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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Nope, outside of special cases like if you are treating the take with meds.
  2. I dont know about you guys but i feel like i could keep way more exodon tetras in my olymic sized swimming pool I dont know about you guys but i feel like i could keep way more exodon tetras in my olymic sized swimming pool
  3. Ive seen a couple pics online of ppl using them. Im at university rn so i probably could find a toxicologist and/or botanist. Guess ill ask around in the morning. Thanks for all the help!
  4. Darn nature ruining all my ideas! How about acorn husks? Lots of those around
  5. I think ill leave it at home. My dad and little brother are fish keepers to so they'll take care of it for me.
  6. Seems so people enjoyed my first tank journal so I'm starting another for next semester. Obviously I can't set up the tank yet so this will just be brain storming. Not like I have anything more pressing to do during finals week. 😉 For anyone waiting for an update to the other journal, The tank is at home rn and i forgot to take any pictures. All the fish are survived the trip, at least. For next semester's tank, I want to try breeding apistos. For those you followed the last journal, you may be thinking that a five would be too small for a pair of apistos, but i have a solution: bring a ten gallon. I mean, what are they gonna do, measure it? Non fish keepers can't tell the difference anyway. And, let's be real, people are breaking a lot more serious dorm rules all the time. Anyways, i want to try a black water tank with a peace lily emersed out of the top. There wont be any plants in the substrate, just the peace lily and some floats. I thinking of a light, fine sand for the substrate. For hardscape, im thinking spide wood to help blend in the lily. I collected some botanicals, (black?) Oak leaves and acorn husks. The leaves i got right from the tree but the husks I got off the ground hopefully thats ok. I also have some coconut shells im gonna make into caves. I may use some rocks too, not sure. Any suggestions are appreciated
  7. I know a lot of woods are dangerous, but what about leaves? Any i should look out for?
  8. Are pine cones safe? That would make for a great temperate blackwater scape. Not that apistos are temperate
  9. So, I want to set up a blackwater apisto tank. I saw an MD Fish Tanks video a few months ago in which he used oak leaves and i thought it looked good. There are a lot of oak trees on campus, any tips on collecting them, making sure they are safe, and preparing them for the scape?
  10. Might work in a large enough tank since dwarf cichlids stay near the bottom while bettas stay near the top.
  11. I would do a school of tiger barbs, maybe one of the smaller, more docile c/sa cichlids as a centerpiece. Could add swordtails as well, i find they do well with tiger barbs.
  12. So i need to move this tank 300 miles by car. Should i bag up the fish and and everything else, or should i just drain the tank half way and transfer everything like that?
  13. So, for this tank, I'm having a bit of a dilemma. I'm going home for thanksgiving friday and won't be back till the following weekend. Naturaply, I'm concered leaving my fish for that long. It's probably ok for the older ones, but it's pushing it. The dilemma is that I'll have to take the fish back home the 6th anyway, so shoyld i just take the tank home now?
  14. Do you do anything to prepare the dirt? For example, sift it, or mix in sand or clay? Im doing a dirted tank rn and tannins are a bit of an issue, im wondering if sifting out the wood chips wouldve prevented this.
  15. Thats not a bad idea, but i think logisticslly it makes most sense to take everything with me.
  16. You should see me dorm floor is coveres with extention cords and power strips😅
  17. By tear down, i just mean take everything down and take it home. I would leave the plants, but youre not allow to leave anything plugged in at the dorms over the break. Im glad youre enjoying the journal, ill start another one in january for the next tank. I am studying electrical engineering.
  18. Update: more babies! It's that time of the month and the guppy momma has had another batch. I don't have crazy high hopes for this batch since their older brothers and sisters are starting to reach the size where they might threaten the little ones. In other news the shrimp seem to be doing well, the females are saddling. The microsword is starting to carpet as well. Unfortunately, this journal is reaching its end. The semester ends in about a month, and ill be tearing down the tank. My plan is to redo the 20 at home to look like a scaled version of this tank, since im quite happy with it. Hopefully within the next month ill get some shrimplets and the first batch of guppies reach sexible size. No promises, but at the semester i might give away some of them. So look out for a post in the trade forum at the start of next month. Until then, enjoy some pics:
  19. You can add them b4 you put in water really, as long as you keep them wet.. No need to cycle the tank, put them in as soon as possible.
  20. You should consider trying root tabs before swithing out the substrate.
  21. It was probably the nitrite. The damage is already done, so there isn't much that can be done, except to wait for then to recover. I would avoid feeding, as they would struggle to eat with damaged gils, so it wiuld just rot and cause more problems.
  22. Unless your thinking vampire tetra i think any tetra would be fine in a 29. I would lean towards the threadfin rainbows. I havent kept them, which is partly why.
  23. That sounds awesome, do you have any picks?
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