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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Try the aquarium note app. It has a feature for reading test kits
  2. Adf and mollies can work if there is no salt in the water. Guppies can be tricky.
  3. Ive never tried it but i lean towards no. Amphibians and salt dont mix well
  4. Mollies do well with a lot of different fish. The are beefy enough to handle semi aggressive fish like barbs but also peaceful enough to be kept with typical community fish like tetras.
  5. Can i steal a pic from reddit bc this Guy has his algae looking good
  6. I was going to say that once it gets this bad its probably too late. If its an isolated incedent it couldve been organ failure. I suggest just monitoring for now
  7. They all look female until they reach breeding age
  8. If the fish are of aggressive, best to introduce them all at once. If the some of the fish are aggressive, introduce the least aggressive first. If some of the fish eat algae, introduce them after the algae takes hold. Kuhlis wouldnt hurt a fly
  9. B4 the coop test strips came out, most test strips were inaccurate and all were overpriced. The api kit is reasonably accurate and available everywhere
  10. Update: so i fed her when i said, and while she did show interest in the food, she would spit it out. This is a sign of gill damage to me. I fed her again yesterday, and she ate with no problem. Think its safe to say she is healthy again. Bc of the water changes when she was sick, the tank is hardly blackwater anymore. The peace lily also died. She is digging out the caves, which i believe is a sign of breeding behavior, so i think i'll risk adding a new male after all. I will not do so until after spring break, which is coming up. This poses a bit of an issue, with as the fish will be alone for 9 days. Definetely dont want to put a male in there when she is nine days without food. 9 days is pushing general wisdom but bc she is a scavenger i think she'll do fine. This week is kinda hectic with midterms and such, but hopefully ill find time to get some pics.
  11. Only cull males and keep all the females. 1 male and ten females will make the same amount of guppies as ten males and ten females. So, keep all females to maximize output
  12. Im thinking about doing the unthinkable and going back on facebook for the facebook group. But, for those part of both, what do you post on each? I dont want to just double post.
  13. Ask local fisherman about what they use as bait fish
  14. Ive started a few syphons by mouth in my time, so while i wouldnt recommend it wont kill you Probably
  15. Tank them b4 they hit the ground. Ones about to fall off.
  16. The heavy breathing has subsided. I think tomorrow ill tirn the lights back on and see if she'll eat.
  17. Ive seen nerites sit in place for days and than i turn around for 5 minutes and theyre on the other side of the tank.
  18. The male passed. The female is swimming and behaving normally, but still breathing heavily. Going to leave the light off and hold off of feeding until this behavior subsides. Long term if she recovers ill keep her alone and focus on getting her big and healthy, and try to breed her over summer or have her be the centerpiece of one of my tanks at home.
  19. Cories and loaches stur up sand, which is good for clean up. Theyll also eat the food that lands on the bottom, which the rice fish may not. Nerites are way easier than ottos, so if you are getting them to make care easier, go nerite. Unless your tank is huge youll only need one.
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