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The Accidental Oto Keeper

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  • 2 weeks later...

OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Accidental Oto Tank

It has been 12 days since my last confession....er sorry update here- and I will say sadly since the 9th of May I have not seen either of the baby Otos in this tank!? Yes they're in a large 10 gallon tank but I'd think I'd have seen them somewhere along the glass at some point. I have not. 😔 I'm thinking they're no longer with me- but- you never know. At least for now we'll call them MIA. 

On May 12th I added 3 new Nerite friends I got from a big box store. I posted on another thread but I was given unsolicited advice that Nerites prolifically reproduce in tanks. I corrected the employee but I'm not sure they believed me. I did end up doing an online survey (since they pinged me 2x in email) asking for information on my experience during my last visit. I was kind in my answers but explained that while XYZ company is trying to be more helpful to pet keepers their reputation is already not great in experienced aquarium circles and they should consider even more indepth training or not offer unsolicited advice- and that they should consider the kind of damage they could do customer-wise when giving out bad advice to new pet keepers. Thankfully I was *NOT* new, and escaped with 2 new friends. The email response I got back was sadly canned and did not address the issue at all. I tried. Anyway my new Nerites have been fun. They've been keeping the Accidental Tank clean for me and hopefully for future babies. 🙂 


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  • 2 weeks later...

ACCIDENTAL UPDATES: The Parent Tank and the Accidental Oto Tank

The Parent Tank has no real updates as far as possible spawnings. The little brats have now totally taken to pretty much only being out at night- what is cool is that if I approach the tank at night I can see what looks like "hundreds" of Otos scattering- clearly they were all hanging out in the same spot. Very neat. 

During tank maintenance this week I've been having an issue with mulm and detrius collecting in an unsightly way mainly on the Ludwigia Red Needle Leaf (which never gets red in my tanks but I'm ok with that- it has an amazing "texture"). It looks terrible. So I pulled it. The Otos prefer Amazons and broader leaf plants anyway so I moved an Amazon Compacta that was sharing a pot on the very far right with another Compacta and put it on its own- it was struggling a bit where it was I think it will do better now anyway. The pot on the right of that trio pyramid has been standing empty for some time as well- I pulled Ludwigia Super Red for the same reason (detrius build up) and plan to find the right piece of long driftwood to stick in the pot and glue some java to it. Haven't found that piece yet. Anyway, here's how the Parent tank looks now: Resized_20220604_083913.jpg.a3b1291d175a0de540d85d71a9fca6f0.jpg

There is some Red Needle in my Angry Man tank- because of the Bladder snails it is beautifully clean as you can kind of see by a piece photobombing in the top right (well it also helps that I have no detrius from bottom feeders in that tank too) so I put the new Needles in the tank unclean to see how long it will take the Bladders to clean it up:


Did a water test this week on all my tanks, this is how the Parent Tank fared: 

Temp: 75.2 (same as last test)

ph: 7.2 (down from 7.6)

ammonia: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 40 as per usual

kh: 3/53.7 (down a degree)

gh: 143.2 (no change)

Meanwhile in the Accidental Oto tank....as you may know- it still stands empty. The 2 fry that were in the tank have not been seen so presuming deceased. 3 nanny Nerites keeping the tank occupied for me- there are a few places to hide so I don't see them all every day- the other day I did: 20220603_1108361.jpg.db22169426d2a51af1c224cfcbd81100.jpg

I keep the tank a little dirty just for them but funnily enough still spot cleaning detrius from when the Otos lived here- because other than sticking a slice of cucumber in which they seem to like occasionally- Nerites don't touch commercial foods so I don't put it in here. Here's how the Accidental Tank tested: 

Temp: 78.3 (up .6 degrees)

ph: 7.2 (down from 7.6)

ammonia: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: *sigh* still 40

kh: 3/53.7 (up a degree since last test)

gh: 107.4 (no change)


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  • 2 weeks later...


WELL folks! Heeeerrrrreeeee we go again! This morning I have seen SEVERAL baby Otos some more new than others- as per usual hanging out around the top half of the tank. I've seen maybe 8-10 caught 6. If past experience is anything to go by I will be catching more in the coming days....

Here are the 1st two, one is clearly younger than the other: Resized_20220614_120630.jpg.ddf1a9536a3b712977b0068e6e604acb.jpg

Here are two similar to the older one above- the phone wouldn't focus, but I think I caught at least 1 of those: 20220614_1212181.jpg.41cff9c91660c2f893a791e7ad3168d2.jpg

I have been floating a breeder in the Accidental Oto Tank to get some good algae/biofilm growing in case of this exact instance. That is now in the Parent tank with the 6 Oto babies and I've floated another bigger breeder in the Accidental tank for future use. The breeder in the Parent tank has all sorts of gunky goodness:Resized_20220614_121721.jpg.e8815dec42b34d477e21aef2619f8ee9.jpg

So gunky and good one of the resident Nerites has already found it (been in there for no more than 30 mins)



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  • 2 weeks later...


