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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. I don't think you need to worry, but you could always do smaller, more frequent water changes to prevent the swing.
  2. Depends what kind of fish you want
  3. I have a helmet nerite Its a reference to the shows'/games' slogan "gotta chatch 'em all"
  4. Ive had success keeping swordtails and platies with tiger barbs.
  5. Embers would work. Basically any small tetra or rasbora should do fine.
  6. Depends on how much you stock, and if it is planted. Cichlid tanks are s balancing act. The higher the stocking, the less aggression, but the more water changes. You'll probably have to do water changes st least once a week at 25%. Maybe start there and adjust.
  7. Pseudotropheus saulosi are pretty cool. The females are bright yellow while the males are a dark blue. So, you can have a species only tank that looks like two different species. Best of both worlds, the ease of a species only tank with the contrast of a community tank. alternativrly you can try one of the cookie-cutter cichlid set-ups, like the one cory talks about in This video, and just increase the numbers 50%. worth mentioning that Synodontis catfish also come from the rift lakes, so you can add them too. You can occationally get away with adding a few select non-rift species to an african cichlid tank, but i wouldn't necessarily recommend it for your first go. if you mind water changes, this might not be the tank for you, but its hard to beat african cichlids, at least in the freshwater hobby, in terms of beauty.
  8. Have you considered african cichlids? Not the easiest fish but their color and personality make up for it. Easy breeders, as well.
  9. Theres a lot of options but you cant go wrong with guppies.Id do a school of corydoras along with the guppies.
  10. Double tails date back all the way to the 16th/17th centuries
  11. A while ago i was on a binge of old-timey aquarium videos. Its interesting to see what they got right and what they got wrong, what they did different and what we do the same, etc etc. These videos are are hard to find and have few views, and I think a couple people on this forum would get a kick out of them.
  12. Theres a little luck involved. Some bettas are super chill, others less so. Your odds are pretty good with a larger tank like a 20, and your odds get better with the more cover and line-of-sight breaks the tank has. I can't guarantee anything but I suspect that itll work out fine.
  13. I would keep using it, but that doesn't mean you should. Maybe keep it in a garage or some other room where it wouldn't be the end of the world if it burst.
  14. A betta. Obviously bettas are super common but it's less common to see them in a good size tank like a 20. And even a petsmart will have a decent variety of them. And, since they're kept in those little cups, you dob't have to worry about introducing diseases, which is a pretty big concern when buying from a petsmart.
  15. More hides and starting pop the better, but as long as the amanos are well fed they probably wont bother.
  16. Amano shrimp can eat cherry shrimp, although its not too common.
  17. Horticultural Award Program
  18. Probably mosquitofish, although those are pretty plain looking. Zebra danios are very hardy and small, but, b/c they are an active schooling fish, I don't recommend them for a ten gallon. White clouds are quite hardy. Guppies are beautiful and easy to keep as long as ph and hardness are high. Bettas get well over an inch but one would do great in your tank. Bettas rarely have diseases since they are kept isolated.
  19. I would add fish. You tank is done cycling by the sounds of it. Add only a few fish at first and continue testing the water.
  20. Probably not a noticable difference but it will make the nitrate levels fluctuate less significantly which is good.
  21. Yes, plants consume nitrates.
  22. Be careful with the anacharis. Its banned in AL, AK, CT, ID, IL, IN, LA, MA, ME, MI, MS, MT, NE, NH, NY, OH, OR, SC, VT, WA, and WI.
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