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What's your favourite tetra?


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My current favorite is ember tetras (Hyphessobrycon amandae) because they are a beautiful pale to intense orange (apparently females are slightly lighter color) with a nice, reflective belly showing through the color.  They’re a nice contrast with green plants.

They intermittently school (not tight schoolers, more shoaling), but will randomly group up or with any stimulus.  They stay active through the day but not frenetic.  They will do some showing off between themselves, but they don’t bother anybody else, not even the similar body shape Kubotai rasboras or the tiny chili rasboras in the same tank.  They are just busy enough to make counting them impossible in my 100 G tank.

After I got some, I bought more.  That should say something right there.  I’m considering buying even more, too.

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The Crystal Red Tetra is my favorite solely because of it’s looks. The internet pics don’t do it justice. It’s like someone took a Red Phantom or Serpae Tetra and turned the color up to 11! The pics are from a LFS that keeps them as display only.  



Edited by Patrick_G
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I like the chili’s, they’re very pretty, but I don’t see them much.  I probably need even more of them.  I likely have close to 30 (I added 30) but they’re completely impossible to count since they spend so much time hiding.  I haven’t found any dead bodies, but it’s heavily planted and I have multiple species of both snails and plecos in the tank, so unless they dropped right in the front I wouldn’t see them.

On 10/25/2021 at 2:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

The Crystal Red Tetra is my favorite solely because of it’s looks. The internet pics don’t do it justice. It’s like someone took a Red Phantom or Serpae Tetra and turned the color up to 11! The pics are from a LFS that keeps them as display only.  CD3DC375-34F2-435E-8D36-712A76E8A018.jpeg.3b197a392e97a67140637a2b99af9c16.jpegCD3DC375-34F2-435E-8D36-712A76E8A018.jpeg.3b197a392e97a67140637a2b99af9c16.jpeg


Ooooh!  Nice!

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Absolute favorite is rummynose a good size group, the way they school is mesmerizing. I also love their color shiny bodies contrasted by black and white tails and the bright red nose. Mostly mid range swimmers but can be all over the place when they are in go mode.

cardinals are a close second, not as good at schooling but I now I have them mixed with my rummys and they all school together. The color is what I like most about them really vibrant red and blues.

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On 10/25/2021 at 3:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

The Crystal Red Tetra is my favorite solely because of it’s looks. The internet pics don’t do it justice. It’s like someone took a Red Phantom or Serpae Tetra and turned the color up to 11! The pics are from a LFS that keeps them as display only.  CD3DC375-34F2-435E-8D36-712A76E8A018.jpeg.3b197a392e97a67140637a2b99af9c16.jpegCD3DC375-34F2-435E-8D36-712A76E8A018.jpeg.3b197a392e97a67140637a2b99af9c16.jpeg


Wow those are super nice that color definitely an 11.

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On 10/25/2021 at 8:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

The Crystal Red Tetra is my favorite solely because of it’s looks. The internet pics don’t do it justice. It’s like someone took a Red Phantom or Serpae Tetra and turned the color up to 11! The pics are from a LFS that keeps them as display only.  



That really is all the red, they could brighten up anything

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My favorite is serpae tetras.  They are hardy, and look great in planted tanks.

Black neons are a close second.  They're much hardier than the regular neons, or cardinals.  I think they were mis-named, since the dark band looks navy blue to me.  Along with the sky blue upper band I think they're very nearly as attractive as those others.

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On 10/25/2021 at 3:31 PM, anewbie said:

As i've gotten older i've tried more species but for whatever reason i always come back to cardinals. Kind of wish they schooled like rummies but alas you have to take what you get. I have 25 or 26 and they are all just lovely.

When I set up my 100 G, I had it set in my head that I was going to do a big school of cardinals.  The more I read about some of the new tetras and rasboras available, the more I wanted to try them.  Chilis are too small to keep with cardinals and I really wanted to try chilis.  So I’m holding on cardinals for now.

When I get my angelfish tank set up, it’s likely to either be cardinals or rummynoses as schoolers and dithers for the angels and I haven’t yet decided which.  Both are old friends of mine from decades ago.

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My favorites so far are the emperor tetras, although when my congos get full size and color up it might be close...
When the light hits the big boys, the purple above that black stripe really comes out. Displaying for the females, the yellow on the edges of their fins are electric. They kind of point their heads down at an angle and flare up almost like a betta (without the gill thing).

 Couldn't get this guy to hold still, and the camera put the kaibosh on any romance he had going...
So here's the king of that tank with major derp face.

Edited by Griznatch
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