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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Thanks for this it made interesting reading and did lead me to check what my water company reports about my supply. So I have learned that the only thing added to my water is chlorine and that the average amount added is 0.74ppm so it's possible that gassing off overnight with an airstone would be sufficient (if I have read the graphs correctly). But prime still feels substantially less hassle to make it worth the money. It also provided me with a list of the waters mineral content which made for interesting reading.
  2. Isle of dogs, brilliant tale told with beautiful animation.
  3. @@Torrey you are inspirational. I will certainly look up that crawling research sounds fascinating. All the best for your journey through this.
  4. Trying to work out if this is a better name than Brawn as it is called here but yes this was quite common in my youth.
  5. @Torrey nice to be included! But what an amazing collection of language and cultures you where exposed to. Strokes are cruel, my stepdad has had 4 since last Christmas and the frustration of having to think so hard about conversation is evident. It has been explained to us like everything is still in there but the brain has forgotten where it put it. Like an internal hunt for the car keys. I had few bilingual friends growing up who where hilarious when drunk and suffered language slip (a more social version of your half asleep).
  6. HP sauce on toast or crumpets. no substitute on brand of brown sauce. People seem more accepting if there is cheese on the toast. Isn't that just a cheese sandwich ? Add onion and you have a butty box staple.
  7. I'd certainly give photo 8 ago planted horizontally looks like you'll get 3or 4 stems growing up from it. Number 4 doesn't look to far gone either. A couple of the others might also grow if planted horizontally they might need a bit of floating to get the roots to improve. That stuff grows like crazy in my tank and is pretty robust once its happy.
  8. Great looking project real little pocket of nature.
  9. Nice starting point and welcome. The biggest learning curve is about the water changes and cycling I think there are some tuition vids on the Co op site so have a watch then start the questions , as with many things better to ask than guess and I have discovered lots of people here will help you out.
  10. Furniture works and can look great, look for things that have been made out of wood designed to last many lifetimes. Sideboards, chests of drawers and bookcases are generally made to take more weight than side tables or console tables. Check out legs and look for bracing under to the top and the back. No wobble is acceptable. and cover the top as @Guppysnail described much easier done first than after the tank is filled. You could do a test on the tv stand by loading it with weight and see how it goes but you could end up losing it. In the olden days TV's were a lot heavier so older TV stands can be very robust if you can find them. Some manufacturers will give max load weights on their websites so worth checking to get ideas (especially if you can then find the item second hand). In a student house we had a tank on two Ikea Lack tables but I'd suggest checking the site before going that route.
  11. I worked in a bar that foreign students used to favour and I can confirm that during the euro's (European Cup) the Italians really are the most expressive about the sport and the most heart broken if it didn't go well.
  12. It may depend on the fish, but I kept a tank on top of a washing machine for quite a while without any problems. And they are probably more sensitive to vibration than noise. It will be much easier to maintain in the kitchen. My fish currently don't seem to bother about much its in my living room and aside from mobbing me for food they don't seem to care what else is going on (they spot me as soon as walk in). But they don't notice the tv or traffic outside. Sometimes if a door slams the bigger ones hide but only for a few seconds and that makes me jump so fair enough. I am sure the move will be fine and you'll be off school soon so you can keep an eye on things. But don't worry to much parents tend to be very firm on things like this so go with it and buy them some pre-ground coffee for Christmas 😉
  13. My cat would rush up and sit by the tank at feeding time to get some goldfish flake treats at feeding time.
  14. To my mind the fewer moves for the tank the better so if parents are willing I'd store it there until I bought my final house. And probably strip it for dry storage to save issues. They are hard work to move around and odds are you'll not preserve the cycle and you'll probably move to different tap water so a restart is kinda inevitable
  15. Welcome, sounds like you have a pretty nice collection going on, have fun with the research.
  16. I would try to look at it this way, your don't know who will buy them but they are spending money on owning them and choosing those fish above all others in the shop to own. They might make mistakes as we all have but everyone's intention when buying a fish is to do their best. You absolutely can't keep every fish you breed with causing issues either in your tanks or your home. So focus on the fact that you are giving people a good chance of learning the joy of fish by getting some good quality local adapted fish. Just think how good that would have been when you first started. I understand the concern but they are just as likely to end up in a good home if not more. I feel that lfs customers in general tend to care about what they are doing because if they didn't surely the big box pet stores are cheaper and easier to get to.
  17. Maybe it tastes weird. My fish get very excited when I add flourish then sulk because its not food.
  18. I used some bottled bacteria a long time ago ( I think Tetra) it came free with the tank. Anyway if my fading memory serves yes its kinda cloudy and bitty which makes sense if you think about what a bacteria bloom looks like. It should be fine.
  19. I use a heater it is only set at 22C. I probably don't need it however if I am out or I go away my heating stays off so it protects them against my miserly nature. At the moment I do notice the heater is on at 7 when I get up but the household heating is off at night. I only bought the heater to help deal with an outbreak of ICK with my goldfish as it takes far to long to eradicate at low temps. I'd probably only consider running without if this one breaks.
  20. Maybe run activated carbon in the filter for a few days after as a precaution. But great advice from @Gator Just remember to make sure everything you use in your tank is out of the danger zone or washed before use after.
  21. Goldfish are very playful, mine would follow me as I moved around the room. Wave at me when I came home from work. And throw stones or splash me if they weren't getting enough attention. They would also splash cats when I used to look after some for a friend. I think any of the longer lived fish have the potential to be water puppies.
  22. Hi, nice to have another person in my timezone. I'd try dropping the sinking food closer to the bottom ( you'll have to get your hand wet ) then feed floating and slow sinking food. The high level greedy fish will hopefully be deterred by your hand then distracted by the new floaty yummy.
  23. I don't get anything hatching until 48hrs , room temp the hatchery is in my kitchen . I use very gentle bubbles only. I use tap water , table salt and some bicarb (recommend by someone on here when I started a few months ago) maybe run it a little longer and see if your hatch rate improves. And use a smaller measure of eggs till you figure out your recipe every home has its own. Don't worry about them I don't think you'd will have done any harm with that feed. They won't have been that funky I don't think that is a smell you'll be uncertain of.
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