Babies are 12 days old and we are down from 10 found- to 9 solid little ones (Honestly I think I had 11 but I wasn't good about keeping track). They are growing fine/eating well. Besides the "dirty" floating breeder they feed from crushed Hikari wafer (as I've always done to grow them) and this week a little Repashy Soilent. Here are 3: 20220626_1018281.jpg.8a09bae5ec8fe1322bccddc08e7afeb7.jpg

While doing maintenance this morning, spotted one tiny semi-transclucent baby so probably 4-5 days old. Since they were so small I let them be for now. What I'll end up doing is swapping out this smaller breeder box the 9 are in putting them in a bigger one till they are ready to transition to the Accidental Oto Tank (read: big enough not to get sucked in by the HOB- the pre filter doesn't cover the way I would like so I think that's where my 2 that disappeared ended up) OR I'll jimmy rig the prefilter and end up putting them in there IF I keep finding babies and need the box. I have plans with backup plans. Didn't catch this one this morning because the 12 dayers are in their mosh-pit stage and would just end up killing the little guy. Besides- now that the Parent Tank is free of predators (read: no Harlequins) I can let them feast on biofilm until I'm ready to get them. 



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So little slow with this update as I took the pictures on the 5th of July. The oldest of the babies as of today are 25 days. We're holding at 10. There are 9 larger babies in the bigger floating breeder and 1 smaller one I didn't want to get mosh-pitted still by itself in a smaller breeder but growing/eating. This week they've been eating the usual Hikari Algae wafers (crushed) and Repashy Soilent Green. Probably make some Super Green for next week. No signs of new spawns. I'll likely sell/trade or whatever all 10 as a "set" when it's time. I won't be shipping them so it will be someone local to me. 

The 9 in the bigger breeder (not all pictured):20220705_1048361.jpg.8b85fe90baaa2c887d3c6d6c16727c9e.jpg

The smallest by themselves:


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On 7/9/2022 at 10:23 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:


So little slow with this update as I took the pictures on the 5th of July. The oldest of the babies as of today are 25 days. We're holding at 10. There are 9 larger babies in the bigger floating breeder and 1 smaller one I didn't want to get mosh-pitted still by itself in a smaller breeder but growing/eating. This week they've been eating the usual Hikari Algae wafers (crushed) and Repashy Soilent Green. Probably make some Super Green for next week. No signs of new spawns. I'll likely sell/trade or whatever all 10 as a "set" when it's time. I won't be shipping them so it will be someone local to me. 

The 9 in the bigger breeder (not all pictured):20220705_1048361.jpg.8b85fe90baaa2c887d3c6d6c16727c9e.jpg

The smallest by themselves:


Ummm, where do you live again?

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 @Beardedbillygoat1975 I think it's worth a try. I haven't quite cracked the code with what I'm doing myself. I was doing weekly small water changes (only 1-2 gallons- mostly for gravel vac'ing because they are so dang messy) when I noticed the babies and I stop doing those when I see them so I don't suck anybody up- but this is when I see a decline in baby numbers. Is it just because there are not that many eggs and what hatches hatches?  Also I do small water changes throughout the year without any babies- maybe it's just the time of year? Dunno. Also make sure whatever you have them in has broad leafed plants- Amazon, big or small seems to be their thing to lay on. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


So while cleaning recently I tipped the largest of the 2 floating breeders with the older babies and lost some of them to the main tank area. I think over the last week I've caught all of them again as I caught one more this morning. I have to do a head count and make sure. I might be looking for one more. My shift has changed so I'm doing these things at O-dark-thirty in the morning so I'm not at my sharpest- however this is when I get my short daily tank mantentance done and everyone gets fed. The tank lights are off by the time I get home. When I switched my hours my fish did not seem pleased to be up at such an ungodly hour. I can't say as I blame them. Anyhoo the babies are growing nicely: Resized_20220726_065320.jpg.ca2a3928788488f34f5cae8f07c0857b.jpg

It's a lot harder for me to get pictures of the adults but I'm telling you I have some absolutely gorgeous Oto specimens and some of them seem to be gettiing huge. There was a moment this last week when I was doing a major cleaning that I swear I thought I could see what looked like a juvenile Tiger Oto- maybe it was just an extra gorgeous Vittatus- they move so fast and there are so many places to hide in the Parent Tank that it's hard to spot even a few especially during the day- and while they are more active at night of course I have a hard time seeing the details as it is dark. I was hoping one among these babies could be a Tiger but so far they look llike the Vittatus babies I've raised. One can hope. 

