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Everything posted by Scapexghost

  1. Sterbei are the classic parry with discus iirc
  2. I feel like i know nothing about killifish bc theyre so diverse i dont know where to begin. Have you tried any and have any tips? Pygmy cories are tempting to do alongside guppies, i couldnt imagine them predating to many fry. Ill probably end up breeding so ramshorns whether i want to or not.
  3. I would check params. See if ph has dropped or nitrates risen. Sometime ppl get lax with there tanks, and when they finally find the time to do a water change, they cause a huge ph swing and kill a bunch of fish. Once you know the params, the next steps will be clear.
  4. Some im about a month away from moving back into my college dorms and i would like to breed some fish while im there. Now in limited on space and time. One 5 to 10 gallon tank and about 3 months b4 id have to take the tank down. Live foods will be difficult and naturally want to avoid the smelly ones since this will basically be in a shared bedroom. Here are my current ideas: Guppy tank: this would be by far the easiest and ive done it in the dorms before. I have a strain i like and the dorms have very hard water. I would like to try something new but this id always a safe fall back. Kribs: this is one i tried b4 but never got babies. I would like to try again but im not sure if ill have any more luck than last time. Shrimp tank: ive had mild success breeding cherry shimp but never got a big colony before. I'm not sure if id by satisfied just having shrimp and not fish though. Any suggestions? What would you do?
  5. You should be able to get away without the easy iron and if you get an airstone for the sponge filter it bubbles will be finer which is good Also if you have flaval stratum the root tabs will be unnecessary at least for a year or so Also if your tank is 30 inches youd probably be better off with the medium sponge filter
  6. Snails will only increase bioload if the keeper feeds the snail. A ten gallon with ten guppies and 0 snails has the same bioload as a ten gallon with ten guppies and 10000 snails if one is only feeding the guppies. In general, pest snails decrease nitrogenous waste as they are surviving off excess food, fish poop, and decaying plant and animal matter, turning potentially harmful waste into more snails. Considering most keepers stuggle to kill snails on purpose, i say theyre very beginner friendly. If a tank cant support pest snails its unlikely to support anything.
  7. Yeah i think its fine. However, you should not have a foam pad under the tank. This causes pressure on the bottom pane, which is bad.
  8. I would increase duration and consider root tabs
  9. Silicon is much stronger buy takes much longer to dry. Anything that needs to be done quickly and doesnt require a ton of strength should be done with superglue. An example would be attaching epiphite plants to rock or wood. This must be done quickly so the plants wont dry out. You dont want the strong connection either since you may want to remove the plant. Something that would require silicone would be like making a costume aquarium lid. A superglued hinge would give out pretty quickly.
  10. The one they are in now is 29 gallons
  11. So, best to move them as soon as a see them? How doable is raising kribs w/o the parents? Ive only ever bred livebearers. I have some empty tanks i can set up. Lets say shes been sitting on the for 3 days tops, when should i expect to see them? It figures though, have this pair in a tank to themselves for months and nothing. 😅
  12. So i have this krib "pair" (male and female, but no visible pairing) in my 29. I only recently moved them there a little over 2 weeks ago. Over the past few days, the female has not left her coconut cave much, if at all, even during feeding time. I was concerned that she was ill, but could this be her nesting? While they dont seem like a pair, I did notice the male in the cave, which i noted as odd since she would never let him in there and he doesnt hide much either. Could this have been him fertilizing the eggs? Lets say she is sitting on eggs, whats the next move? A big problem is that this tank is home to 6 tiger barbs, so i cant imagine any krib babies fairing too well.
  13. I thought this post was about the metallica album 😔 Its not about a big increase of fish its about a big increase of food, add a bunch of fish but slowly increase food and youll be golden
  14. Idea III: 29 gallon redo So ive been meaning to redo my 29 gallon, and i've had a few ideas. My current one is to do a retaining wall style for gravel capped dirt in the back and sand in the front. The wall will be made of dragon stone, but i also want some caves into the wall, possible using terrocatta spikes hidden in it. I want to use mostly things i have on hand, and hopefully ill have this done withing the month. Idea IV: "Forest floor shrimp tank" So this tank i want to get a piece of drift wood that resembles a tree truck, then surround its base with fern type plants, along with dwarf hairgrass and 4 leaf clover. And i want to use some oak leaves and acord husks as well.
  15. Red tiger lotus and dwarf aquarium lily practically grow in the dark and dont require any nutrients for months. Fantastic beginner plants
  16. My dad could lift that by himself no problem
  17. Idea II: "Ocean themed tank" There are a lot of fresh water fish that look like famous ocean fish but smaller. The ones i can think of are: red-tail sharks, emperor tetras, kuhli loachs, hillstream loaches, baby whales, dolphin cichlids, pea puffers, and probably a bunch others. Anacharis also looks a lot like seaweed. In a tank like this something like a plastic shipwreck would actually work really well. The tank would have to be low light to pull of the aesthetic. I know some people use dyes to make the water blue, but i wouldnt go that far.
  18. Idea I: "East-Asian themed goldfish tank" Im not huge on goldfish, but on variety i really like are shubunkins. I like them bc they look like koi. This tank, i want to have luck bamboo and some dried cherry blossom leaves. I may also try some other pink plants if the goldfish will allow them. For the background, i want a stone brick look.
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