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  1. Hello fish friends, Hoping someone here can shed some light on my situation, as I haven’t found anything that completely matches my fish’s symptoms on the internet so far. I have a female betta fish who’s been with me since I think May of 2022, and she currently lives alone in a 10 gallon tank with several plants. She was full grown when I got her. Health-wise this fish has been very solid for the most part, and I’ve never had a major issue with her up until this point. So earlier last week, I noticed something might be going on with her as she started out with a silvery look to the edge of her gills. By Friday 01/26 I knew something was up because she had developed pale patches on both sides of her body. I reinstalled a filter output modifier that day because I thought it may be stress from the water moving too fast, but the patches were not improving as of yesterday. I couldn’t find anything online that visually matches her symptoms (except maaayybe graphite disease which I read is incurable?). I caught her flashing once and twitching a few times yesterday, so with that and the pale patches, these are the only symptoms I have observed. She’s still swimming normally, no clamped fins, not laying on the bottom of the tank, coming to the glass when she sees me, and eagerly accepting food. She isn’t exhibiting her stress stripe either which shows up very quickly whenever she’s even a little bit distressed. My best guess was something bacterial given that I have a raging blue green algae problem right now despite months of trying bi-weekly adjustments like reducing light hours, and removing my two nerite snails in an effort to make it stop growing. That said, I used one packet of Erythromycin yesterday, thinking there may be more bacteria given the green algae. As of today her color loss has not slowed down, and it now covers more than half of her body. A note: The red splotch at about the center of her anal fin is normal, it has always been there. Ammonia: Used to have a long-term reader. I need to pick up a test kit tomorrow, but because this tank has been running since 2022, I'm guessing it'll be zero. Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 Hardness: 300+ PPM (it has been this way since we got her) Buffer: 120-180 PPM pH: 7 ish Chlorine: 0 Temp: 79 degrees Fahrenheit Tank Size: 10 gallons Food: usually frozen blood worms or brine shrimp, once per day Water changes: a little less than 50% every two weeks This last one is how she would normally look😥
  2. I recently got these puffers and i notice this guy has some what of a rash? Iv never seen this on any other fish i have i started treatment with all 3 trio meds since they are brand new to me. Will this cover them? Im using ich x, paracleanse, and maracyn.
  3. She is never very cooperative with photos. My lone Sterba Corydora (I know, she needs friends. We’ve had her for a few years when we were told she would be fine with our Paleatus. I want more, but not until I beat these issues... and can find some). Yesterday I noticed she has a white patch on her back near her dorsal. I was close to treating my main tank with Maracyn due to several Mollies having swim bladder issues lately, but I held off due to everyone I hadn’t moved being fine the past few days (I have the four with issues in QT). I’m thinking I might treat the main tank with the med trio... but I wanted to check with the group to see if it might be something that requires a stronger med. Sigh. Tank Parameters temp: 74.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: between 20 and 50. Kind of reddish, but still orange (API). A little light for ACCO strips 50. Ph: 8 GH: 300 KH: 120
  4. I'm new to aquariums and new to this forum and let me just say how hard it is to get clear pictures of fish that won't hold still. I think I now have 40 blurry pictures of this fish. OK, this guppy just started showing some irregular white discoloration yesterday and it seems to be getting worse. I can't tell if it's something growing on the scales or not but you can judge from the pictures. Any help would be appreciated. Nitrate - 0-20 Nitrite - 0 Hardness - 300+ Chlorine - 0 Alkalinity - 180 Ph - ~7.2 Temperature - 76
  5. Tiffany

    Betta help

    Okay people, I need some assistance with my bettas please.. I purchased a betta female yesterday. I noticed she had what looks like some scales missing on her back. I have her quarantined in a small holder tank with some salt. Last night I did not feed her and waited til about 1030 to give her some peas just as a safety thing before I feed her regular foods. She started acting much better last night and today. However last night I did notice that she had a small white protrusion. I thought she was going to poop but it never amounted to anything more. It is the same today. I also have a male with what I guess is swim bladder. He just sits at the bottom of the tank, struggles to swim then just sinks. I feel really bad for him but can’t bring myself to put him down..🥺 he is back in the salted tank with the female. He is normal otherwise. Any ideas to help with him as well. Thank you in advance for the help and ideas.
  6. What’s the white appearing on its fins?? 1st pic- yesterday 2nd & 3rd pic- last night The rest of the pics are today. Parameters 0.25, 0, 10-20 Recently had ammonia spike due to canister filter breaking and the angel had red lines outlining its body. They’ve faded but now the white. I’ve been doing fairly large water changes with prime and stress coat almost every day. What else should I do?? Meds? What is it?? Thanks
  7. I’ve been trying to diagnose these problems for 6 months at least. It all started from either zebra danios or guppies from Petco I didn’t quarantine. I suspect the guppies since they have slowly died off, only 3 left now. Some died from bloating, some died from wasting away. Some developed stringy poop and died. One developed a bent spine but took over 4 months to finally pass away. After seeing very stringy poop, from everyone including the Pleco, I determined it must be internal parasites. I’ve treated with 4 rounds of Levamisole and 4 rounds of Prazipro. Since then, I haven’t seen any stringy poop. Also have not lost any fish since then. The remaining symptoms are white patches on the zebra danios backs, and white fin rot on the guppies. The patches come and go on the danios, but they never go away. The fin rot does not go away despite very clean water and every bacterial med out there. Danios have almost completely stopped breeding. The small fish in the tank seem to have stopped growing. I’m starting to suspect a mycobacterium infection (aka Fish TB). Pics of the danios below, thanks for any and all advice.
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