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  • 5 weeks later...


Babies are now 2 months, 11 days. After some escaped from the breeder when I accidentally tipped it I only managed to gather up a few of them after. One of my floating breeder boxes isn't as good as the other so I swapped them out so that hasn't happened again. I've also had a couple losses. I've mentioned in the past that the babies kind of freak and mosh pit others to death. I'm down to 6 total- one is isolated as they are super small compared to the others- but otherwise they're all doing fine. I ordered a tank separator for my 10 gallon Accidental Oto tank as it has a new resident and I plan on giving these 6 Otos only part of the tank to grow out in- plus it will make it easier for me to catch them when it comes time instead of the run of the whole tank. Shouldn't be an issue but before I can let them loose in there I have to make sure the tank separator will truly keep the tank separated- meaning that they are big enough they won't try and squish through to the other side damaging themselves. Anyway, here's on of the babies: 


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  • 2 weeks later...


It's been a while eh? It's ok not much to report. My 6 babies are growing fine -today I finally was able to move the 6th in with the others as he/she was big enough I didn't think they'd get mosh-pitted to death as they tend to do. I thought, cool I can remove one of the breeders- wellllllll...after I'd cleaned it I of course see new babies! They are at least a few days old as the 3 I have seen (caught 2- 1 is extremely wiley) are not translucent newbies. Here is one of them:image0000001.jpg.beefae7dea1756bf4ed9bc7ae373f98e.jpg

I've gotten a tank divider for the 10 gallon grow out also known as The Accidental Oto Tank. Since my new Betta fish (not mentioned here, a Koi Betta named Koianu I've posted in another thread) has moved in I decided to do this- I don't think he'd do anything but frankly I think it will make it easier to catch them if I make the tank smaller. I did however see him bullying one of my Nerites in there and he was very persistent even with my finger in there pushing him away. So probably a good precautionary measure. Not sure how many babies I'll be getting in the new batch- but bring them on!

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I don't often get to mention the Tiger Otos- since they moved to the Parent tank they are pretty much the Sasquatches of the tank. One regularly hangs out on the prefilter of the HOB so I at least get to see 1 of 5 on a semi-regular- another occassionally is seen on the fairly well hidden sponge filter in the back corner. Recently one decided to grace me with their presence in the front glass area- so I quickly snapped a very unartistic picture. It's always lovely to see them...


zebra 1.jpg

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On 9/12/2022 at 3:54 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:


I don't often get to mention the Tiger Otos- since they moved to the Parent tank they are pretty much the Sasquatches of the tank. One regularly hangs out on the prefilter of the HOB so I at least get to see 1 of 5 on a semi-regular- another occassionally is seen on the fairly well hidden sponge filter in the back corner. Recently one decided to grace me with their presence in the front glass area- so I quickly snapped a very unartistic picture. It's always lovely to see them...


zebra 1.jpg

I have followed this thread forever it seems. I love all your otos but especially the Cocoma Tigers. So, naturally I had to get some. They are even more awesome than I thought they would be. Do you have any advise for a Cocoma first timer?

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Congratulations! That is so awesome. I feel like Otos are very often looked at as just a clean up crew in most tanks and they are really so much more. My Oto tank with so many Otos is an amazing tank and I wouldn't change a thing. I love my Tigers they are so beautiful and quirky. So far @DaveOI have seen no difference in caring for them as opposed to caring for their smaller cousins the Vittatus. They all behave exactly alike and eat exactly the same things. Please post pictures, even here or tag me on a post, of your new Tigers! I'd love to see them. 🥰

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On 9/13/2022 at 4:30 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Congratulations! That is so awesome. I feel like Otos are very often looked at as just a clean up crew in most tanks and they are really so much more. My Oto tank with so many Otos is an amazing tank and I wouldn't change a thing. I love my Tigers they are so beautiful and quirky. So far @DaveOI have seen no difference in caring for them as opposed to caring for their smaller cousins the Vittatus. They all behave exactly alike and eat exactly the same things. Please post pictures, even here or tag me on a post, of you're new Tigers! I'd love to see them. 🥰

I had a heck of a time getting this to load. There are three more I tried to put up but couldn't.20220913_134220_HDR.jpg.036feb9fe6816cc62f873742f31438c1.jpg

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