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Beau Burkhalter

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Everything posted by Beau Burkhalter

  1. Well, one thing I will say is that if you are doing it for the corydoras, it’s not necessary. As seen in some of Aquariumcoop’s videos, in the wild, they live on rocks. As far as dividing the substrate goes, I’ve always put the heavier stuff in first, filled the tank up a little, like just an inch or two, and then put the lighter stuff like the sand in the area I want. The water helps to bind it a little so it’s easier to work with
  2. No water changes recently. They are in a tank with lots of other community fish and other rainbows of the same species. All other fish are fine. Very strange
  3. No nothing added for several months and they have been in there for about a year
  4. I have had two female millennium rainbow fish die in one day. Both acted very strange just before death. Dashing around, and gasping. I noticed that they look red and swollen around the anal area. Of course, nitrite 0, ammonia 0, nitrate around 20. Water is a tiny bit tannic but the Ph 7.5 and pretty hard water. Oxygen level is good also. No visual signs of distress or physical changes. They were in with two other females and two males. Making it four females and two males in all. They were kind of young and not much breeding yet. About two and a half inches. No other predators in the tank. Driftwood and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. 75 gallon. 77 degrees
  5. Something could be spooking them if they are in a high traffic area. Seems like getting a lid would be the best option
  6. Could be stress. Anyone else in the tank? How hard is the water? Generally they like soft water. Ph could be lower but it’s prob fine
  7. Just cut back on feeding and do not let the ammonia or nitrites get above .5. It will eventually settle out
  8. Show me some pics of your Redfin pickerel. Other esox species acceptable
  9. He wants food. Most all fish will do it
  10. They shouldn’t do any noticeable damage to each other. They should breed as much as guppies but with enough open space they will eat some and shouldn’t overpopulate
  11. Well, they get about four feet and will need at least four feet of depth in the winter. Assuming it freezes. They will eat a lot and require a lot of water changes. How big is the koi pond? These fish are more fragile than most koi and will require good water conditions
  12. I use seachem prime water conditioner. BTW love your profile pic. I have several long ears in a 75 gallon. I think it has the potential to be the coolest fish on the planet
  13. Keep doing root tabs and liquid ferts and it should be good forever
  14. I wonder if there is a list of what all carbon does remove. I though carbon would remove liquid ferts too
  15. Looks like it’s just build up of gunk. Just keep gravel vacuuming
  16. Well, I would ASSUME that a glass aquarium would burst. I could be wrong though. You can get a big tote from tractor supply or somewhere like that and put an upside down aquarium in it when it’s not freezing
  17. Keep an eye on it. If it doesn’t shrink over the next week or gets bigger, use the med trio
  18. Oh I see. It’s a normal color. I like them better actually
  19. I don’t know of different kinds of longfin bristlenose plecos. Please explain
  20. I would start out with just gold White Cloud Mountain minnows and get them breeding and populating and get some really good experience before you try the others. Just be sure to water parameters and study the nitrogen cycle before you start. Listen to Cory talk about it. He’s great
  21. I don’t know the growth rate but a 1500 should be paradise. He won’t get three feet though. Only about two
  22. Chain pickerel max out at about two feet or bigger. So a long term setup would require a tank at least four feet wide and six feet long. Red fin however, max out at about a foot. So a 125 minimum. Remember they need extra space because they like to dart
  23. Yes it looks like planaria. They are good fish food and won’t hurt your fish
  24. I feel like if it was an injury it would have fungus. It’s hard to tell from the pic but it looks like it’s just color
  25. The planaria is just food. It won’t hurt your fish. I would always rather have planaria than not have it.
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