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On 12/8/2021 at 5:20 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Nudi’s are some of my favorite finds on reef dives. Very cool!

Same here! Nudis , wolfies and octopuses are my favorite bits underwater. 😍

New little kid, trying to eat a shrimp that was a bit too big but he still went for it. His shell is probably 4mm.


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Sad state of affairs in this tank, from the aesthetics point of view, that is. The critters have pretty much decimated the macros, and even though there is some growing, it feels very desolate.

The plan is to go out this afternoon, water would probably be in the low 50F or high 40F, and collect some. I need to increase the light time as well, the limpets have eaten most of the diatoms from the back wall.

Spot fed the anemones this morning, and even the one with the stomach ache appearance took some. Ursula Flerken did not eat anything, which makes me think she caught someone last night.


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On 12/10/2021 at 1:46 PM, eatyourpeas said:

The critters have pretty much decimated the macros, and even though there is some growing, it feels very desolate.

😳  Wow!  They have done more than decimate it - they've obliterated it!  When you said they critters eat a lot in there, you weren't kidding.  Contrasting that to when you had all the leafy green macros in there, it is stark.  Cool! 

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On 12/10/2021 at 3:25 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Contrasting that to when you had all the leafy green macros in there, it is stark. 

Yes, it is. The wonderful thing is that I can now see life I did not even know I had in there. I may have spotted another anemone, and either it is baby from the the frilled anemone, or another aiptasia.  I am going to keep track of it and see if it shows a better angle.

I am suspecting the nudibranch may be wreaking havoc inside this anemone. He was next to her when I last saw him, and the anemone has not been looking so good since the morning after.


Lots of reading to do to learn more!

On 12/10/2021 at 3:25 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

ORD the PNW is going to be pounded this weekend.

Yep, pretty nasty out!

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A much better day to go out, so this is what happens when someone goes grocery shopping. All critters happy with the new salad bar. The Acrobat tried to escape, only to notice all the macro going in so he quickly changed his mind. Smart boy! 😎


I will wait until tomorrow to adjust the macros since the critters will re-arrange some in the middle of the night, as usual. 🤪

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On 12/11/2021 at 7:12 PM, eatyourpeas said:

I just looked at the tank with night light before lights out, and it feels so wonderfully otherworldly. It is like Beowulf meets Tron.


This reminds me of the awesome night scenes from Avatar with all the glowing plants. Such a great tank! Thank you so much for sharing. 

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On 12/11/2021 at 6:32 PM, ChemBob said:

This reminds me of the awesome night scenes from Avatar with all the glowing plants. Such a great tank! Thank you so much for sharing. 

There are sublime moments, even though most of the time it is the drama tank. 🤪

I am glad you are enjoying it as well. 😍

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My dream fish for this tank (my neighbour just saw a whole little group not far from my house, underwater, of course!)



This can only happen without The Acrobat being around, so it will have to wait for quite a while... 🦀

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On 12/13/2021 at 6:29 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

Spiny lumpfish are one of the cutest natives we have, maybe Acrobat should get better acquainted with Ursula.


I kid of course, partially.

She is already wearing lipstick! What else would you suggest? 🤣

I kid of course, as well, partially.

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Went in the water at around 4 PM and it was beautiful, you could see forever underwater! Needed to clean the tank and my soul, so both got a WC. In the process of checking on everyone, I noticed an amphipod making babies. Upside down, and you can see the eye on the lower right hand corner where the antennae start. Funny critters they are!


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  • 2 weeks later...

If it is not one tank, it is the other. Grandcrabby Guacamole lost all his limbs on the left side, both claws, and has only three limbs left altogether. His shell is very scratched which suggests he put up a fight. 😟

I hope he makes it, but so far the odds are not in his favor.


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