

Wish: I could figure out how to not be the cherry shrimp angel of death. 

I had an infinite amount of capital so I can set up as many tanks as I want and aquascape them exactly to my vision. 

@Atitagain awesome thread! So much fun to dream and learn about others' dreams! 



Edited by Jennifer V
Thank you comment
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On 11/22/2021 at 11:43 AM, Jennifer V said:

I can set up a large tank and keep it running smoothly. 

Do you know that a large tank is much easier to maintain stable parameters in than a small one?

On 11/22/2021 at 11:43 AM, Jennifer V said:

@Atitagain awesome thread! So much fun to dream and learn about others' dreams

Thank you, exactly what I was thinking. To hear what others think is important day to day and ultimate goals!

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