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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Do a water change when ammonia reaches .2 ppm, nitrite reaches .2 ppm, or nitrate reaches 40 ppm or if pH, gh, or kh drops significantly.
  2. I mostly feed flake. I mix in repashy, frozen foods, freeze dried foods, and vibra bites but i never feed pellets
  3. Tetras rarely eat from the top. Its normal. I assume its instinct to avoid birds.
  4. Tiger lotus has pattern lilies while the lilies of DAL are solid color. DAL is the easier of the two.
  5. Yes. Here's how i would do it: 1) set up rcs colony 2) don't put in airstone
  6. Root Feeder: I'm really enjoying microsword rn. A short plant that you can carpet with ebay lights. Very underrated. Stem: I like anacharis, it has all the perks of hornwort. Far from the prettiest stem but one of the best nitrate sponges. Foater: i dunno if water lettuce counts as a big or small floater but its the only floater ive had so it wins by default. Another great nitrate sponge but what i really love is how much in improves fry survival rate. Pond: I don't have any ponds so I'll but dwarf aquarium lily hear instead. Easiest red plant of not the easiest plant period. Also, its like two plants in one depening if you let the lilies reach the surface. Rhizone: cant go wrong with any but ill go windelov
  7. You could try addition another fish, something bigger than the barbs. This will make it so the barbs will spend more time schooling and less time fighting, since theyll see the new fish as a bigger threat then their fellow barbs. One of the more mild central american cichlids, like a blue acara, would by what i would try.
  8. A tank like that would be really good for a nice little aquascape for shrimp or a betta
  9. It depends on a lot of factors: plant mass, plant growth, feeding frequency, type of food, etc. Test nitrate levels every month to see if it stays within safe levels. My guess is that it will.
  10. You can add the fish. Shrimp won't interfere with the fish's swim space so its just a matter of how many water changes you are willing to do.
  11. You can actually sell fish on this forum. There is a hidden board that can be accessed once you hit 50 posts, and your only 3 away. If you ask the potential buyers to try to breed the fish as a condition of selling, they'll likely comply. For changing the substrate, heres how I go about it: 1) get a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with tank water. Put and airstone in it. Place all the fish into the tank. It'll be best not to feed the fish the day before this, that way the fish won't foul up the water while in the bucket. It will also be good to place the decor in the bucket, since the decor will harbor beneficial bacteria. 2) drain the rest of the tank water and use a pink plastic toy shovel (it has to be pink, else it won't work) with a flat blade to remove the unwanted substrate. 3) from there it will be straight forward. While i am confident the fish will survive the change in pH, I can't guarantee it.
  12. You can use it, but ordinary liquid fertilizers are stronger and cheaper. The only reason we don't use them in fish tank is bc theyll harm the fish. If no animals are involved theres no reason not to use them.
  13. Go to 3:43 for the cichlids African cichlids like hard water and high ph so if you don't have that naturally aragonite sand and rocks like texas holey rock will be really helpful. If yoy do, then any sand and rock will be fine. Planting a cichlid tank is difficult but not impossible and well worth it. Plants like val and anubias will work best. Try to maximize line of sight blocks and hides when scaping the tank.
  14. Basically every fish food on the market contains one of these or something similar.
  15. I seems like you can only by bags of smally dragon stone, but I'm looking for a larger piece, about 12-15." Anyone know where to get one?
  16. Would salt work? Nerites can survive in seawater, but would a high enough salt dose kill the planaria?
  17. I use a vinegar and distilled water solution. Put a little in the tube and shake it up. Once it dries itll leave no residue.
  18. Every fish you can find in a fish store will do fine in hard water, so dont be afraid to do neons or rummies. For a truly hardwater species, pick a flavor of rainbow fish.
  19. What about breeding and raising african dwarf frogs? Get a pair, and then, after they lay and fertilize the eggs, move the parents into one of your other tanks and raise little tadpoles, and watch them morph into frogs.
  20. Bc its a a bulb plant, it has access to tons of neutrients. Once it has its first lily pad, it has access to unlimited co2 and plenty of light. Combined with already being an easy plant, it would be surpising if it didnt go crazy. This plant can grow under the worst conditions so under decent conditions it goes nuts. If you want to get it under control, clip all the lilies that reach to surface.
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